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Mega Man RPG Prototype Bug Reports

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The Keep Man
The Keep Man
834,574 BP
11 TP | 81 PP
I was playing and i go to "Robots" Label... I switch dr. Wily Team... I see proto man and i want to select to dr. Light team... But i do it and then... Disappear... Some answer for this?

[b]LOCKED by Adrian Marceau as Fixed on 2013/10/23[/b]
If this bug resurfaces please create a new thread. Thank you!
"I Change Proto Man to Dr.Light and I can't select again"
Posted by The Keep Man on July 8th, 2013 at 6:51pm
Viewed 902 Times


Adrian Marceau
113,913,695 BP
204 TP | 518 PP
Posted on July 9th, 2013 at 11:00pm Edited on 2013/07/09 at 11:04pm
Posted 2013/07/09 at 11:00pm Edited 2013/07/09 at 11:04pm
I'm really sorry, I'm not sure how this happened. You are the second person this has happened to. I thought that I fixed the bug that caused this but maybe I was wrong? I've tried to fix it again, and I hope it will work this time.

Until I've figured out the problem and a more permanent solution, I've unlocked a new Proto Man in your save file and upgraded him to Level 20 with a few bonus stats in Attack/Defense/Speed. I know it's not the same as your old Proto Man, but hopefully it will do until I figure out what is happening to all these poor robots. :'(
^ Top
The Keep Man
834,574 BP
11 TP | 81 PP
Posted on July 11th, 2013 at 5:23pm
Posted 2013/07/11 at 5:23pm
Well thx for that... But it's ok... Any way... I don't lose nothing ;) it's like mega man... Buster... But thank you anyways X3
^ Top
The Keep Man
834,574 BP
11 TP | 81 PP
Posted on July 11th, 2013 at 5:25pm
Posted 2013/07/11 at 5:25pm
And don't feel bad... No body is perfect! So feel happy... And i like this game ^^ so don't feel bas please ! :)
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