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Mega Man RPG Prototype General Discussion

Chat Game: Mega Man Jeopardy

March 22nd, 2016 at 4:27pm
2,413,905,683 BP
20 TP | 467 PP

gemini-man ...So yeah, I think I will go ahead with this idea since there is some interest. This game will be done in the style of Jeopardy, but since there will likely be more than three people playing at once, in terms of how people will ask the questions will work a tad differently so that many people can participate. So, here are the rules to ensure a good time for everyone, including myself. ring-ring

1. Remember the theme...your response to me must be in the form "What is -such and such-" or "Who is -such and such-". If it is not in the correct format, I will not reward points even if you did have the right match to my answer. When an answer is revealed, I will allow one minute for everyone to type their answers. This does not give you any time to research, so you MUST already be typing your response after you read the answer.

2. Correct responses will reward the full amount of points, even if you are not the first to correctly respond. However, the person that gave me the correct response first gets to choose the next answer, so speed is necessary if you want to pick the next category.

3. If you give me an incorrect response, or forgot to carefully word your response, you will lose points. I will only take your first response, but the only exception I will allow is if your changed response is only because you forgot to do it in the form of a question. "My answer is -such and such-" was only from Mikey's quiz and will cost you this time, even if the actual response is correct. So it is possible to have negative points, so be careful!

4. If you choose not to ask the question (as in not respond within the minute), your point total will remain the same, though you will be hard-pressed to catch up with the people that got the question right. There is ONE exception to this, though, and it will be covered by the next rule.

5. Just like in the show, there will be Daily Doubles: one in Round 1 and two in Round 2. ONLY the person that selected the answer can respond to this answer. The person will be given the option of how much they can bet, and after they choose the amount they bet, they will then be given the answer. If they can give me the correct question in the correct format, they will have their bet added to their total. If an incorrect or no response is given in the next minute after the answer is revealed, then the person has their bet deducted from their total.

6. Each round will last about 30 minutes, and Final Jeopardy will last about 3 minutes. In Final Jeopardy, players may bet up to all of their points for the last answer of the day. If the correct response is given, then that total will be added to make their final score, and deducted from their score if they were wrong. If any player has negative points going into Final Jeopardy, they cannot participate.

That is all for rules, so what possible themes can you expect, you ask? The categories themselves will be revealed as the round starts, but you can expect questions from the Classic/World, X, and Battle Network series. There will also be General-themed answers, in which the answer can be from any game in any series, but there might be a Legends one or two thrown in every now and then. All of my answers, though, will be sticking to the series most of the community has experience in. This will be strictly limited to content you can find in the games themselves. Finally, I do not have any prizes planned for the winner, so I guess we can just say the winner has the bragging rights about their knowledge of the franchise.

I think that about covers what I need to mention, so feel free to ask any questions about the rules or content. I have not decided on a date that this will occur, but it will be Sunday at 6 PM EST much like the time Mikey did his quiz. I will be in the chat prior to the noted time, so any last-minute questions can be asked there. So this means that the upcoming Sunday, March 27, will NOT be the day for my game. Otherwise, I will post again when I am ready to do the game. That's all for now, so I hope you guys will have a good time with my game! ring-ring-3

Final Standings

MegaBossMan - 35600
Meta - 15400
MegaBoyX7 - 12399
StupidStudiosN - 9000
ThatGuyNamedMikey - 5199
ThatOneEnderMan - 0

Congratulations MegaBossMan!
Chat Game: Mega Man Jeopardy
Posted by TailsMK4Omega on March 22nd, 2016 at 4:27pm
Viewed 830 Times


Dark Man
20,350,826 BP
9 TP | 279 PP
Posted on March 22nd, 2016 at 6:17pm
Posted 2016/03/22 at 6:17pm
shadow-manDark Man here, and ready for Jeopardy!
^ Top
2,413,905,683 BP
20 TP | 467 PP
Posted on March 25th, 2016 at 3:09pm Edited on 2016/04/01 at 4:58pm
Posted 2016/03/25 at 3:09pm Edited 2016/04/01 at 4:58pm

gemini-man ...I am now forming the answers for the game. I have also decided that to allow a little breather time between Rounds, there will be 25 answers for each round, as opposed to 30. That is all for now. ring-ring
^ Top
2,413,905,683 BP
20 TP | 467 PP
Posted on April 10th, 2016 at 4:42pm
Posted 2016/04/10 at 4:42pm

gemini-man ...Just a reminder for anyone interested that the game itself will begin in about an hour. I will go over the rules again and see who will get to pick first. Also, I will be setting a time limit of 30 seconds per clue instead of a minute. The purpose is to see how much you really know the games, not how quickly you can look up the answer. So if things go smoothly, each round should take roughly 25-30 minutes. See you all there! ring-ring
^ Top
2,413,905,683 BP
20 TP | 467 PP
Posted on April 24th, 2016 at 7:49pm
Posted 2016/04/24 at 7:49pm

gemini-man ...The game has ended with MegaBossMan taking the win! Thank you to everyone who participated! ring-ring

MegaBossMan - 35600
Meta - 15400
MegaBoyX7 - 12399
StupidStudiosN - 9000
ThatGuyNamedMikey - 5199
ThatOneEnderMan - 0
^ Top

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