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Mega Man RPG Prototype General Discussion

Forum Game: The 1st PMMCT!

November 25th, 2015 at 11:41pm
2,395,585,460 BP
32 TP | 451 PP
The 1st Prototype Mega Man Character Tournament took place inside this thread. This was where the greatest Mega Man Character of all time [or at least, for now] was be decided on by the people of Prototype.

Every night at 11:59 PM, Eastern Standard Time [EST], I posted a division of 4 pairs of 2 characters, each. The people of Prototype got to vote on their more favored character in each pair [one vote per person]. The character with more votes advanceed to the next round. In the case of a tie, yours truly gave the tiebreaking vote; I disallowed myself from voting in this tourney, otherwise.

The 4 that advanced from Round 1 did battle in Round 2. The 2 winners of Round 2 advanced to the Division Final, and the winner there advanced to the Grand Division, which I saved for last, as the winner of THAT Division was supposed to crowned the greatest MM character of all time [or at least for now] as voted by the people of Prototype.

In the end, there was shockers and snoozefests. Predictability and UNpredictability. Complete blowouts and close nail-biters.

When it was all said and done, the tournament looked like this

Currently, though, I'm holding a bonus battle:

2 months vs. 3 months [voting ends at ??:?? pm on ??/??/????]

Also, you can feel free to leave your thoughts on the tourney, itself, in this thread [that's why it's still open].
Forum Game: The 1st PMMCT!
Posted by ThatGuyNamedMikey on November 25th, 2015 at 11:41pm
Viewed 10252 Times
2,395,585,460 BP
32 TP | 451 PP
Posted on November 25th, 2015 at 11:53pm Edited on 2015/11/26 at 12:17am
Posted 2015/11/25 at 11:53pm Edited 2015/11/26 at 12:17am
First, we'll need to thin the herd a bit, as there's 71 characters nominated to be in the Tourney.

Here are the 32 that you all have decided gets in the tournament for sure, based on your nominations, save for the 5 Mega Men.

Albert Wily [Mega Man]
Axl [Mega Man X7]
Ballade [Mega Man World 4]
Bass [Mega Man 7]
Bass.exe [MegaMan Battle Network]
Chill Penguin [Mega Man X]
Duo [Mega Man 8]
Elec Man [Mega Man]
Enker [Mega Man World]
Freeze Man [Mega Man 7]
Galaxy Man [Mega Man 9]
Gemini Man [Mega Man 3]
Gravity Man [Mega Man 5]
Magic Man [Mega Man And Bass]
Mega Man [Mega Man]
Mega Man Volnutt [Mega Man Legends]
Mega Man X [Mega Man X]
MegaMan [MegaMan Star Force]
MegaMan.exe [MegaMan Battle Network]
Napalm Man [Mega Man 5]
Proto Man [Mega Man 3]
ProtoMan.exe [MegaMan Battle Network]
Punk [Mega Man World 3]
Ring Man [Mega Man 4]
Rock Man Shadow [Rock Man And Forte: Mirai Kara No Chosenshu]
Roll [Mega Man]
Sigma [Mega Man X]
Skull Man [Mega Man 4]
Sunstar [Mega Man World 5]
Terra [Mega Man World 5]
Vile [Mega Man X]
Zero [Mega Man X]

The other 39 characters didn't quite get enough nominations to be guaranteed entry, and so, 7 of them have to go, and you all get to decide who they are.

I've randomized all 39 characters into 3 groups of 13. When you post, you simply vote for the 3 characters you dislike MOST in each group. Simple as that. You can post why if you'd like, or not, if you don't. If you don't want your vote made public, I will accept private votes made via PM, as well.

Remember, ONLY 3 FROM EACH GROUP, please and thank you. The 3 characters in each group with the most votes will most likely be eliminated, and then the tournament will TRULY commence.

Group A
A01. Heat Man [Mega Man 2]
A02. Pharaoh Man [Mega Man 4]
A03. Strike Man [Mega Man 10]
A04. Iris [Mega Man X4]
A05. Quick Man [Mega Man 2]
A06. Mercury [Mega Man World 5]
A07. Roll.exe [MegaMan Battle Network]
A08. Magma Dragoon [Mega Man X4]
A09. Saturn [Mega Man World 5]
A10. Thomas Light [Mega Man]
A11. Quint [Mega Man World 2]
A12. Pluto [Mega Man World 5]
A13. Top Man [Mega Man 3]

Group B
B01. Metal Man [Mega Man 2]
B02. Green Biker Dude [Mega Man X2]
B03. Knight Man [Mega Man 6]
B04. Blade Man [Mega Man 10]
B05. Hidden Phantom [Mega Man Zero]
B06. Blizzard Man [Mega Man 6]
B07. King [Mega Man And Bass]
B08. Buster Rod G [Mega Man: The Wily Wars]
B09. Bomb Man [Mega Man]
B10. Magnet Man [Mega Man 3]
B11. Mikhail Cossack [Mega Man 4]
B12. ElecMan.exe [MegaMan Battle Network]
B13. Wind Man [Mega Man 6]

Group C
C01. Uranus [Mega Man World 5]
C02. Ring.exe [MegaMan Battle Chip Challenge]
C03. Crash Man [Mega Man 2]
C04. Servbot [Mega Man Legends]
C05. Rush [Mega Man 3]
C06. Tornado Man [Mega Man 9]
C07. Auto [Mega Man 7]
C08. Time Man [Mega Man: Powered Up]
C09. Duo.exe [MegaMan Battle Network 4]
C10. Sniper Joe [Mega Man]
C11. Shade Man [Mega Man 7]
C12. Tron Bonne [Mega Man Legends]
C13. Star Man [Mega Man 5]

You have 48 hours. All votes made after 11:59 PM, tomorrow [11/27] will not count. GO!
^ Top
2,413,905,683 BP
20 TP | 467 PP
Posted on November 26th, 2015 at 12:12am
Posted 2015/11/26 at 12:12am

gemini-man ...Carefully considering each of the groups, I have decided that I would prefer these not be in the competition:

Group A:

Magma Dragoon

Group B:

Green Biker Dude
Hidden Phantom
Wind Man

Group C:


That's all for now. ring-ring
^ Top
4,484,807,684 BP
46 TP | 1624 PP
Posted on November 26th, 2015 at 12:15am Edited on 2015/11/26 at 12:18am
Posted 2015/11/26 at 12:15am Edited 2015/11/26 at 12:18am
Group A Submissions;

Group B Submissions
Hidden Phantom[MMZ]
Bomb Man[MM]
Blizzard Man[MM6]

Group C Submissions

Merry Food Holiday!
^ Top
658,104,324 BP
6 TP | 426 PP
Posted on November 26th, 2015 at 12:25am
Posted 2015/11/26 at 12:25am
Group A:
Heat Man [MM2]
Mercury [MMW5]
Pluto [MMW5]

Group B:
Blizzard Man [MM6]
Bomb Man [MM1]
Wind Man [MM6]

Group C:
Crash Man [MM2]
Servbot [MML]
Auto [MM7]

^ Top
2,395,585,460 BP
32 TP | 451 PP
Posted on November 26th, 2015 at 12:43am
Posted 2015/11/26 at 12:43am
I was having trouble deciding if I should be voting in this tourney or not, but, seeing as how we'll likely need to break ties, I've decided that I'll only vote in the tourney as a tiebreaking vote.
^ Top
Retro Pikachu
3,561,826,418 BP
30 TP | 621 PP
Posted on November 26th, 2015 at 2:32am
Posted 2015/11/26 at 2:32am
So for my least favorites of each group....

Group A
Top Man
Heat Man

Group B
Mikhail Cossack
Blizzard Man
Green Biker Dude

Group C
Star Man
Sniper Joe
^ Top
4,279,483,687 BP
10 TP | 592 PP
Posted on November 26th, 2015 at 5:05am Edited on 2015/11/26 at 5:13am
Posted 2015/11/26 at 5:05am Edited 2015/11/26 at 5:13am
Whoopie. Like everyone else, heres my least favorite.

Group A:
Strike Man.
Magma Dragoon.

Group B:
Green Biker Dude.
Wind Man.
Hidden Phantom

Group C:
Sniper Joe.
^ Top
1,588,665,489 BP
54 TP | 1661 PP
Posted on November 26th, 2015 at 10:35am
Posted 2015/11/26 at 10:35am
Magma Dragoon

Green Biker Dude
Buster Rod G
Hidden Phantom

Sniper Joe
^ Top
2,074,810,633 BP
7 TP | 411 PP
Posted on November 26th, 2015 at 11:56am Edited on 2015/11/26 at 9:15pm
Posted 2015/11/26 at 11:56am Edited 2015/11/26 at 9:15pm
Group A:
Heat Man

Group B:
Wind Man

Group C:
Sniper Joe
Star Man

Geez, some of these were difficult.
^ Top
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on November 26th, 2015 at 12:15pm
Posted 2015/11/26 at 12:15pm
Group A:
Strike Man
Quick Man

Group B:
Metal Man
Bomb Man

Group C:
Crash Man
Sniper Joe
^ Top
2,395,585,460 BP
32 TP | 451 PP
Posted on November 26th, 2015 at 7:26pm
Posted 2015/11/26 at 7:26pm
@Thankfuljoey : Ring Man is already in the Tourney and is not even in the Eliminator, let alone in Group C. :P
^ Top
2,074,810,633 BP
7 TP | 411 PP
Posted on November 26th, 2015 at 9:15pm
Posted 2015/11/26 at 9:15pm
@ThatGuyNamedMikey : Uh, er, well.... Look! A distraction! (Edits it to Star Man like he had originally intended.

Sorry, must have had Ring.exe on the brain from the earlier entry in Group C.
^ Top
4,460,833,639 BP
5 TP | 54 PP
Posted on November 27th, 2015 at 3:40am
Posted 2015/11/27 at 3:40am
Group A:
Magma Dragoon
Top Man

Group B:
Metal Man
Green Biker Dude
Blizzard Man

Group C:
Sniper Joe
^ Top
2,193,837,754 BP
11 TP | 730 PP
Posted on November 27th, 2015 at 11:04am
Posted 2015/11/27 at 11:04am

Group A:
Heat Man
Pharoah Man
Top Man

Group B:
Hidden Phantom
Magnet Man

Group C:
Sniper Joe
^ Top
952,935,390 BP
9 TP | 540 PP
Posted on November 27th, 2015 at 12:05pm Edited on 2015/11/28 at 9:21am
Posted 2015/11/27 at 12:05pm Edited 2015/11/28 at 9:21am
My Entry
Group A
Knight Man
Blade Man

Group B
Star Man
Buster Rod G

Group C
Shade Man
Tornado Man

Edited: Sorry Mikey i did not saw the list altrought i made the all three group
^ Top
2,395,585,460 BP
32 TP | 451 PP
Posted on November 27th, 2015 at 7:23pm
Posted 2015/11/27 at 7:23pm
Uhhh, Alpha? Read Post #1, first, pleaseandthankyou. Nearly all the characters you mentioned aren't even in the Eliminator, let alone in the tournament. The character have already been picked, friend; there's 71 of them, in fact. The goal is to eliminate 7 of them so that we can START the tournament. :P

Please read post #1, then edit your post. I'll have to ignore it altogether if it's not edited in the next.....*checks clock*.....5.5 hours.
^ Top
2,395,585,460 BP
32 TP | 451 PP
Posted on November 27th, 2015 at 11:59pm
Posted 2015/11/27 at 11:59pm
....and the results aaaare....

Group A
01. Thomas Light [Mega Man] (0)
02. Mercury [Mega Man World 5] (-1)
02. Pharaoh Man [Mega Man 4] (-1)
02. Quick Man [Mega Man 2] (-1)
02. Saturn [Mega Man World 5] (-1)
06. Roll.exe [MegaMan Battle Network] (-2)
06. Strike Man [Mega Man 10] (-2)
08. Pluto [Mega Man World 5] (-3)
08. Top Man [Mega Man 3] (-3)
10. Heat Man [Mega Man 2] (-4)
10. Iris [Mega Man X4] (-4)
10. Magma Dragoon [Mega Man X4] (-4)
***13. Quint [Mega Man World 2] (-6)***

Group B
01. Blade Man [Mega Man 10] (0)
01. Knight Man [Mega Man 6] (0)
03. Buster Rod G [Mega Man: The Wily Wars] (-1)
03. ElecMan.exe [MegaMan Battle Network] (-1)
03. Magnet Man [Mega Man 3] (-1)
03. Mikhail Cossack [Mega Man 4] (-1)
07. Bomb Man [Mega Man] (-2)
07. Metal Man [Mega Man 2] (-2)
09. King [Mega Man And Bass] (-3)
10. Blizzard Man [Mega Man 6] (-4)
10. Wind Man [Mega Man 6] (-4)
***12. Green Biker Dude [Mega Man X2] (-5)***
***12. Hidden Phantom [Mega Man Zero] (-5)***

Group C
01. Shade Man [Mega Man 7] (0)
01. Time Man [Mega Man: Powered Up] (0)
01. Tornado Man [Mega Man 9] (0)
01. Tron Bonne [Mega Man Legends] (0)
05. Uranus [Mega Man World 5] (-1)
06. Crash Man [Mega Man 2] (-2)
06. Rush [Mega Man 3] (-2)
06. Star Man [Mega Man 5] (-2)
09. Auto [Mega Man 7] (-3)
10. Duo.exe [MegaMan Battle Network 4] (-4)
10. Servbot [Mega Man Legends] (-4)
***12. Ring.exe [MegaMan Battle Chip Challenge] (-5)***
***13. Sniper Joe [Mega Man] (-7)***

The 2 in each group with the most votes were obviously the 1st 6 to go, but, there's a tie for 2nd in Group A, which means I get to vote, too. Ahem:

Group A:
Strike Man
Magma Dragoon

Group B:
Blade Man
Metal Man
Hidden Phantom

Group C:
Tornado Man
Tron Bonne

NEW results:

Group A
01. Thomas Light [Mega Man] (0)
02. Mercury [Mega Man World 5] (-1)
02. Pharaoh Man [Mega Man 4] (-1)
02. Quick Man [Mega Man 2] (-1)
02. Saturn [Mega Man World 5] (-1)
06. Roll.exe [MegaMan Battle Network] (-2)
07. Strike Man [Mega Man 10] (-3)
07. Pluto [Mega Man World 5] (-3)
07. Top Man [Mega Man 3] (-3)
10. Heat Man [Mega Man 2] (-4)
10. Iris [Mega Man X4] (-4)
***11. Magma Dragoon [Mega Man X4] (-5)***
***13. Quint [Mega Man World 2] (-7)***

Group B
01. Knight Man [Mega Man 6] (0)
02. Blade Man [Mega Man 10] (-1)
02. Buster Rod G [Mega Man: The Wily Wars] (-1)
02. ElecMan.exe [MegaMan Battle Network] (-1)
02. Magnet Man [Mega Man 3] (-1)
02. Mikhail Cossack [Mega Man 4] (-1)
07. Bomb Man [Mega Man] (-2)
08. Metal Man [Mega Man 2] (-3)
08. King [Mega Man And Bass] (-3)
10. Blizzard Man [Mega Man 6] (-4)
10. Wind Man [Mega Man 6] (-4)
***12. Green Biker Dude [Mega Man X2] (-5)***
***13. Hidden Phantom [Mega Man Zero] (-6)***

Group C
01. Shade Man [Mega Man 7] (0)
01. Time Man [Mega Man: Powered Up] (0)
03. Tornado Man [Mega Man 9] (-1)
03. Tron Bonne [Mega Man Legends] (-1)
03. Uranus [Mega Man World 5] (-1)
06. Crash Man [Mega Man 2] (-2)
06. Rush [Mega Man 3] (-2)
06. Star Man [Mega Man 5] (-2)
09. Auto [Mega Man 7] (-3)
10. Duo.exe [MegaMan Battle Network 4] (-4)
11. Servbot [Mega Man Legends] (-5)
***11. Ring.exe [MegaMan Battle Chip Challenge] (-5)***
***13. Sniper Joe [Mega Man] (-7)***

This means that Magma Dragoon is the 6th eliminated, which just leaves the question as to who #7 will be, which is easy: it'll be who has the most votes of the 65 remaining characters, which is obviously Servbot.

So, officially, Magma Dragoon, Quint, Green Biker Dude, Hidden Phantom, Ring.exe, Sniper Joe and Servbot are out, leaving us with 64 characters. We have our tournament, now. Please stand by while I generate the bracket; I'll post as soon as possible when I have.
^ Top
2,395,585,460 BP
32 TP | 451 PP
Posted on November 28th, 2015 at 12:26am Edited on 2015/11/28 at 12:45am
Posted 2015/11/28 at 12:26am Edited 2015/11/28 at 12:45am
Let's meet the combatants and who they'll be fighting in each division, shall we?

Looks like a good tourney ahead. Remember, the winner of each of the 8 divisions will advance to the Grand Division, where the greatest MM character ever [at least, for now] will be decided on by you.

First, we'll get the 1st round of Division 1 out of the way. 4 of these 8 characters...

Blade Man [Mega Man 10] vs. Top Man [Mega Man 3]

Pharaoh Man [Mega Man 4] vs. Crash Man [Mega Man 2]

Buster Rod G [Mega Man: The Wily Wars] vs. MegaMan [MegaMan Star Force]

Pluto [Mega Man World 5] vs. Mega Man Volnutt [Mega Man Legends]

Will fall by the wayside; you all have 48 hours [11:59 PM, EST on 11/29] to vote for your FAVORITE character in each of the 4 faceoffs. Any ties will be decided by me. You can vote normally, or you can PM me your votes, just like with the Eliminator.

The 4 with the most votes face off in Round 2. GO!
^ Top
4,484,807,684 BP
46 TP | 1624 PP
Posted on November 28th, 2015 at 12:44am
Posted 2015/11/28 at 12:44am
Alright, let's get this started!

Top Man will receive my first vote.

Pharaoh Man takes the vote right afterwards.

Buster Rod G reaches for the stars and grabs my vote.

And for the sake of my love towards Legends, I'll pick Pluto for my final vote out of Division 1.
^ Top
2,413,905,683 BP
20 TP | 467 PP
Posted on November 28th, 2015 at 12:58am
Posted 2015/11/28 at 12:58am

gemini-man ...After considering all of the battles in each of the Divisions, I have come up with this list for Division 1. ring-ring

Blade Man (sorry Boss, countering you here)
Pharaoh Man
Buster Rod G

I, too, did like Mega Man Volnutt, but opted for Pluto instead.
^ Top

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