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Mega Man RPG World Community

Community  »  Roleplay Discussions  »  The Shadow Reunion May 30th, 2015 at 5:59pm

Once beautiful day at Dr Light lab the doctor was working on an new robot and something went wrong that day,as always wily gets its hand in it,now here is how all it began Well it should be done soon im missing couple snatches need to be done and he will work perfectly Well doctor is this new robo… Read More
The Shadow Reunion
Posted by AlphaShurikenGSXR on May 30th, 2015 at 5:59pm
Viewed 811 Times


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25,617,602,425 BP
9 TP | 380 PP
Posted on November 13th, 2015 at 7:37am #16
bassThere is nowhere to run Dark Cutman

[cut-manAlright if you want so bad the fight you got it nothing matters if i'm cornered]{empty_shadow}

bassChallenge accepted *Summons the Dark Dragon Blade*

[cut-manThen i'll use my own pair of scissors]{empty_shadow}

bassAlright so be it, if you lose dark cutman you tell me everything about Willy new plans

[cut-manAlright it sound good *Throws at Shade Multi Rolling Cutter*]{empty_shadow}

bassThen fine by me *Dodging the multi rolling cutter with my sword*

[cut-manUgh you're not too shabby take This *Super Cutman Rolling Cutter Attack*]{empty_shadow}

bassThis is getting bit too sharp to handle too many rolling cutters are coming my way so il use this *Dark Nova Blast*

[cut-manYikes i'm not afraid of your attack *Iron Cutter Defense*]{emtpy_shadow}

bass*I'm not sure how much i can stay in my final Alpha Phase*Darn it he is defending himself il better recharge my energy

[cut-man*Okay don't panic Cutman i'm not sure how much my Dark Energy can handle its attacks*I'll be careful next time form your attack]{empty_shadow}

quick-manThe battle is getting interesting every second*Hang on in sensing Shadow Core robot in close range of my sensor who could it be*

shadow-manVery well done Shade you handling your final form smoothly*I know Wily send an Swift core robot so i'll keep my guard at high*
^ Top
25,617,602,425 BP
9 TP | 380 PP
Posted on November 14th, 2015 at 3:41am #17 ( Edited : 2015/11/14 at 3:58am )
fire-man Argh this not good Gutsman is showing his true strength what should i do

guts-man Something bothering you Flare man *picks an giant boulder rock and tossing it at flare direction*

fire-man I can't lose this match i was just built by great doctors of all time*Huh who is that noticing someone jumping across me*

The Mysterious Robot Appeared breaking the Boulder in million shard of small rocks

[bass You alright there Flare,i'll take the rest]{copy_empty}

fire-man Bass what are you doing are you Wily robot and Gutsman is at maximum of its power

[bass I'm done doing work for Willy and Flare here use this Freeze Core]{copy_empty}

Flare Man picks the Freeze Core and fells suddenly changed its Flames become blue and its body armor changes completely

fire-manAlright thanks Bass i take care of Gutsman you go hellp Shade

[bassAs you wish Flare man i'll go check on Shade]{copy_empty}

Shade was fighting Dark Cutman is Dark Cutman hiding something from shade well you see it soon keep your eyes tracked in story what surprises we will see
^ Top
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This game is fan-made by Adrian Marceau, not affiliated or endorsed by Capcom at all, and is in no way official. Any and all feedback is appreciated. :)