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Mega Man RPG Prototype General Discussion

battle themes

October 13th, 2014 at 11:33am
128,383,063 BP
2 TP | 7 PP
In order to defeat a high point player you must have a personal battle theme. When I see a player who is worth over 4 mil I start the battle by playing the pokemon battle theme. Upon success you must play the final fantasy fanfare *preferably the one from ff 6*. This is the best advice for megaman prototype
battle themes
Posted by baconbits2021 on October 13th, 2014 at 11:33am
Viewed 1034 Times


3,608,619,115 BP
15 TP | 657 PP
Posted on October 13th, 2014 at 1:04pm Edited on 2014/10/13 at 1:07pm
Posted 2014/10/13 at 1:04pm Edited 2014/10/13 at 1:07pm
Good idea.

I would use Cossack Castle boss from RockMan 4: Minus Infinity! (ロックマン ふぉう:みぬいんふぃに)
^ Top
Retro Pikachu
3,561,826,418 BP
30 TP | 621 PP
Posted on October 13th, 2014 at 1:38pm
Posted 2014/10/13 at 1:38pm
This is a pretty good idea, and it would add to the customization.

For future reference, put ideas like this in this thread.
^ Top
128,383,063 BP
2 TP | 7 PP
Posted on October 13th, 2014 at 2:08pm
Posted 2014/10/13 at 2:08pm
I kinda meant this as a I had a moment of boredom and well yeah
^ Top
1,348,940,198 BP
3 TP | 718 PP
Posted on October 13th, 2014 at 2:12pm
Posted 2014/10/13 at 2:12pm
@Retro Gengar : I didn't really think he was saying it as a suggestion to implement in the game itself; it was more of something fun that he personally does. Your intentions were good, but in my personal opinion, this would be better as a topic in General. Then again, I guess it's technically a "Strategy", so it really just comes down to semantics.

Tl;dr I think it's fine where it is because it's not an honest-to-goodness suggestion for the game itself.
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Retro Pikachu
3,561,826,418 BP
30 TP | 621 PP
Posted on October 13th, 2014 at 3:52pm
Posted 2014/10/13 at 3:52pm
@Dr.Jekyll: Guess you're right, I just saw this in a different perspective, I guess...

May as well say that my theme would be Primal Dialga's Fight to the Finish! from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2 (Dungeon of Time and Dungeon of Darkness).

^ Top
1,348,940,198 BP
3 TP | 718 PP
Posted on October 13th, 2014 at 4:11pm
Posted 2014/10/13 at 4:11pm
@Retro Gengar : Oh no, I understand why you said what you said; in fact, the reason I thought I'd clarify was BECAUSE of that ambiguity in the post.
^ Top
10,600,490 BP
8 TP | 310 PP
Posted on October 14th, 2014 at 3:56pm
Posted 2014/10/14 at 3:56pm
I listen to whatever I was listening to before because I'm a lazy slob I don't want to change songs constantly.
^ Top
1,588,665,489 BP
54 TP | 1661 PP
Posted on October 15th, 2014 at 5:36pm
Posted 2014/10/15 at 5:36pm
-____________________________________________-... i did this aswell. i guess NO ONE DOES care about me.
^ Top
29,581,279 BP
6 TP | 33 PP
Posted on October 15th, 2014 at 6:14pm
Posted 2014/10/15 at 6:14pm
for my battle theme, i would use my favourite theme in hyrule warriors: FOCAL LINE! and for victory, the quest complete music from monster hunter 3 ultimate!
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