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Mega Man RPG Prototype Game Development

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Prototype Devroom : Game Suggestions

June 24th, 2013 at 5:40pm
Adrian Marceau
Adrian Marceau
113,913,695 BP
204 TP | 518 PP
Use this thread for any and all game-related suggestions that you may have. If you believe the topic or suggestion is large enough to warrant it's own thread, you are free to do so at your own discretion.

That being said, this thread is really anything-goes in relation to how the game flows and functions, how the turns work, the features/mechanics that are available, etc. and I welcome any and all comments and/or criticisms you may have.

Please, let me and all the rest of us know what's on your mind - what could make the game better? What new ideas do you think would fit in with the existing framework and what mechanics needs to go? Tell me!

For website-related suggestions, see this thread.
Prototype Devroom : Game Suggestions
Posted by Adrian Marceau on June 24th, 2013 at 5:40pm
Viewed 23269 Times
Sam Ja G.
24,268 BP
0 TP | 2 PP
Posted on July 4th, 2013 at 8:19am
Posted 2013/07/04 at 8:19am
I think that the robots should be able to be sorted manually (by number or otherwise) instead of being sorted by order defeated. If manual sorting can be done already, please tell me. Thanks in advance!
^ Top
116,512,060 BP
6 TP | 262 PP
Posted on July 4th, 2013 at 11:28am
Posted 2013/07/04 at 11:28am
Why not add a few more 'grunt' robots, similar the Met? There's Sniper Joes, Battons, Octo Batteries/Suzies, the list could go on and on!

And maybe a few fortress bosses, too? Like the Wily Machines/Capsules, the Yellow Devil, the Mecha Dragon, Gamma, etc.
^ Top
30,135,830 BP
15 TP | 139 PP
Posted on July 6th, 2013 at 2:10pm
Posted 2013/07/06 at 2:10pm
Maybe some visual mark on the ability button to show whether the ability is attack/support.
^ Top
1,763,051,433 BP
3 TP | 24 PP
Posted on July 7th, 2013 at 6:11am
Posted 2013/07/07 at 6:11am
I think it would be cool to have an ability checker in the robots' section. I'd like to see the abilities unlocked for each player.
^ Top
The Keep Man
834,574 BP
11 TP | 81 PP
Posted on July 8th, 2013 at 1:22am
Posted 2013/07/08 at 1:22am
Be like mega man... Defeat the bot and get the abilities! That can be a good idea... Or change air shotter damage ^^
^ Top
The Keep Man
834,574 BP
11 TP | 81 PP
Posted on July 8th, 2013 at 1:24am
Posted 2013/07/08 at 1:24am
Other can be like the spinstrike comment.... Boss battle in the story mode! That can be an excelent idea
^ Top
19,345,251 BP
1 TP | 5 PP
Posted on July 8th, 2013 at 6:17am
Posted 2013/07/08 at 6:17am
* Hyper Bomb and Flash Stopper are quite overpowered compared to other moves.
* Needs more types of mook robots. Mets are repetitive and die easily to a Hyper Bomb.
* Attacks of the same type are behaving too similarly: Cut Man and Metal Man's weapons appear to be exactly the same in mechanics.
* Too many core types, which makes it difficult to write up interesting attacks for all of them and keep them differentiated.
* Cute "player experience boost" trick, but it encourages the player to just swap the Light and Wily teams and beat Megaman and Roll with Megaman and Roll.
* Sometimes the AI will switch robots after I choose an attack but before it resolves, take on the attack and then attack by itself.
* Overwhelming strategy is "pick robot strong against target robot and attack". Yes, that's how Megaman worked, but it was primarily an action-platformer game, and that part has been removed.

^ Top
Adrian Marceau
113,913,695 BP
204 TP | 518 PP
Posted on July 9th, 2013 at 11:19pm Edited on 2013/07/09 at 11:27pm
Posted 2013/07/09 at 11:19pm Edited 2013/07/09 at 11:27pm
Thank you all for your feedback - some very good ideas and totally warranted criticism here.

@sjgern : Where specifically are you talking about? The way the appear in the robot editor, the way they appear on your leaderboard profile, or somewhere else?

@Spinstrike : This is something I had always planned (hence the Met) but keep putting on the backburner in favour of other features or bug fixes. At the moment, it's a matter of translating their mostly contact-based attacks into something less so, or reprogramming some of the battle logic to allow robots physically touching each other. It definitely will be done - I think it would be awesome having all the minor enemies randomly appearing in battle - it's just a matter of time. Same thing about boss battles - VERY MUCH want to do them, it's just their attack patterns and physical sizes I have to work out. Thanks for showing there's interest in them. :)

@Brorman : I'll definitely consider it - just a matter of defining what is totally support and what is totally attack. I'm sure I'll figure it out.

@Avocadora : Consider it added to the queue of features. At the very least I'll add it as a section on your leaderboard profile so everyone else can see too. :) But yeah, it would be handy to see it in the robot editor too.

@Keepman96 : I agree, as I mentioned above - boss battles would be very fun with characters like the Yellow Devil and Wily Machines and whatnot. Look forward to it in the "final game" at the very least.
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
113,913,695 BP
204 TP | 518 PP
Posted on July 9th, 2013 at 11:29pm
Posted 2013/07/09 at 11:29pm
@zaratustra :

* Hyper Bomb and Flash Stopper are quite overpowered compared to other moves.
This is something I can look into, thank you. I tried to make Flash Stopper only overpowered in specific circumstances, but Hyper Bomb I can definitely understand. These will have to be nerfed a bit I guess. :P

* Needs more types of mook robots. Mets are repetitive and die easily to a Hyper Bomb.
Agree completely (see above comment). I will add more minor enemies in a future update.

* Attacks of the same type are behaving too similarly: Cut Man and Metal Man's weapons appear to be exactly the same in mechanics.
I can understand how you'd feel that way - they're both Cutter type abilities that allow you to target benched robots. That being said, Rolling Cutter is meant to act as more of a gamble move while Metal Blade is supposed to be slightly more reliable one but with less damage overall. Rolling Cutter hits 1 - 3 times for 18 base damage total with moderate accuracy, while Metal Blade hits only once for slightly less at 16 base but with better accuracy. I will definitely look into balancing them more, but I feel like they're just different enough to warrant both mechanics.
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
113,913,695 BP
204 TP | 518 PP
Posted on July 9th, 2013 at 11:55pm Edited on 2013/07/09 at 11:57pm
Posted 2013/07/09 at 11:55pm Edited 2013/07/09 at 11:57pm
@zaratustra :

* Too many core types, which makes it difficult to write up interesting attacks for all of them and keep them differentiated.
This is true, but on the other hand having lots of "clone" type moves is almost expected in these types of games. Pokémon is up to 18 types (only two less than we have here) and they're doing fine - 99% of the new moves they introduce each generation are "this move but Grass type" or "that move but Water type". I'm not saying having completely unique abilities is something I have given up on, but I'm working within the constraints of the engine right now and I'm going to do the best I can. Please bear with me and accept the 20 types we've come up with thus far. They may change, but these are the result of MUCH research and prototyping so they might just stick around too.

* Cute "player experience boost" trick, but it encourages the player to just swap the Light and Wily teams and beat Megaman and Roll with Megaman and Roll.
This particular scenario will not take place in the final game (players will be working together and will therefore not have reason to fight each other's robots) but I can understand what you're saying all the same. I'm still working on what the "catch" should be for that feature - something to keep it balanced - but I have not settled on anything at the moment. One idea I'm playing with is that "traded" robots get double the experience, but the cannot learn new moves until they go back to their owner and level up again. It would at least encourage switching back and forth more. Or maybe they only get their player boosted stats when their with their original player? Definitely something I have to think over...
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
113,913,695 BP
204 TP | 518 PP
Posted on July 9th, 2013 at 11:56pm
Posted 2013/07/09 at 11:56pm
@zaratustra :

* Sometimes the AI will switch robots after I choose an attack but before it resolves, take on the attack and then attack by itself.
I didn't know this bug was still around - I really thought I fixed it a while ago. >_< I will look into it again and see if I can figure out the issue. Thanks for reporting it! :D

* Overwhelming strategy is "pick robot strong against target robot and attack". Yes, that's how Megaman worked, but it was primarily an action-platformer game, and that part has been removed.
This is something that will definitely be worked on as we move forward. If used to require a bit more strategy but with all these new boosts and features the game has become too easy. Honestly, a LOT of the game is dynamically generated at this point and still random, so the fact that there's any strategy at all is surprising. :P This is still a prototype after all - a big collection of numbers and parts and systems slowing working toward a final product or game-world to play in. Once the actual "engine" is done, I can spend more time fine-tuning the campaign and add some bosses and battles that require more clever solutions than just "pick the right element".

Thank you for all your input, and thank you to everyone else too! I will definitely take these comments to heart and do what I can to make this game as fun and enjoyable as possible. :)
^ Top
Sam Ja G.
24,268 BP
0 TP | 2 PP
Posted on July 10th, 2013 at 8:29pm
Posted 2013/07/10 at 8:29pm
All areas where the robots you have obtained are shown. It should not be a huge thing for you to do (but then again, I'm not the one who made this neat game) so I'd really appreciate it if you helped me out. Thanks!
^ Top
The Keep Man
834,574 BP
11 TP | 81 PP
Posted on July 11th, 2013 at 7:57pm
Posted 2013/07/11 at 7:57pm
Why you don't try PvP Online between Users... Fight with CPU is bored (not all battles) but can be more fun!
^ Top
3,476,634 BP
17 TP | 91 PP
Posted on July 16th, 2013 at 11:33pm Edited on 2013/07/17 at 1:33am
Posted 2013/07/16 at 11:33pm Edited 2013/07/17 at 1:33am
When I read about this game before ever trying it, I imagined how a classic series MM-RPG would be like. I thought it like this:

-Each level is composed of 2 rounds.
. First round is against a group of small enemies from their respected
levels from the original games.
. Second round is against the Robot Master only

Reasons I think players find the game to be too easy:

- Enemy Robot Masters are usually under-leveled
. Maybe when a player chooses their character then begins the level, the
system first detects the levels of the characters chosen by the player
then adds (idk) 5-10 levels to the cpu enemy robot master. Then the
game will stay true to the classic series difficulty.

- Unbalanced Teams (8vs1?really?)
. Again using the system that detects your character's levels if your
party consists of 2-4 members the cpu's level is +4-5 levels for every
extra member you bring and if your party consists of 5-8 members cpu
level is +2-3 levels for every extra member you bring.

- Unlimited Weapon/Recover/Breaker Energy
. Every time I play I notice this feature, weapons from enemies are not
limited. Well what does the player do now? Just spam the weapon that is
the Robot Master's weakness & occasionally recover health. Special
weapon energy should be limited for copy core bots. If you want to
recover weapon energy use a new weapon recover ability or shoot the
enemy with the 'buster shot' to do so.
. Recovery/Breaker abilities should also be limited to avoid having cpu
bots use health recover over and over again or avoid spamming of other
recovery or breaker abilities.

One other menu thing:

- Recovery & Breaker Abilities should be separate from Weapons
. I would love to able to equip abilities without having to sacrifice
weapons. Maybe while in-battle there is a Attack choice and a Ability
choice. In 'attack' all your weapons you have equipped your character
would be here. And in 'ability' all the recovery/breaker options you
your character would be here of course.
. I know having this option would make the game easier but it's something
that I've thought about for a long time. Also in the games MM would have
up to 9 weapons (mega buster included). But here it would make more
sense as players in the final product will have over 80+ weapons to
choose from and only 7 or less slots is so little (that is you equipped
one ability).

I think I'm done, though co-op with others online has just popped into my head as I imagined a party of players taking on a lvl 300 Mecha Dragon with the MM2-Wily Stage 1 from RM2:ComWorks playing in the background. Lvl 300 you ask, well maybe for my ideas to work, I wouldn't mind for cpu enemies to cheat and go over the lvl 100 bar so the game will continue to always be a fun challenge even though you have lvl 100 characters.
Wow I hope this post is more of an interesting read than a headache!
^ Top
30,135,830 BP
15 TP | 139 PP
Posted on July 24th, 2013 at 4:17am Edited on 2013/07/24 at 5:15am
Posted 2013/07/24 at 4:17am Edited 2013/07/24 at 5:15am
From your to-do list:

- Source robot boost? Make robots better at using their own weapons (than someone else) in some way...
- Implement weapon-energy and make sure every ability requires some if core does not match

My suggestion is that even the same core abilities, except for signature abilities consume at least some of weapon energy. Why? Simply because that's something the robot wasn't built for. I mean Bomb Man sure can throw Hyper Bombs with no effort, but somehow I see him having a bit of a hard time with Crash Bomber or Napalm Bomb.

Also, some kind of indicator showing that a robot has been rebooted at level 100. Even if it serves no purpose, it'd be pretty cool.
^ Top
7,386,977 BP
1 TP | 19 PP
Posted on July 24th, 2013 at 8:44pm
Posted 2013/07/24 at 8:44pm
i think there should be more normal megaman enemies, actual levels, and visible encounters like in dragon quest 9.
^ Top
11,963,518 BP
6 TP | 62 PP
Posted on July 25th, 2013 at 4:03pm
Posted 2013/07/25 at 4:03pm
I believe that instead of stretching out the series into 9 or 10 parts, it should start like this:
1 (normal)
2 normal)
3 (normal)
4 (with 9's robot masters)
5 (with 8's robot masters)
6 (with 7's robot masters)
10 (normal)
^ Top
116,512,060 BP
6 TP | 262 PP
Posted on July 25th, 2013 at 5:17pm Edited on 2013/07/25 at 5:26pm
Posted 2013/07/25 at 5:17pm Edited 2013/07/25 at 5:26pm
@BladeWolfe1: I was thinking something more along the lines of this...
Campaign 1: MM1 Robots (Led by Dr. Light) Vs. MM2 Robots (Led by Dr. Wily)
Campaign 2: MM3 Robots (Led by Dr. Wily) Vs. MM4 Robots (Led by Dr. Cossack)
Campaign 3: MM5 Robots (Led by ???) Vs. MM6 Robots (Led by ???)
Campaign 4: MM7 Robots (Lead by ???) Vs. MM8+MMAB Robots (Lead By ???)
Campaign 5: MM9 Robots (Led by Dr. Light) Vs. MM10 Robots (Lead By Dr. Wily)
^ Top
The Keep Man
834,574 BP
11 TP | 81 PP
Posted on July 25th, 2013 at 6:22pm
Posted 2013/07/25 at 6:22pm
@Spinstrike: Mega man 6 are leaded by Dr. x
^ Top
231,209 BP
16 TP | 47 PP
Posted on July 25th, 2013 at 6:55pm
Posted 2013/07/25 at 6:55pm
Can You Make A Laser Weapon that this site created?i know how to create well.I also created 3 8-bit character called rolling man,jewel and andromeda.I will send the image of the weapons and looks if accepted
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