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Adrian Marceau
Adrian Marceau
113,913,695 BP
204 TP | 518 PP
Hello again everyone - sorry for any bugs encountered earlier in the day saving/loading files or accessing missions - they should all be fixed now but please let me know if you notice anything else. Thank you!

The next update would be to the ability buttons displayed in battle. Previously these were pretty straight-forward, displaying the most basic of information about an ability - power, type, name, accuracy, etc. The buttons still show the same information, but thanks to this update the information is more accurate than before. That is to say, the "power" of the ability is now updated in real-time based on the current set of field multipliers and the user's core type.

As an example, the move "Leaf Shield" typically has a power rating of 30, and that is the power that shows up in the ability menu during battle. However, if there are any conditions on the field boosting or breaking down this amount, they will now be shown directly on the button. Abilities that have had their power increased will have a faint green colour to the power amount, and abilities that have had their power decreased will appear in a faint red. Leaf Shield, for example, might appear with a power of 45 instead of 30 when equipped to a Nature Core robot, and if used on the appropriate stage (with a 2x Nature modifier) the ability could go as high as 90!

While this change does not affect any of the mechanics of battle, it does make it much easier to see which ability is the most powerful/useful at any given time. Please let me know what you guys think and/or if you experience any bugs, questions, or other oddities. Thank you for playing! :D
Ability Buttons Now Show Accurate Power Level
Posted by Adrian Marceau on June 4th, 2013 at 1:36pm
Viewed 1019 Times

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This game is fan-made by Adrian Marceau, not affiliated or endorsed by Capcom at all, and is in no way official. Any and all feedback is appreciated. :)