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Mega Man RPG Prototype Bug Reports

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These bugs... they're simply WILY!

January 29th, 2014 at 2:47am
591,344 BP
2 TP | 8 PP
Two rather odd bugs, but I'll try my best.

First, I guess Disco finally got fed up with Dr. Wily's crap and ditched the old coot once and for all, because I'm unable to unlock her. I transferred some of Dr. Light's bots to Dr. Wily and played Wily's intro field repeatedly to get some serious Experience Points boosting. Everything worked fine, with the bots' levels going up like mad and the number of enemy Metools slowly increasing after each round. Disco was leaning against the lab, dancing and shaking her hips the whole time like some evil cheerleader... until the final round, when I had to beat off eight enemy Metools. Disco didn't show up in the background, which I thought was a bit odd at first but shrugged it off as "something special" in the final fight (as this is when you normally unlock the Mecha Assist skill).

I beat up the Mets and got the skill, then proceeded to feed Guts Man's chiseled robot abs to Flash Man so I could unlock Disco. The big lug lost to Flash Man twice in a row, but I failed to unlock Disco... which is weird, since I thought you changed the helper unlock flag to "times lost" instead of "times won". To test the theory, I punched Flash Man in his stupid jaw, unlocked him for play, then proceeded to immediately wipe against Crash Man. Still no Disco. At a loss, I then proceeded to Flash Stopper Crash Man and his Killer Bullet helper to death, and unlocked the Crash Bomber skill... but no Disco. I think that, somehow, clearing every wave of Metools in the intro field must have triggered some sort of variable which has left me unable to observe Disco's lovely hips at a closer range recruit Disco to my team of super fighting robots.

The second bug, in a rather humorous twist, cropped up while I was dinking around with Flash Man in an attempt to quash the first bug! In another attempt to lose to Crash Man, I was going to leave the Killer Bullets intact by spamming Wily Buster charges (so that the Killer Bullets, and eventually Crash Man himself, would simply out-damage Flash Man). However, as soon as I selected the Wily Buster in the skill menu... the game froze. It didn't entirely freeze, either; I could still mute/unmute the (awesome, by the way) Crash Man remix playing in the background, and the sprites for the robots and Dr. Wily were still wiggling around to the music.

I reload the game, select the Wily Buster again, same darn thing happens. I reload a third time, use Flash Stopper first just to make sure the game works. Everything gets punched in the face by temporal energy, I get punched in the face by a Killer Bullet. Then I click the Wily Buster again and would you look at that the game froze up again. I'm not sure if it's a problem with just the Wily Buster or if it's specifically Flash Man acting up, but I know it's not a total Buster problem as my Buster-loaded Roll can use all of her normal techniques with no problems on her end.

I'm really at a loss here. Maybe you could figure out what in the world is going on here? Seems like I have a knack for finding the most bizarre bugs you could think of...

EDIT: Okay that is just straight-up BIZARRE. I jumped in Quick Man's stage with Flash Man, used the Wily Buster, and it worked perfectly fine. Then I jump back into Crash Man's stage and the darn thing starts acting up again. It seems the problem is specifically in Crash Man's stage. Either that, or Quick Man is somehow exempt from the issue. I know it's not your fault Wily named you Crash Man, but could you do me a favor and stop crashing the game's code?
These bugs... they're simply WILY!
Posted by SmashBroPlusB on January 29th, 2014 at 2:47am
Viewed 1020 Times


4,484,807,684 BP
46 TP | 1624 PP
Posted on January 29th, 2014 at 10:23am Edited on 2014/01/29 at 10:30am
Posted 2014/01/29 at 10:23am Edited 2014/01/29 at 10:30am
Yeah, the Disco glitch is something I don't know about.

I think the glitch you're going through is the endless loading glitch, which is a glitch when the game just freezes. Trust me, pretty much everyone here has went through that glitch(basically every battle I have). I heard that the problem was something like memory issues. How it's always Crash Man's stage is probably bad luck or just that mission is more prone.
^ Top
591,344 BP
2 TP | 8 PP
Posted on January 29th, 2014 at 1:37pm
Posted 2014/01/29 at 1:37pm
I've heard of the endless loading glitch, but I really don't think that's the problem here. Specifically, it only triggers when I use a specific skill (Wily Buster) on a specific stage (Crash Man), though I haven't tested if it's due to a specific bot (Flash Man) using the skill or if it freezes up for everyone else. I can use Flash Man's Wily Buster on other stages, and I can use anything else on Crash Man's stage, it's just this one combination that's acting up.
^ Top
4,484,807,684 BP
46 TP | 1624 PP
Posted on January 29th, 2014 at 1:39pm
Posted 2014/01/29 at 1:39pm
Oh, I'm sorry. If it doesn't work due to the Wily Buster, perhaps not use it?
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0 BP
0 TP | 0 PP
Posted on January 31st, 2014 at 6:07pm
Posted 2014/01/31 at 6:07pm
Hmmm. There must be some specific combination of factors happening the cause the glitch, or maybe there's some outside influence that no one is thinking of yet. And there's also the possibility that it's related to another bug! So hard to track down. >_> At the very least, I don't think it's the Wily Buster specifically as it's worked fine for me plenty of times, but you may be on to something either way.

About Disco, it think it's based on your "Failed Missions" count rather than your "Total Defeats" count. If you fail 100 times on one stage, the "Total Defeats" count would keep going up but your "Failed Missions" count would still be only 1 because it represents how many different missions you've failed rather than failing over and over on the same one. Rhythm is likely unlocked in the same way - fail X number of different missions to unlock her -

Looking at your leaderboard page I can see that you finally did unlock Disco and your "Failed Missions" count for Wily is exactly two, so I believe my theory might be right. Let us know when you unlock Rhythm so we can take a look at Cossack's records.
^ Top
2,413,905,683 BP
20 TP | 467 PP
Posted on January 31st, 2014 at 9:43pm Edited on 2014/01/31 at 10:52pm
Posted 2014/01/31 at 9:43pm Edited 2014/01/31 at 10:52pm
Since Ageman revealed how to unlock Disco, I will tell you guys about Rhythm. I got her failing three different missions as Cossack. At first I just piled on losses in Chapter 3, but when I lost at two stages in Chapter Two, that's when I unlocked her.

EDIT: Maybe we should have an official or stickied thread regarding the never-ending loading bug? The reports on this one are all over the place.

EDIT2: It seems that the game does not freeze if an ability is used on a bench member and not the active member. Abilities like Flash Stopper that attack all enemies can still end up causing the glitch. Maybe the glitch involves something with the active enemy member?

EDIT3: Well, that theory got shut down. The game froze just now while I tried to attack a benched enemy.
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