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Since I don't see a place where this can be placed, I'll be putting it here for safety's sake. Please move this to the appropriate section if this mustn't be here. Thanks in advance.
Well, since this is my first topic, time for me t ask you MMRPG gamers, especially the ones who are still at stat-maxing their robots, who are you using most of the time?
Is it the Defensive Dr. Light? The Offensive Dr. Wily? Or the Evasive Dr. Cossack?
State who and why! And as you may see, this will also reflect on what is your gameplay during the stat-maxing phase, and your most preferred approach of battling.
To make things more imaginable, let us assume that we will use a neutral-core robot that is not stat-maxed. Just plain, untrained, level 100 robot with a fixed, balanced stats (I guess Rhythm is the best example?), and they really need a doctor boost. If we all need to use this robot in battle, which robot are you using to support your gameplay with this plain robot?
Poll: Who is your doctor of choice? Posted by Arzt on August 1st, 2014 at 12:05am Viewed 1980 Times
Well, I'm putting a vote here as well since I started it.
Not looking on the character background of each doc, and looking on the boosts of each doctor, I'll vote for the attacker, Dr. Albert Wily. Attacking is my thing, and when RPGs and side-scrollers are the subject, offense for me is the most vital. Besides, the goal of each game like that is to damage enemies to 0 health/energy. defense will just lower your damage, and speed just lowers your hit rate, yet you can still hit them (although speed is vital too, but less vital than attack). That's just my opinion BTW.
Posted on August 1st, 2014 at 12:27amEdited on 2014/08/01 at 12:41am
Posted 2014/08/01 at 12:27amEdited 2014/08/01 at 12:41am
I vote for Light simply because Light steals all the credit, but if it's about choosing the best for-battle doctor it would be Wily for an all-ofensive or Cossack for a defensive/strategic.
Posted on August 1st, 2014 at 9:18amEdited on 2014/08/01 at 9:29am
Posted 2014/08/01 at 9:18amEdited 2014/08/01 at 9:29am
I vote for Dr. Cossack. Let's say you have Fire Man fighting Blizzard Man. You know one hit of your Fire Storm will defeat Blizzard Man, but you are also heavily damaged and weak to him, so any hit will defeat you. Naturally, you are slower than Blizzard Man. If you have increased defense, he still has super effective attacks and can defeat you in one hit. If you have increased attack, he still out speeds you and defeats you. If you have increased speed, you could defeat Blizzard Man before he beats you.
Posted on August 1st, 2014 at 11:08amEdited on 2014/08/01 at 11:11am
Posted 2014/08/01 at 11:08amEdited 2014/08/01 at 11:11am
Dr. Wily. Speed and Defense don't matter if you have abilities like Bright Burst with perfect accuracy, and Wily's attack boost means your attacks hit that much harder. Most RMs currently in game are somewhat glass cannons as is (Pharaoh Man, Needle Man and Gemini Man are just a few examples), so why not make the cannon as big as possible? Basically, my battle strategy involves hitting every active robot with Bright Burst, Hard Knuckle, and/or Spark Shock to lower their defenses before hitting them with either weaknesses or weapons that are heavily affected by multipliers. I also have a bad habit of spamming Field Support to be able to use strong, screen-affecting abilities like Rain Flush and Gemini Laser to maximum effectiveness. In short, my strategy revolves around taking the opponent down before they can fire off a shot. Wily's attack boost is essential there.
wily, sure i may put all robots in 1 place,but power can be used better, and defense? just grind for those points, or just increase it on a certain battle. so wily 4, light 1, cossack 1, and i like attack better anyway. Wily+1 for me. and he is even the villan of the franchise! he uses the "hostages", cossack, proto man and mr.x, (or is mr.x a disguise?) any way. wily is winning.
Posted on August 3rd, 2014 at 5:24pmEdited on 2014/08/03 at 5:35pm
Posted 2014/08/03 at 5:24pmEdited 2014/08/03 at 5:35pm
look at the community help and guidelines to get the robot shown. if you dont, then do this, [robot:right:victory] {bass} with no spaces. or do [this] {flame} no spaces. so yea... look at the community guide lines. for the way to do the stuff like tails mk4.
@ShadowLord896 : Hey, I'm glad that you know how to do that, but for further things, check here. Like Reisrat said, this was a pretty big topic change.
@TheMegaGamer : Thanks for teaching ShadowLord how to use this new coding options, but next time, think you could put it all in one post?