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Mega Man RPG Prototype General Discussion

Nominations for the 3rd PMMCT Tourney!

March 1st, 2017 at 11:22am
2,395,585,460 BP
32 TP | 451 PP
It's been almost a year [10 months, actually, but, close enough]

It is time for the greatest characters that you, the people of Prototype, can think of to once again do battle for glory, for honor and for the title of "Greatest Mega Man Character Ever [at least, for now]"

The 3rd edition of the PMMCT [Prototype Mega Man Character Tournament] will soon arrive! The planned start date is March 17, but, if changes must be made, I'll be sure to speak up.

What is the PMMCT? Well, once again, you, the people of Prototype, decide who you believe is the greatest Mega Man character of all time [at least for now]. It's simple. I post a division of 4 pairs of 2 MM characters, and you have 24 hours to vote on your more favored MM character in each pair; not who you think would win in a fight, but, who you like more overall. The characters could be from any galaxy in the Mega Man universe--Classic, World, X, Legends, Zero, Battle Network, ZX or Star Force. In fact, any MM character from any official MM game could take part.

The MM character with more votes advances to the next round. In the case of all ties, yours truly gives the tiebreaking vote. I always ban myself from voting, otherwise.

The 4 survivors from Round 1 do battle in Round 2. The 2 winners of Round 2 advance to the Division Final, and the winner there advances to the Grand Division, which, as usual, we save for last. Seeing as there's no seeding or byes EVER, it's always more and more interesting matchups as regular Divisions get cleared and it gets closer and closer to the final Grand Division, where the best of the best as chosen by you face off.

How do we choose what characters make it into the Tourney? That's ALSO decided on by you! You get to nominate which characters--up to 35--you'd like to see in the Tournament! However, ONLY the 64 characters [or more if there's enough for a 96-character or 128-character tourney] with the most nominations will make it into the tourney. Each person can nominate up to 35 OFFICIAL characters from the Mega Man universe. Any 35. You can have LESS than 35, if you want, but not more. Also, you can only nominate a character once.

Remember, all nominations must be OFFICIAL characters in the MM universe. By "official", I mean that a character HAS to have appeared in at least one Mega Man video game where Capcom was directly involved in it's creation. No exceptions.

Please don't make multiple posts. You have a 5,000-character limit, so, 1 post is all you need.

You can always edit your post with any additions, subtractions and changes, you might think of late on, but, please don't group your nominations [i.e., "the Stardroids", "the Mega Man Killers", etc.]. Name each of the characters you want to nominate by official North American names, please.

All nominations close on Wednesday, March 15, at 11:59 PM, Eastern Standard Time, at which point, your lists of nominations will be finalized. I'll then tally them up to see who has enough noms to make it into the tournament for sure, who earned just enough noms to make it to the Tourney Eliminator, and who didn't make it at all. The tournament will start on Friday, March 17, at midnight, Eastern Standard Time, with the Tourney Eliminator. Again, you can edit your post all you want to until then with additions, subtractions and changes, but, on Friday, March 17 at 11:59 PM, all lists are final.

Any questions you may have can be posted, here, as well, but, again, please, make only ONE post with an official list.

If you're struggling to think of characters, feel free to look at other people's lists for inspiration and ideas. You can also check out....
.....The nomination thread for the 1st PMMCT,
.....the 1st PMMCT,
.....the nomination thread for the 2nd PMMCT,
....and the 2nd PMMCT.

So, who will win, this time? Will we have a repeat champion? Will one of the top contenders from a previous tourney have a chance to shine, or will a complete unknown rise to the top?

You decide. Remember! Wednesday, March 15 at 11:59 PM, Eastern is when nominations close, and, barring extremely bad luck on my end, The 3rd PMMCT starts with the Tourney Eliminator on Friday, March 17!

[If you have any lingering questions about the PMMCT, itself, you can try finding me on the Prototype Chat and asking me there, or just post in this thread; I'll answer as bestest and as soon as I can.]
Nominations for the 3rd PMMCT Tourney!
Posted by ThatGuyNamedMikey on March 1st, 2017 at 11:22am
Viewed 1498 Times


4,279,483,687 BP
10 TP | 592 PP
Posted on March 1st, 2017 at 2:21pm Edited on 2017/03/16 at 12:23am
Posted 2017/03/01 at 2:21pm Edited 2017/03/16 at 12:23am
1. Pooker
2. Pooker
3. Pooker
4. The helment of Justic Man
5. Pooker
6. Pooker
7. Pooker
8. Pooker
9. Pooker
10. Pooker
11. Flame Hynard
why have zero when you can have mike being a fool
12. Pooker
13. Green Biker Dude [never forgetti, rest in peace, gpd]
14. Pooker
15. Pooker
16. Knight Man who really has it him to win
17. That one Watermelon robot, so say he is pretty pure and innocent.
18. Skull Man who may or may not kill
19. Pooker
20. Pooker
21. Guts Man's Butt
22. Pooker
23. Rockman Shadow, who is pretty gosh darn edgy as heck
24. Pooker
25. Pooker
26. Pooker
27. Pooker
28. Pooker
29. Pooker
30. Pooker
31. Pooker
32. Pooker
33. Pooker
34. Pooker
35. Clock Man 2.
36-???. The entire cast of megaman starforce 1, 3, but not 2
^ Top
4,484,807,684 BP
46 TP | 1624 PP
Posted on March 1st, 2017 at 3:18pm Edited on 2017/03/15 at 11:46pm
Posted 2017/03/01 at 3:18pm Edited 2017/03/15 at 11:46pm
1. Mega Man
2. Dr. Wily
3. Cut Man
4. Dark Man 4
5. Doc Robot
6. Ra Thor
7. Terra
8. Proto Man
9. Quick Man
10. Gravity Man
11. Duo
12. Roll
13. Vile
14. Auto
15. Reggae
16. Sunstar
17. Dr. Cossack
18. Chill Penguin
19. Launch Octopus
20. Proto Man.EXE
21. Tron Bonne
22. Serv-Bots
23. Shade Man
24. Enker
25. Ballade
26. Quint
27. Plum
28. Tengu Man
29. Nitro Man
30. Data (Everyone's favorite monkey robot!)
31. Buster Rod G (Everyone's second favorite monkey robot)
32. Kalinka
33. Pirate Man
34. Flame Stag
35. CutMan.EXE
^ Top
463,148,659 BP
6 TP | 153 PP
Posted on March 1st, 2017 at 4:14pm Edited on 2017/03/15 at 4:54pm
Posted 2017/03/01 at 4:14pm Edited 2017/03/15 at 4:54pm
Welp here is my list

1 Fire Man (Megaman 1)
2 Elec Man (Megaman 1)
3 Air Man (Megaman 2)
4 Quick Man (Megaman 2)
5 Gemini Man (Megaman 3
6 Shadow Man (Megaman 3)
7 Proto Man (Megaman 3)
8 Skull Man (Megaman 4)
9 Knight Man (Megaman 6)
10 Tomahawk Man (Megaman 6)
11 King (Megaman & Bass)
12 Ballade (Megaman World 4)
13 Terra (Megaman World 5)
14 Sunstar (Megaman World 5)
15 X (Megaman X)
16 Zero (Megaman X)
17 Vile (Megaman X)
18 Storm Eagle (Megaman X)
19 Magma Dragoon (Megaman X4)
20 Axl (Megaman X7)
21 Spider (Megaman X Command Mission)
22 Steel Massimo (Megaman X Command Mission)
23inetails (Megaman X Command Mission)
24 Sage Harpuia (Megaman Zero)
25 Fighting Fefnir (Megaman Zero)
26 Omega (Megaman Zero 3)
27 Vent (Megaman ZX)
28 Grey (Megaman ZX Advent)
29 Prometheus (Megaman ZX
30 Proto Man exe (Megaman Battle Network)
31 Colonel exe (Megaman Battle Network 5)
32 Omega-Xis (Megaman Starforce)
33 Solo(Rogue) (Megaman Starforce 2)
34 Acid Ace (Megaman Starforce 3)
35 Pharaoh Man (Megaman 4)
^ Top
2,395,585,460 BP
32 TP | 451 PP
Posted on March 1st, 2017 at 7:12pm Edited on 2017/03/15 at 11:55pm
Posted 2017/03/01 at 7:12pm Edited 2017/03/15 at 11:55pm
Acid Ace [MegaMan Star Force 3]
Astro Man [Mega Man 8]
Charge Man [Mega Man 5]
Clown Man [Mega Man 8]
Cut Man [Mega Man]
Dark MegaMan.exe [MegaMan Battle Network 4]
Double [Mega Man X4]
Duo [Mega Man 8]
Dynamo [Mega Man X5]
Eddie [Mega Man 4]
Galaxy Man [Mega Man 9]
Gyro Man [Mega Man 5]
Higsby [MegaMan Battle Network]
Kalinka Cossack [Mega Man 4]
Knight Man [Mega Man 6]
Launch Octopus [Mega Man X]
Luna Platz [MegaMan Star Force]
Magma Dragoon [Mega Man X4]
Magnet Man [Mega Man 3]
Mega Man [Mega Man]
Mega Man X [Mega Man X]
MegaMan [MegaMan Star Force]
MegaMan.exe [MegaMan Battle Network]
Mikhail Cossack [Mega Man 4]
Napalm Man [Mega Man 5]
Pharaoh Man [Mega Man 4]
Rogue [MegaMan Star Force 2]
Roll [Mega Man]
Roll.exe [MegaMan Battle Network]
Search Man [Mega Man 8]
Shade Man [Mega Man 7]
Sigma [Mega Man X]
Skull Man [Mega Man 4]
Thomas Light [Mega Man]
Wave Man [Mega Man 5]
^ Top
Retro Pikachu
3,561,826,418 BP
30 TP | 621 PP
Posted on March 1st, 2017 at 11:14pm
Posted 2017/03/01 at 11:14pm
Glad to see this back!

1. Proto Man
2. Elec Man
3. Quick Man
4. Shadow Man
5. Pharaoh Man
6. Gravity Man
7. Knight Man
8. Yamato Man
9. Terra
10. Sunstar
11. Megaman.exe
12. DarkMega [MMBN]
13. Zero
14. Ciel
15. Harpuia
16. Leviathan
17. Fefnir
18. Phantom
19. Enker
20. Shade Man
21. Shademan.exe
22. Magic Man
23. Tornado Man
24. Blade Man
25. Metaur [MMBN]
26. Copy X [MMZ]
27. Colonel.exe
28. Iris.exe
29. Dr. Wily [MMBN]
30. Lan Hikari
31. Mayl Sakurai
32. Eugene Chaud
33. Protoman.exe
34. Roll.exe
35. Bass.exe
^ Top
2,193,837,754 BP
11 TP | 730 PP
Posted on March 2nd, 2017 at 12:15am Edited on 2017/03/11 at 7:27pm
Posted 2017/03/02 at 12:15am Edited 2017/03/11 at 7:27pm
1. Fire Man
2. Time Man
3. Star Man
4. Gravity Man
5. Tengu Man
6. Pirate Man
7. Roll
8. Eddie
9. Auto
10. Tango
11. Rush
12. Treble
13. Pluto
14. Konro Man
15. Clock Man 1
16. Clock Man 2
17. Compass Man
18. Mega Man X
19. Chill Penguin
20. Neon Tiger
21. Roll.exe
22. Yai Ayanokoji
23. Ring.exe (she will win this time)
24. Data
25. Aquarius
26. Cancer
27. Gemini
28. Leo
29. Tama
30. Velguarder
31. Beat
32. Kalinka
33. Fan
34. OVER-1

I know, there isn't enough cat characters on this list

EDIT: Do you want to nominate for Ring.exe? Only the best BN Character?
Ring.exe is the only netnavi that is the opposite gender of their classic counterpart, and she showed up in only the best BN game: Battlechip Challenge

If you want to support the cause of Ring.exe, you get the privilege of using this beautiful voting button!
Vote for Ring.exe Today!
^ Top
1,588,665,489 BP
54 TP | 1661 PP
Posted on March 2nd, 2017 at 4:48pm Edited on 2017/03/11 at 7:32pm
Posted 2017/03/02 at 4:48pm Edited 2017/03/11 at 7:32pm
Alright, lets do this I guess, just some things I kinda want in

1. Mega Man X
2. Vile
3. Zero
4. Bass
5. Double (Mega Man X4)
6. Magma Dragoon
7. Neon Tiger
8. Wire Sponge (Why not?)
9. Middy (MM Xtreme)
10. Clock Men (Can be split if it isnt ok to have 'em as 1)
11. Rockman Shadow (Also from the wonderswan game, aka MM&B 2)
12. Chill Penguin (Doesnt get enough credit imo, compared to storm)
13. Douglas (Mega Man X5/X6)
14. Dynamo (X5)
15. Commander Yammark (Mega Man X6, because why not have a maverick from one of the 2 "bad" X games)
16. Cancer
17. Guts Man
18. Sigma
19. Aquarius
20. Tango
21. Rush
22. Beat
23. Treble
24. Jupiter
25. Punk
26. Ballade
27. Toad Man
28. Mac
29. Ring.exe
30. Techno(Xtreme)
31. Zain (Xtreme)
32. High Max(MMX6)
And im out
^ Top
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on March 2nd, 2017 at 5:31pm
Posted 2017/03/02 at 5:31pm
Alright, let's do this.

1. Proto Man (Mega Man)
2. Bass (Mega Man)
3. Duo (Mega Man)
4. Cut Man (Mega Man 1)
5. Bomb Man (Mega Man 1)
6. Elec Man (Mega Man 1)
7. Time Man (Mega Man Powered Up)
8. Copy Robot/Mega Man? (Mega Man Powered Up)
9. Metal Man (Mega Man 2)
10. Air Man (Mega Man 2)
11. Quick Man (Mega Man 2)
12. Crash Man (Mega Man 2)
13. Wood Man (Mega Man 2)
14. Gemini Man (Mega Man 3)
15. Shadow Man (Mega Man 3)
16. Doc Robot (Mega Man 3)
17. Toad Man (Mega Man 4)
18. Ring Man (Mega Man 4)
19. Skull Man (Mega Man 4)
20. Napalm Man (Mega Man 5)
21. Crystal Man (Mega Man 5)
22. Dark Man 4 (Mega Man 5)
23. Knight Man (Mega Man 6)
24. Freeze Man (Mega Man 7)
25. Slash Man (Mega Man 7)
26. Commando Man (Mega Man 10)
27. Enker (Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge (MM1 GB))
28. Quint (Mega Man II GB)
29. Punk (Mega Man III GB)
30. Ballade (Mega Man IV GB)
31. Rockman Shadow (Rockman and Forte/Mega Man and Bass 2)
32. Sunstar (Mega Man V GB)
33. Dr. Wily (Mega Man)
34. Zero (Mega Man X)
35. Vile (Mega Man X)
^ Top
2,395,585,460 BP
32 TP | 451 PP
Posted on March 3rd, 2017 at 1:06pm Edited on 2017/03/03 at 1:10pm
Posted 2017/03/03 at 1:06pm Edited 2017/03/03 at 1:10pm
I just added a line in the opening post where you guys can post any questions you have about the Tourney itself in this thread as well. Promise to answer them to the bestest of my abilities. :)
^ Top
3,608,619,115 BP
15 TP | 657 PP
Posted on March 8th, 2017 at 8:23pm Edited on 2017/03/08 at 8:32pm
Posted 2017/03/08 at 8:23pm Edited 2017/03/08 at 8:32pm
1. Vava Vile, obviously (X)
2. Omega-Xis (Shooting Star Rockman)
3. Charge Man (Mega Man 5)
4. Burst Man (Mega Man 7)
5. Freeze Man (Mega Man 7)
6. Aqua Man (Mega Man 8)
7. Tengu Man (Mega Man 8, and a personal favorite of mine)
8. Clown Man (Mega Man 8)
9. Quint (Mega Man V)
10. Stove Man (Mega Man and Bass 2: Challenger from the Future)
11. Bullet Man (Also from Challenger)
12. Bond Man (Ya know... Everyone's favorite!)
13. Elec Man (The original)
14. Shade Man (The Seventh)
15. Pedia (Shooting Star Rockman 3)
16. Top Man (Mega Man 3)
17. Time Man (Powered Up)
18. Oil Man (Also from Powered Up)
19. Luna Platz (Shooting Star)
20. Magnet Man (Mega Man 3)
21. Clash Man (Mega Man 2)
22. Galaxy Man (Mega Man 9)
23. Hornet Man (Mega Man 9)
23. Search Man (Mega Man 8)
24. Strike Man (Mega Man 10)
25. Pump Man (Also 10)
26. Sheep Man (Again, 10)
27. Plug Man (Mega Man 9)
28. Blizzard Man (Mega Man 6)
29. Yamato Man (Also 6)
30. Gyro Man (Mega Man 5)
31. Wave Man (Also 5)
32. Ring Man (Mega Man 4)
33. Skull Man (Mega Man 4)
34. Enker (Dr. Wily's Revenge)
35. Ballade (Wily's Revenge 4)
^ Top
2,395,585,460 BP
32 TP | 451 PP
Posted on March 9th, 2017 at 12:19am Edited on 2017/03/09 at 12:24am
Posted 2017/03/09 at 12:19am Edited 2017/03/09 at 12:24am
This is just a post concerning my feelings on the whole "Clock Men" situation.

I have stated in both PMMCT's 2 AND 3, that entries cannot be grouped. If I can't accept "The Stardroids", then, sensically, I can't accept "Clock Men", either. It's only fair.

They now have to count as 2 separate entries, and anyone with 35 [now 36] entries who hasn't adjusted their lists as such by 3/15 will have to have their 36th nomination ignored.

^ Top
366,533 BP
0 TP | 42 PP
Posted on March 9th, 2017 at 6:39pm Edited on 2017/03/14 at 10:45pm
Posted 2017/03/09 at 6:39pm Edited 2017/03/14 at 10:45pm
I'm not missing this for the second time.

1. Bit Man
2. Mino Magnus
3. Volt Man
4. Sigma Limited
5. FireMan.EXE
6. Velguarder (you know, Sigma's pet dog thing.)
7. King
8. Palette
9. Gate
10. Flame Hyenard
11. Metall Daddy
12. Copy X MKII
13. Zero.EXE
14. X
15. Mega Man
16. LaserMan.EXE
17. Lumine
18. Storm Eagle
19. Metonger Z
20. Numetall
21. Metall B
22. Camouflametall
23. Cactuspy
24. Metall Potton
25. Metall Cannon
26. Giant Metall Cannon
27. Hell Metall DX
28. Fire Metall
29. Eddy
30. Sniper Joe
31. Returning Sniper Joe
32. Sniper Armor
33. Hammer Joe
34. Skeleton Joe
35. Apache Joe

^ Top
2,413,905,683 BP
20 TP | 467 PP
Posted on March 10th, 2017 at 7:45pm
Posted 2017/03/10 at 7:45pm
1. Mega Man [Classic]
2. Roll [Classic]
3. Proto Man [Classic]
4. Bass [Classic]
5. Elec Man [Classic]
6. Cut Man [Classic]
7. Gemini Man [Classic]
8. Ring Man [Classic]
9. Star Man [Classic]
10. Gyro Man [Classic]
11. Tomahawk Man [Classic]
12. Knight Man [Classic]
13. Mega Man Volnutt [Legends]
14. Tron Bonne [Legends]
15. Mega Man.exe [BN]
16. Roll.exe [BN]
17. Proto Man.exe [BN]
18. Bass.exe [BN]
19. Metal Man.exe [BN]
20. Skull Man.exe [BN]
21. Axl [X]
22. Galaxy Man [Classic]
23. Napalm Man [Classic]
24. Mega Man X [X]
25. Wheel Gator [X]
26. Blizzard Buffalo [X]
27. Teisel Bonne [Legends]
28. Rush [Classic]
29. Beat [Classic]
30. Tango [Classic]
31. Sniper Joe [Classic]
32. Enker [Classic]
33. Punk [Classic]
34. Ballade [Classic]
35. Nine-Tails [X]
^ Top
11,821,991 BP
31 TP | 601 PP
Posted on March 11th, 2017 at 9:21am Edited on 2017/03/11 at 7:32pm
Posted 2017/03/11 at 9:21am Edited 2017/03/11 at 7:32pm
1. Mega Man X
2. Mega Man Classic
3. Galaxy Man
4. Model X
5. Bass.EXE
6. Mega Man Volnutt
7. Sniper Joe
8. Cut Man
9. Metal Man
10. Gemini Man
11. Copy X
12. Green Biker Dude
13. Storm Eagle
14. Sigma
15. Zero
16. Elec Man
17. Skull Man (KILLS)
18. Dr.Wily
19. Dr.Light
20. Dynamo
21. Glyde [Legends]
22. Vile
23. Omega Zero
24. Axl
25. Model Z
26. Model P
27. The Copy Robot
28. Terra
29. Venus
30. Vent
31. Ring.EXE
32. Colton
33. Quint
34. Over-R
^ Top
2,395,585,460 BP
32 TP | 451 PP
Posted on March 11th, 2017 at 1:56pm Edited on 2017/03/11 at 3:19pm
Posted 2017/03/11 at 1:56pm Edited 2017/03/11 at 3:19pm
Don't want there to be any misunderstandings or mistakes, so, here's some things I feel I should mention now that there's less then 5 days left for nominations. Red stuff is important.

Copyie: 34/35 entries.
MegaBossMan: 34/35 entries.
MegaBoyX7: 30/35 entries.
#'s 12 and 13 are grouped. There's also no specification as to whether you mean the Zero from the X series, the PLAYABLE Zero from the Zero series, or the OTHER Zero from MMZ3, whose name is Omega. Wouldn't be a problem if they weren't grouped. The first 2 I have to view as one and the same due to having the same name. Failure to specify who you mean by 3/15 means I have to accept this as a single "Zero [MMX]" entry.
There's also The Clock Men at #35, which you already know is a thing, I suspect. :P
uraccountcrashed: Bond Man isn't a thing, friend. :P
Walter: 36/35 entries. Also, Ryu isn't an MM character. Nice try. :P

as long as red text didn't appear besides your name, your list is currently OK.
^ Top
658,104,324 BP
6 TP | 426 PP
Posted on March 11th, 2017 at 7:10pm
Posted 2017/03/11 at 7:10pm
1. Bass.EXE
2. Ballade
3. Sunstar
4. Mega Man
5. Mega Man X
6. Zero (X Series)
7. Ring.EXE
8. Green Biker Dude (From MMX2)
9. Mac (From MMX3)
10. Copy X
11. CosmoMan.EXE
12. MetFire Virus (Battle Network)
13. Sigma
14. Dr. Weil
15. Vile
16. Omega
17. Dynamo
18. Spider
19. Mega Man.EXE
20. Proto Man
21. Fan
22. Mettal (Classic Series)
23. Mettaur Virus (Battle Network)
24. Rockman Shadow
25. Terra
26. Enker
27. OVER-1
28. Cut Man
29. King
30. Plum
31. Guts Man
32. Shadow Devil
33. Metonger Z (Mega Man 6)
34. Geo Stellar
35. Pooker (Mega Man 6)
^ Top
2,395,585,460 BP
32 TP | 451 PP
Posted on March 13th, 2017 at 5:24pm Edited on 2017/03/13 at 5:49pm
Posted 2017/03/13 at 5:24pm Edited 2017/03/13 at 5:49pm
Less than 72 hours before the end of nominations. Folks. Remember, 11:59, EST on 3/15.

Current problems [Only underlined, bolded ones are of any importance]:

MegaBossMan: Officially, 34/35 Entries.

MegaBoyX7: You have Cut Man listed twice; only one will count. Officially, 33/35 entries.

Meta: Officially, 33/35 Entries.

Musical: Officially, 34/35 Entries.

ThatOneEnder: 36/35 Entries.

uraccountcrashed: Bond Man isn't valid. Nominations have to have appeared in at least one official VIDEO GAME to be valid [I've stated this in the opening post in all 3 PMMCT's]. Sorry. Officially, 34/35 Entries.

Walter: The opening post says nothing about "Mighty No. 9" characters [and never will]. Officially, 33/35 entries.
^ Top
4,279,483,687 BP
10 TP | 592 PP
Posted on March 13th, 2017 at 5:49pm
Posted 2017/03/13 at 5:49pm
@ThatGuyNamedMikey : Never changing that. Ever. Clock Men deserve justic.
^ Top
3,608,619,115 BP
15 TP | 657 PP
Posted on March 13th, 2017 at 8:53pm
Posted 2017/03/13 at 8:53pm
Oquay, fein. Make my 35th nomination... Uh, Wheel Gator from X. Just because I like his music.
^ Top
2,395,585,460 BP
32 TP | 451 PP
Posted on March 16th, 2017 at 12:01am Edited on 2017/03/16 at 12:59am
Posted 2017/03/16 at 12:01am Edited 2017/03/16 at 12:59am
All lists were screened at precisely 11:59 PM, ESt, and are now locked in and finalized. Sowwyyyy.

Noms are now CLOSED! I'll be making a new thread where the ACTUAL PMMCT 3 will take place later tonight. At or around 12:01 AM on 3/17, the Tourney Eliminator will begin, which will whittle the number of combatants down to the 96 we need [yes, confirmed, 96, not 64] for the Tourney.

Thanks for all the noms. See you soon.
also, whooooooooo! 400 posts!
^ Top

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