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Mega Man RPG Prototype Bug Reports

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Editing Page

When a player switches a character to another Dr./Owner the game reloads. For me it reloads the top menu and page but the entire editing portion never reloads together with the rest of the page. So I have to switch to another page in the prototype and then come back to the editing page if I want to continue editing my characters. Anyone else experiencing this. Not a big problem but pretty frustrating having to wait for the editing page to load multiple times.

'Tough' Met Battle

Today I was redoing the Met battle with my Lvl 01 Roll. Attacked with the generic buster shot, ZERO damage. Ok my Roll is weak I'll just bring another one of my stronger characters. Used one at a time all of Dr. Light's robots (except Rock) which were all Lvls 12-20. All of them could damage the Mets with the buster shot. NONE of their special weapons made a scratch. Not even Gut's & Bomb's unique weapons (which the Mets are weak to) tickled the mets.
But what was strange when I used the weapons they are weak to was the rolling messages said: "a super effective" or "a critical hit" then ZERO damage.
In short- Special Weapons have no effect on Mets. (This was only tested on Dr.Light's side).
Switching Owners Reload & 'Tough' Metall Battle Bugs
Posted by MMX100 on May 26th, 2013 at 11:54pm
Viewed 767 Times


Adrian Marceau
113,913,695 BP
204 TP | 518 PP
Posted on May 27th, 2013 at 8:06pm
Posted 2013/05/27 at 8:06pm
Well this is really strange... I used my developer powers to log into your account a moment ago and I tried reproducing the issues there because I wasn't able to do it in my own file. Unfortunately (fortunately?) I was not able to reproduce the bugs in your file either - when I used the Buster Shot as Roll it worked, and when I used the Super Arm or Hyper Bomb as Guts Man or Bomb Man they also worked without issue - doing much damage and destroying several Mets at a time. I can see that the player-switching is very, very slow and I'm wondering if your browser got tired of waiting and just decided not to display until you force it. Hmmm. Definitely something I need to look into.

To be sure, can you try logging into your game again and check to see if any of these issues are still happening? And if it still does, which browser are you using? That might have something to do with it. For the damage issue on the other hand, I'm really not sure how it could have happened - maybe the session became corrupt or...? Definitely not good, and I'll look into seeing what might be causing it, but hopefully it fixes itself when you log back in. *fingers crossed*

Keep me posted and I'll do the same. Thanks for the report. :)
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3,476,634 BP
17 TP | 91 PP
Posted on May 28th, 2013 at 2:55pm
Posted 2013/05/28 at 2:55pm
I know you've warned me before, that Google Chrome is the reccommended browser to use while playing. I'm still with my IE10 on a Win8 OS.

And for the other bug, I hate to be the bearer of what you seem to make as the darkest news found in the game. But I just tried it out again & fortunately I haven't had the same problem with Roll and special weapons (And I noticed free points too, whoo hoo!).

However I am remembering of leaving some (maybe) important info from my inital post: The Met bug occured in the same session I unlocked Roll. And in the same session, the Metalls never scratched my characters at all, the Met's attacks always did ZERO damage, even to my lvl 01 Roll.
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Adrian Marceau
113,913,695 BP
204 TP | 518 PP
Posted on May 30th, 2013 at 11:19am
Posted 2013/05/30 at 11:19am
Thanks for the details. I will try to look into this more on the weekend - as far as I know I don't have any prior commitments so I should be able to work on the game full-time on Fri-Sun. Hopefully then I'll also have the bugs worked out from last week's changes and will be able to officially post about them. Thanks again for your testing efforts - they really do make it easier to debug these things. :)
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