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Mega Man RPG Prototype General Discussion

My review of the MMRPG Prototype.

September 9th, 2014 at 9:43pm
2,395,585,460 BP
32 TP | 451 PP
So, I beat all mandatory chapters earlier today, and the game basically asked me to leave feedback 3 times [once for each Dr. completion], so, after much procrastination on it by me [mostly because of the Force Stars that have appeared in the mandatory Chapters], I'd like to give my feedback on what I think about this game.

Firstly, it should be mentioned that this is from the opinions of a FIRST timer. As of this post, I've only been playing the game for BARELY 1/2 a week. Expert players with months--if not YEARS--of experience and with WELL over a billion BP [I'm looking at you, TailsMK4] are--more often than not--going to tell you that the game is flat-out easy almost from beginning to end if you know what you're doing; I found out otherwise REAL quick. Especially in the final levels of the game.

I'll cover the storyline, visuals, sound and gameplay, in that order.


MMRPG Protoype's storyline goes something like this: Somehow, someway, Dr. Thomas Light [and his robots, Mega Man and Roll], Dr. Albert Wily [and his robots Bass and Disco] and Dr. Mikhail Cossack [along with his robot Rhythm, and his new ally, Proto Man] all found themselves inexplicably trapped in different places inside some kind of prototype battle simulator, and in order to escape, they have to fight their way out by beating all of the Robot Masters that MM Classic series fans know, love and hate, along with a few original ones that the MMRPG Prototype developers came up with on their own.

It does at least have *some* kind of storyline to start with, however simple it may be. It's not like Mega Man 3 [the NES one], where you see NO storyline until you're 2/3rds of the way through it. :P

My storyline rating: 7/10.


I should mention at this point that MMRPG Prototype is browser-based; You'll never have to download or install anything in order to play it [you just have to sign up for the MMRPG Prototype Forum, first, and still, that's free]. As a result of this, the visuals aren't perfect; they seem to be modeled mostly after the 6 8-bit MM titles, which, admittedly, originally had me thinking that this was gonna be a Mega Man 9 or Mega Man 10; too short and too stuck-in-the-past to truly be as memorable as some of it's superior predecessors.

However, if your web browser doesn't completely suck [I have IE 11, and it seems to play this almost smoothly], you'll see that the people that provided the sprites for this game knew what they were doing. The attack animations for each character are pretty well done, and each robot master has new poses, new speeches and new attacks. For a browser-based game, it's not shabby at all.

Your visuals rating may vary; Mine's is 8.5/10.


Unfortunately, as of the time of this review, the current version of Prototype has no sound effects. None. At all. At least, as far as I've heard.

However, it DOES have music, and HOLY CRAP, was it chosen well. The music selection was made pretty much entirely by Youtube user TheLegendOfRenegade [whose channel link is in the Prototype website's Credits page]. It's unmistakably Sega Genesis remixes of every MM1, MM2 and MM4 Robot Master stage, and it sounds kick-butt. If you love NOTHING else about this game when you're tired of it serving your butt to you on a plate, you'll LOVE the music. The original music is great, don't get me wrong, but, in instances like Renegade's Mega Man 9's Wily Castle 1 remix, some of the music is just as good, if not BETTER, than their original NES counterparts.

My sound rating: 9.5/10


The gameplay is really the only major scratch in the whole experience. As I mentioned in a Suggestions topic [this one, as a matter of fact], the game is about as beginner-friendly as the Mega Man Zero series was; almost not at all. There's no tutorial of any kind for beginners, and you're thrown into the action straightaway.

The very first enemy you fight in the entire game is a single Mettaur. It's weak, but, it has just enough Defense to show you the simplest parts of the game's battle mechanics; Damage your opponent[s] until their HP hits zero, and you win Experience points [which helps your robot army grow stronger], BP [which can unlock things later on], and maybe some items [though the chances of you getting items near the start of the game seems significantly low at the start, and increases little by little as you complete more of the game].

Seems simple enough, right? WeeeeeeeeelI, immediately after that, you have to choose who you'd like to fight next from among the 6 Robot Masters in Mega Man 1 and Time Man and Oil Man from Mega Man Powered Up. Here's where things take a turn for the ugly.

Unless you wanna ruin the challenge and fun of figuring things out for yourself by taking a look-see at all the things that the good people on the MMRPG forum have posted regarding how to make things as easy as possible in an RPG that does demands that luck be on your side in some way, shape or form, you're gonna assume that things are easy, only to find out that...

Cut Man can damage you up to 3 times with one attack,
and/or that Guts Man's Attack and Defense is MASSIVE,
*and/or* that Ice Man--with his superior speed--will mop the floor with you by Freezing you in place, thereby forcing you to just sit there and take his attack-power-heavy Ice Breath,
**and/or** that Bomb Man will blow you the heck up with HIS attack-power-heavy bombs,
***AND/OR*** that Fire Man can boost his Defense while chucking Attack-power-heavy fireballs at you,
****AND/OR**** that Elec Man will shock you to death with both his high speed *and* his OUTRAGEOUSLY high attack power,
*****AND/OR***** that Time Man will continuously make sure that you're slower than he is, making it all the more possible for him to chuck any strategy you had for him out the window by almost always attacking you first,
******AAAAND/ORRRR******* that Oil Man--the fastest of the bunch--can do what Time Man does without having to slow you down at all.

On top of THESE, you must always battel the Robot master on their turf, just like in the Classic series, however, their stages allow for their attacks to do AT LEAST DOUBLE the damage that it normally would. Because of this, Prototype gets REAL hard, REAL quick. There were difficulty curves in the Mega Man X series that were nowhere *near* as steep as this.

There's usually 1 or 2 [or 3] weaklings in amongst the bunch that can be beaten with just your normal weapons, which, after beating the Mettaur, is Mega Man's Mega Buster in pot shot form and powered up form, and the latter requires a turn to charge. Here, though, they ALL have the potential to send you scurrying away with your metaphorical tail between your legs and an 'eff this!' look on your face.

You MUST utilize the game's shops and items if you hope to have any chance of survival against some of these 8, and even then, NO ENEMY IN THE ENTIRE GAME drops currency. You have to sell items at Auto's Shop in order to get ANY currency at all. Buying the right items, and using those items at the right times can mean the difference between victory in defeat; more so here than in any Mega Man RPG I've ever played.

If you do somehow make it past them, though, the game gets slightly more enjoyable and slightly more challenging [and slightly more fun] with each victory. Each of the 3 Dr.'s storylines has a total of 5 Chapters with a total of 17 battles, and thats not counting the Story+'es of MAMMOSITHLY, HUGANTICLY GINORMOUS proportions awaiting you if you beat a Dr.'s storyline completely.

You must first make it past the extreme difficulty curve, though. Good luck with that.

My Gameplay rating: 6.5/10.

Is this game worth trying out? Most definitely.
Is it worth playing on a regular basis? For sure; the Story +'es make sure of that.

If you're stubborn enough to not give up and to persevere, this may be the MM RPG game you've always dreamed of.......once it's finished, that is.

Storyline: 7/10 [there's a moderately good storyline SOMEWHERE in there],
Visuals: 8.5/10 [though, this may vary greatly for you],
Sound: 9.5/10 [No sound effects, but awesome music more than makes up for this],
Gameplay: 6.5/10 [because of the huge Diff curve]

My final Rating: 7.875/10.

by the by, I'm not just gonna complain and whine and not do anything to help. Look for me to make a BUNCH of posts in the Suggestions section in the near future.

Remember, I'm NOT AN EXPERT AT THIS GAME, NOR DO I CLAIM TO BE, so, your experience will be vastly different from mine if you've been playing this long enough to make more than a billion BP on it. I'm still a newbie, so, keep that in mind before you flame me.
My review of the MMRPG Prototype.
Posted by ThatGuyNamedMikey on September 9th, 2014 at 9:43pm
Viewed 1889 Times
Retro Pikachu
3,561,826,418 BP
30 TP | 621 PP
Posted on September 10th, 2014 at 11:37pm
Posted 2014/09/10 at 11:37pm
What did I do :'(
Why did you have to shame me :'(
I feel sad:'(
*getting back to normal*

Seriously, what did I do to get that "special mention"?
When compared to others on the leader board, 5 billion BP isn't a lot, so why are you pointing fingers at me?! I never said much against you so why do you have to treat me this way? Was it because I said to place Bug Reports somewhere else? I apologized for that. Is it because I have high BP count? How is it my fault that I'm good?
^ Top
1,348,940,198 BP
3 TP | 718 PP
Posted on September 10th, 2014 at 11:51pm
Posted 2014/09/10 at 11:51pm
@Mikey76500 : You don't get what I'm saying. You know how you can interchange stages to make Fusion Stars after you beat a player's campaign? Well, for a time, I thought that you had to beat two campaigns to interchange stages between them; I didn't know that you could rearrange the order of stages within one campaign and be fine. Granted, unlocking more stages means more combinations, but I didn't know about being able to do that with just one set of fields in the first place.
^ Top
2,395,585,460 BP
32 TP | 451 PP
Posted on September 11th, 2014 at 7:31am
Posted 2014/09/11 at 7:31am
@Retro Pikachu : oooooooooops.

I seem to have mixed you up with TailsMk4.

My sincerest apologies; This extremely clumsy error of mine has been edited accordingly. my defense, though, you two use the same type colors. xD

@TheDoc : I did all 3 storylines before trekking into any Story+ Chapters or messing around with the Player Editor, crazily enough.

Those Final Destination stages--as long as they are--were enjoyable to go through just for the kick-butt music. x)
^ Top
10,600,490 BP
8 TP | 310 PP
Posted on September 11th, 2014 at 11:22am Edited on 2014/09/11 at 11:26am
Posted 2014/09/11 at 11:22am Edited 2014/09/11 at 11:26am
I meant that in boss fights, I pretty much just dash-jump off walls.

The joke is that Web Spider is a chump even without walljumping or dashing..
Careful of the description there's some swearing I think.
^ Top
1,348,940,198 BP
3 TP | 718 PP
Posted on September 11th, 2014 at 4:04pm Edited on 2014/09/11 at 4:10pm
Posted 2014/09/11 at 4:04pm Edited 2014/09/11 at 4:10pm
(lol I'm purposefully getting us off-topic) The majority of Blizzard Buffalo's attacks are avoided via sitting or dashing off the wall. The only attack you actually have to worry about is his Frost Spikes, where you have to stay on the ground for two or so spike shots so that he doesn't end up taking away your wall, but even then you can just shoot them down. The freeze breath is cake to dodge unless you decided to run right up to his face for WHATEVER reason. If you want to talk about difficult ramming bosses, at least say Tunnel Rhino before pointing fingers at Buffalo.
^ Top
2,395,585,460 BP
32 TP | 451 PP
Posted on September 11th, 2014 at 4:13pm
Posted 2014/09/11 at 4:13pm
@Acting Mod Reisrat : He can also be u-buster'd [uncharged buster'd]. All X4 bosses can be, actually.

@TheDoc : Actually, I'd say Volt Catfish; have you ever tried to u-buster him? It's torture. x)
^ Top
1,348,940,198 BP
3 TP | 718 PP
Posted on September 11th, 2014 at 7:34pm Edited on 2014/09/11 at 7:36pm
Posted 2014/09/11 at 7:34pm Edited 2014/09/11 at 7:36pm
@Mikey76500 : Well, I was specifically talking about ramming bosses. Volt Catfish doesn't ram; he kinda like.....flops. Speaking of MMX3, I remember when I was young, I tried to do Blast Hornet first and did fairly well until he started shooting out his homing hornets. It was then that I gave up on him.
^ Top
2,395,585,460 BP
32 TP | 451 PP
Posted on September 11th, 2014 at 7:40pm Edited on 2014/09/11 at 7:45pm
Posted 2014/09/11 at 7:40pm Edited 2014/09/11 at 7:45pm
@TheDoc : Ah, but, Volt DOES ram you when his HP is low. You know how he jumps in the middle of the room and makes the sparks literally fly?

He unexpectedly charges at you when he finishes, then he jumps back in the middle and does it all over again. Rinse and repeat until either you or he dies.

It's unexpected, and it's pretty fast too. VERY difficult to avoid without getting hit either by it or a stray spark.
^ Top
10,600,490 BP
8 TP | 310 PP
Posted on September 11th, 2014 at 7:51pm
Posted 2014/09/11 at 7:51pm
Welp I'm a bad example.

Back to thread topic, the story is probably going to be tomorrow's topic. Assuming I remember I'm in charge of that.
^ Top

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