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Mega Man RPG World Community

Community  »  Roleplay Discussions  »  The Ultra Copy Robot September 17th, 2014 at 6:34pm

Beta Man
Beta Man
167,684,436 BP
32 TP | 930 PP
One day...
bass dr-wily robot

dr-wily I have finally created the ultimate copy robot! After a while of research, I found the Data of Boss Man and made this robot based on his design! This robot will be able to take form of ANY robot master, but still know the moves of ALL robot masters! (Turns around) You see, Bass, you and Ninja Man will DESTROY Mega Man and BtMan respectively, and (Pointing at an empty chamber) THIS robot will do the rest!
bass Um... Wily?
dr-wily What?
bass Your... "robot".

Dr. Wily turns around and sees that the Ultra Copy Robot is gone.
bass dr-wily   

dr-wily WHAT!? Where did it go? Bah, no matter. I'll come up with something else. I'm an evil scientist, after all.

Now, at Light Laboratory/Light Labs...

dr-light Guys, look! (BtMan, Sargent Man, Mega Man, and Roll comes in) There seems to be an evil Mega Man leading an army of robot masters! This must be the work of Dr. Wily!
mega-man ...They... they're attacking everywhere! We got to stop them!

So, this story is about an evil Mega Man attacking all places possible with an army of robot masters and they suspect Dr. Wily. Little did they know, it was the work of a new villain... A robot even Dr. Wily or Dr. Light can't control...

Reserved List:

You can only reserve 5 robots at the time. If teams are bigger than 10 robot masters, they will NOT be an exception. You can ALSO not reserve Mega Man, Proto Man, Bass, The Doctors, or the main villain. Copies of Mega Man, Proto Man, or Bass ARE exceptional. You can not ADD new main villains. Slur is ALSO on the ban list.

BtMan, Sargent Man, Ninja Man, Mega Man Copy Robot-BtMan
The Ultra Copy Robot
Posted by Beta Man on September 17th, 2014 at 6:34pm
Viewed 511 Times


880,181,037,303 BP
43 TP | 1425 PP
Posted on September 22nd, 2014 at 4:11pm #1
mega-manThat robot out there....I can't see him all that clearly, but I feel something strange about him.

rollRock, Wily's put up worse before! I'm sure you can handle it!

mega-manIf only I was as sure as you, Roll....
^ Top
Beta Man
167,684,436 BP
32 TP | 930 PP
Posted on September 22nd, 2014 at 4:21pm #2 ( Edited : 2014/09/22 at 4:48pm )
mega-man Alright, my perfect copy robots! Together we shall RULE THE WORLD!
mega-man Alright, what's the big deal? What are Wily's plans?
mega-man Wily? HA! My creator may be evil, but he's NOT my boss! I'm my OWN boss!
mega-man This... is not Wily's fault?
mega-man Actually, it is. If he hadn't created me, I would've never broke free of the castle. Or be my own bot. Or send my WHOLE ARMY OUT to RULE THE WORLD!
mega-man Army? What army?
mega-man ...That's a huge army.
mega-man-copy You bet it is!
mega-man ANOTHER copy of me? If that's a copy robot of me... Then who are you?
mega-man I have no idea. Am I you? (Starts shapeshifting)
quint Or you from the future?
[dr-wily Maybe I was Dr. Wily the whole time?]{attack_shadow}
mega-man ...?
[dr-light Maybe I'm your creator.]{defense_shadow}
proto-man Or a partner.
mega-man Maybe a look-alike?
roll Your sister?
disco The sister of your rival?
bass Or the rival itself?
mega-man-copy Maybe I am the TRUE clone.
enker A killer?
bomb-man Your friend?
bomb-man Someone that looks like him?
slur An enemy of the past?
[dark-man-1 Or a lame robot?]{empty_shadow}
met A mecha?
robot (Turns into this and stops) I am NONE of those things! I am ULTRA COPY ROBOT! THE BEST ROBOT COPY THERE IS! And I thought I'd see all your friends... no matter. Elec Man Copy!
elec-man Yes, master?
robot Dispose of him!
elec-man Yes, sir!
mega-man thunder-beam thunder-beam thunder-beam elec-man    robot

[mega-man No... I can't... can't let you... (Fades)]{copy_empty}
^ Top

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Mega Man and all related names and characters are © Capcom 1986 - 2024.
This game is fan-made by Adrian Marceau, not affiliated or endorsed by Capcom at all, and is in no way official. Any and all feedback is appreciated. :)