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Mega Man RPG Prototype General Discussion

Reviewing Area

March 4th, 2016 at 4:18pm
1,588,665,489 BP
54 TP | 1661 PP
So, This is something I thought of Making.
This will be used if any of us wanna review an Episode of a show, a whole show, Movies, Video Games (Flash Games, Mobile games, or Console/Handhelds), or Youtube videos.

Here's how reviews will be made.




Final Rating: (In stars, _/10, or _/100.)
Reviewing Area
Posted by Meta on March 4th, 2016 at 4:18pm
Viewed 1081 Times


11,821,991 BP
31 TP | 601 PP
Posted on March 7th, 2016 at 8:23pm Edited on 2016/03/07 at 8:33pm
Posted 2016/03/07 at 8:23pm Edited 2016/03/07 at 8:33pm
MegaBoy's Manga/Comic Reviews mega-man

Mega Man Megamix Chapter 3: Metal Heart

Hello there and welcome to my review of metal heart, Now this WILL have spoilers so if you have not read it yet... YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. Now let's just point out some detals. I like how Shadow man is EXTREMELY loyal to Dr.Wily and how they introduced the the main point of this story. Second of all I like how they introduced the characters, plot and... well everything really. During the middle of the story they split the MM3 Bosses into groups of Two I think, during these events the second group get defeated and they run into the main antagonist(?) the Yellow Devil Mk.2 Made out of an old robotic doll. Shadow Man and Mega Man chase the yellow devil down to something called the mother computer and during these events we establish the robotic doll is related to the mother computer and Mega Man tries to observe these events while Shadow Man Fires a Shadow Blade at the YDmk2's eye. Mega Man rushes over to the YDmk2 and tries to recharge it however while that is happening he is put to sleep by the Mother computers Lulaby. In the aftermath the Mother computer is put up in a park display and the Baby Doll can live with his mother happily ever after.

I give this Chapter of Mega Mix a 7/10 for great story telling and detail.
^ Top
Zero The Link
332,297,151 BP
11 TP | 526 PP
Posted on March 8th, 2016 at 12:07pm Edited on 2016/03/09 at 12:15pm
Posted 2016/03/08 at 12:07pm Edited 2016/03/09 at 12:15pm
CoCode's Video Reviews: Video 1: "Dat Omega Zero boss battle doh"....

Name: Zero Vs. Omega Zero |Decisive Battle| Video

Review: ...ahhh yes...the dreaded Omega Zero battle,...fear...fear mortals....the power of Omega....the god of destruction,..the beholder of death and sorrow...the 'Mega Reploid' banished to space long after the Elf Wars,.....this monstrosity has brought,...and wrought havoc to everyone's GBA's and DS's...but not i............the greatest MMX-MMZ-MMZX/ZXA youtube animator ultimatemaverickx brings this battle to life with HD Graphics.....intense plot points,.....a visit from Cyber Elf X,...and a look back at Z1 and end with a bang of an epic climax of Zero's final strike to Omega................ this video alone shows the emotion and struggle between memories of a body...and memories of a soul.......this video beholds the question... "What is Zero fighting for?"....

Rating:......i go Mega-Man wise..i give this video 10 extra-life out of 10 extra-life
^ Top
Zero The Link
332,297,151 BP
11 TP | 526 PP
Posted on March 9th, 2016 at 12:09pm Edited on 2016/03/09 at 12:15pm
Posted 2016/03/09 at 12:09pm Edited 2016/03/09 at 12:15pm
CoCode's Video Reviews: Video 2: "WHY'S THIS GUY NOT A GOD!?"

Name: UNDERTALE OST Full Drum Cover Video

Review:.... Undertales Original Soundtrack done with a Drumline....what any game properly needs...The8BitDrummer does this well....his work commends the sound style of Undertale's songs perfectly...especially when he sings "Oh! One True Love!"...... 'Don't give up, 8BitDrummer, Our fate rests in your hands!'- Asgore Dremurr (King Fluffybuns/King Goat)

Rating:... 10 extra-life out of 10 extra-life
^ Top
11,821,991 BP
31 TP | 601 PP
Posted on March 9th, 2016 at 3:58pm Edited on 2016/03/09 at 8:34pm
Posted 2016/03/09 at 3:58pm Edited 2016/03/09 at 8:34pm
@ZeroDXZ : Omega Zero can be quite easy. Only needs one and a half subtnk

@ZeroDXZ : Are your reviews just going to be 10 out of 10s.?

No double-posting, please.

Hey Boss I did not know you can take over my mind?
^ Top
- deleted -
2,193,837,754 BP
11 TP | 730 PP
Posted on March 9th, 2016 at 10:32pm Edited on 2016/03/10 at 10:58am
Posted 2016/03/09 at 10:32pm Edited 2016/03/10 at 10:58am
I know that some of you may say "Isn't is biased to review your own product? Jeez MusicalKitty, even though you are Glamourous, Fabulous, Beautiful, Charming, Charismatic, Dramatic, and a very good Musician , that doesn't mean you can just review your own stuff!". Firstly, thank you for the compliment, and Second-ly(?) I'm not going to give this an 11.5 out of ten just because it's made be me, that's (a little) crazy, so, besides that, let's get on to *drumroll*
The Amazing and professional Megabound review! Also, some spoilers
Now, the first chapter, I sould say, wasn't the best one out there. Many grammatical errors, and worst of all, the chapter ends on a cliff-hanger, and that's just quite unpleasant, isn't it? However, by chapter three, the story gets better, a race known as "Figures" are revealed to inhabit the Earth, but unfortunately, a Figure known as Zeus plants a capsule into the Earth, slowly killing the Earth. The main characters are informed by a certain Adrian from the future about this. Speaking of main characters, I enjoy that most main characters are based off of Prototypers, Alex is based off of yours truly, Kyle is also known as "Meta". Kayla is revealed to be NetWoman, Terri is known to be the Glamourous although not as Glamourous as me MegaBossMan, and currently, the fifth "Chosen One" is revealed to be Rhythm. Other Prototypers also make an appearance, MegaBoy (also known as Mars) is a Figure that accompanies the Chosen Ones, Perfect Zero and Female Forte are a vigilante crime fighting duo, SSN and his cohorts help the Chosen ones defeat Plutus. SSN even accompanies the Chosen Ones now (Even though he wasn't mentioned in Chapter 10) and Mikey is represented as the evil Scientist he is. Now, my only complaint is the creator, he promised us the he'd have a chapter every day, if he was telling the truth, we'd have 16 chapters by now, and now the author is sick, so who knows what'll happen?! But besides that, I have to say that the Figures are interesting too, and they're also interesting enough for me that I don't confuse them for other characters in the story. Now, to wrap this up, the story is well written, and each character has a good personality, but the schedule is quite awkward
Rating: 9.99/10
Major Flaw: Lazy Author (That's rude!)
^ Top
Zero The Link
332,297,151 BP
11 TP | 526 PP
Posted on March 10th, 2016 at 10:07am
Posted 2016/03/10 at 10:07am
CoCode's Video Reviews: Video 3: "SLICERS!? WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE SLICERS!?"

Name: Johnny Vs. -Super Mario Bros. Series- (I.... AM NOT... PUTTING...EACH VIDEO LINK!....... i'll put the first video to which you get the playlist of his videos) WHY IS THIS HAMMER BRO. HERE!? -WARNING......CENSORED AHEAD......VIEW....RESPONSIBLY!-

Review:.....Mario, Mario, Mario....................i haven't seen a GOOD Mario game since the Wii Ver. of Super Mario Bros..... yes...the one they remade FROM the DS Ver......god i got SUCH a headache from that games TERRRRIIIIBBBLLLLEEE SOUNDFONT..... SONIC RUSH HAD BETTER CHANCES..... -ahem...sorry-..........Mario Bros. has been a special game to me ever since i played the Wii Ver. and the original on my a game where you either SPEED-RUN....or constantly time things....either is long..........and it'll take maybe hours upon HOURS to beat it...however seeing SCMJ do it..or "Johnny Vs." complete it and review it...made me think of one thing...PUNISHMENT....Johnny not only reviewed this game well...especially for the soundtrack and others...but he also reviewed the constant punishment you'll take if you DON'T be careful as you's easy..but you will will die alot...AND GREAT ADRIANS SOCKS YOU WILL DIE ALOT!!! .........

Rating:...this game........good...this review...perfect...but seeing my nightmares come back to life.....god no.... 9extra-life out of 10extra-life
^ Top
4,279,483,687 BP
10 TP | 592 PP
Posted on March 10th, 2016 at 3:24pm
Posted 2016/03/10 at 3:24pm
@ZeroDXZ : Did you a review..a review..?
^ Top
952,935,390 BP
9 TP | 540 PP
Posted on March 10th, 2016 at 4:09pm
Posted 2016/03/10 at 4:09pm
@ThatOneEnderMan : Yep he did it
^ Top
11,821,991 BP
31 TP | 601 PP
Posted on March 10th, 2016 at 7:13pm
Posted 2016/03/10 at 7:13pm
@ZeroDXZ : I think this is more of a 6/10
^ Top
11,821,991 BP
31 TP | 601 PP
Posted on March 12th, 2016 at 7:56am
Posted 2016/03/12 at 7:56am
@ZeroDXZ :

Little review of something I noticed with Zero

Well it just recently got me that you really need... well are you sure you need that many Periods?
and well I mean like if you want to write in comic sans that's Okay but I thought you made stuff for school at are six paragraphs long
^ Top
Zero The Link
332,297,151 BP
11 TP | 526 PP
Posted on April 14th, 2016 at 12:42pm Edited on 2016/04/14 at 10:29pm
Posted 2016/04/14 at 12:42pm Edited 2016/04/14 at 10:29pm
CoCodes Video Reviews: Part 4: "LET'S. BAWSS. IT. UUUPP!!"

Name: "Smash Wall Collab 2" SM4SH!!!! does AAAANNYBODY else remember MapleStory here? PREPARE TO GET EDUCATED AND AMAZED...... BECAUSE IT'S TIME TO BAWSS. IT. UP!!.... Smash Wall Collab 2 was done by many, many great maplestory animators....they also have YouTube accounts...this animation took days/weeks even months to do..mix all those animations together and you get this SM4SH BLASTING video from heaven,.... ......this deserves it's place amongst the Youtube Videos of Fame if there even was one..

Rating:.. well good friends even though it should be ten....there is the one thing i admit stole half from it.......the end Item Obtain...."You mad mapler?"... 9.5extra-life out of 10extra-life

Final Smash: ROLL-CALL!!
^ Top
Zero The Link
332,297,151 BP
11 TP | 526 PP
Posted on May 4th, 2016 at 11:10pm
Posted 2016/05/04 at 11:10pm
CoCode's Video Reviews: Part 5: "Life's cruelest of times, happen within the blink of our eyes,...they snatch away,...the moments we wait for most"

Name: Jacksepticeye- EMOTIONALLY DRAINED That Dragon, Cancer

Review:As much as i joke around, poking fun of people and they do the same to me and we all agree and just have fun, screw around and have the best of times,...this...this is something i wish i didn't have to discuss with anyone...this,..actually was something i didn't want to post here...or remind myself of,...Cancer,.. and Crohns,..these diseases are the bane of peoples existences... these things are satans "Incurable Virus's",...though cancer can be battled and banished from the body it isn't truly gone forever,...much like Crohns,..though with crohns it's a constant battle,..flares, auto-immune complications and i'm going to do something very,...different..

The child is a 5 year old boy named joel,...he is as others in the medical facility would say, "Mentally Impaired" not because of his genetics,..but because of an illness he had contracted when he became one,....soon after his parents,...find out that their precious jewel from the Lord,..has been diagnosed with cancer.

i....just watch the video, be quite honest i hope no one ever has to deal what i've had to deal with,..with crohns,..more importantly what the real Joel,...has dealt with...... and i know's kinda embarassing to admit this especially on the internet,..but this video hit me hard with memories,..memories of my visits to hospital each time i became ill or had a Crohns Flare.... upon remembering,..i couldn't help but shed tears of pain that i hope that..once more NO-ONE should feel or go through...

to be honest,..just watch the video and you'll understand what all i mean about this...

Rating:... i know i've rated certain videos highly,..but this video deserves what it deserves,..a perfect subject of what life has given to use, ideal that we battle constantly to ensure a future for the generation after ours...... 10extra-life out of 10extra-life

....Rest in peace....dear joel...... your struggles long,..your fight hard,..and your life though short,..was filled with the best of times while it could be had
^ Top
Zero The Link
332,297,151 BP
11 TP | 526 PP
Posted on May 5th, 2016 at 11:54am Edited on 2016/05/05 at 12:09pm
Posted 2016/05/05 at 11:54am Edited 2016/05/05 at 12:09pm
CoCode's Video Reviews: Part 6: "It's a beautiful day outside,....die..."

Name: UNDERTALE: Megalovania+Lyrics+"Dunk Your World"

Review:...It's a beautiful day outside, birds are singing, flowers are blooming, and on days like like you,...should be burning in heck..................the ultimate ending of PALogy's undertale whistle/lyrics playlist, here...and it complies the songs too!

Rating: "Get Dunked On!" 9.5extra-life out of 9.5extra-life
^ Top
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on May 5th, 2016 at 6:50pm
Posted 2016/05/05 at 6:50pm
@ZeroDXZSarahZX : Oh wow. I actually saw that myself, and honestly, I really enjoyed it myself.
^ Top
Zero The Link
332,297,151 BP
11 TP | 526 PP
Posted on May 11th, 2016 at 11:47am Edited on 2016/05/11 at 11:52am
Posted 2016/05/11 at 11:47am Edited 2016/05/11 at 11:52am
CoCode's Video Reviews: Part 7: "PANTSU, PANTSU, PANTSU!!"

Name [English Subtitles] Kagamine Rin "I Can Take Off My Panties!"

Review: *dancing and singing along* SarahZX:...well i have to take over now, the vocaloids have been VERY popular back in the day,..still are,...a song that dear Zero has listened to long ago when he was 10 was this very song, was his first Vocaloid song ever to hear, my surprise it shows a deep meaning behind growing up...if you don't know how to analyze this, and i will be happy to explain it in a YT Video as soon as possible...anywho... this song has been VERY popular,..perhaps 2nd to Rin and Len Kagamines "Harvest"... and man are these songs melodic and wonderful,.... welp.... CAN'T HELP IT *dances with ZeroDXZ*

Rating!! 10!extra-life out of 10!extra-life
^ Top
11,821,991 BP
31 TP | 601 PP
Posted on May 11th, 2016 at 12:49pm
Posted 2016/05/11 at 12:49pm
@ZeroDXZCamillaFE : ... Why doesn't god punish these sins
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