Mega Man RPG World | Legacy Archive
2012 » Prototype Screenshots » Screenshots 2k12
Miscellaneous screenshots of the Mega Man RPG taken during development sometime in the year 2012:
Screenshots from January 14th, 2012
Screenshots from January 29th, 2012
Screenshots from February 2nd, 2012
Screenshots from February 5th, 2012
Screenshots from February 15th, 2012
Screenshots from February 23rd, 2012
Screenshots from February 25th, 2012
Screenshots from February 26th, 2012
Screenshots from February 28th, 2012
Screenshots from March 3rd, 2012
Screenshots from March 5th, 2012
Screenshots from March 8th, 2012
Screenshots from May 21st, 2012
Screenshots from November 18th, 2012
Screenshots from November 19th, 2012
Screenshots from November 20th, 2012
Screenshots from November 27th, 2012
Screenshots from November 28th, 2012
Screenshots from December 2nd, 2012
Screenshots from December 3rd, 2012
Screenshots from December 9th, 2012