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New Feature : Mission Resets (Updated)

June 15th, 2013 at 9:18pm
Adrian Marceau
Adrian Marceau
113,913,695 BP
204 TP | 518 PP
A new, slightly peculiar feature has been added to the game that I like to introduce and explain for everyone. This feature was actually added several weeks ago, but I completely forgot to report on it - maybe some of you have already seen it and - if you're adventurous enough - tried it?

This new Mission Reset feature is the ability to reset all your mission-related progress in the game and start over from the beginning. This option is always accessible through the in-game Save menu - simply click "Reset Missions" for any unlocked player and all completed missions will reset/forgotten, allowing you to start over from the beginning and re-play through the story.

New Feature : Mission Resets

Why would you ever want to reset your missions? And how is this different from the "Reset Game" button that was already there?

Well, the existing "Reset Game" option resets everything, including battle points, unlocked robots and abilities, experience points, literally everything. I doubt many people used this feature other than myself during testing, but it's always been there. The new Reset Missions button, on the other hand, allows you to reset only the generated missions in your game for a single, specific character. All robots you've unlocked, all abilities you've earned, your battle points and everything else will remain intact - just your completed missions on the Mission Select menu will be forgotten.

As for the reasons you'd want to do something like this, there are actually a few - maybe more. The most obvious reason is the ability to regenerate dynamic parts of the single-player campaign - like the battle fields. Each time a new game is started (or the missions are manually reset) the server randomly generates a new arrangement of the 8 base fields (for each player) and then decides which ones will cross with each other for phase 2 fusion fields. This is repeated for the phase 3 base fields and the phase 4 fusion fields as well. Sometimes these fusion fields turn out to be fantastic and have lots of great multipliers, but other times the two fields can cause poor multipliers or even cancel each other's out entirely - resetting your missions will force the game to regenerate those fusion fields and potentially give you a better (or worse) selection.

Another reason you might want to reset is if you're stuck in a hard spot. As you may have noticed, the difficulty of many missions increase as you progress - the first set of robot masters all start at level 2, but for each one you defeat all of them increase by one level. If you rush through the missions, you may get to a point where you feel overwhelmed and unable to continue without fighting through the boring Intro Field repeatedly. Now, you can just reset your missions and start over from the beginning - yes you have to re-fight all the robot masters, but because you do not lose your abilities or experience points it's like having a "New Game +" option at your fingertips whenever you want it. I've been playing with this feature a lot lately, and I really like how much control it gives you over the flow of your experience.

The last reason I can think of (but I'm sure there are more) would be for players who have already completed the entire game and are bored with playing with the same 30 missions. This gives them a chance to replay the game with an overpowered team (which is very, very fun) and potentially have a different selection of battle fields to play with.

I hope you guys like this feature, and aren't scared to use it at some point. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns, and I'd love to get your feedback on it and any ideas you have for how it might be useful. :D
Update : After realizing this feature had been accidentally removed by an emergency bug-fix, I had to take the post down. Luckily I had time to re-implement the feature this weekend and it is now present in the in-game save menu again. It will be really obvious which options are the new ones as they have colour-coded Light and Wily backgrounds. Have fun, and sorry for the delay!
New Feature : Mission Resets (Updated)
Posted by Adrian Marceau on June 15th, 2013 at 9:18pm
Viewed 945 Times


9,814,497 BP
0 TP | 1 PP
Posted on June 13th, 2013 at 12:49pm
Posted 2013/06/13 at 12:49pm
I thought about trying the mission reset to help level up my much lower leveled robots but when I looked in the save menu it says reset game and gave a warning that it would reset everything so I backed out.
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
113,913,695 BP
204 TP | 518 PP
Posted on June 13th, 2013 at 12:58pm
Posted 2013/06/13 at 12:58pm
What the? I looks like the options disappeared - not really sure where they went either... So sorry, I'll look into this and update when I've figured it out. :/
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