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New Feature : Leaderboard Profiles

June 15th, 2013 at 8:42pm
Adrian Marceau
Adrian Marceau
113,913,695 BP
204 TP | 518 PP
The first new feature that I'd like to post about this week (not counting the feature-fix post from a moment ago) are leaderboard profiles. Prior to this update, the leaderboard consisted of only a condensed listing of each players' save file. Now, clicking on any of those leaderboard listings will bring you to a full-page overview of the player and their save game. In addition to their battle points and unlocked robots, you can also view that stats of each of their robots as well as any records for how many mission they've completed, how many abilities they've unlocked, and even their most-used characters!

New Feature : Leaderboard Profile

To see an example of what I mean, here are links to the leaderboard's current Top 3 players:
#1 : Shadownnico's Profile
#2 : nZero1000's Profile
#3 : Avocadora's Profile

This should make it easier to share your progress with your friends and even track the progress of your rivals and make the entire leaderboard experience more fun. In addition to an auto-generated description that appears at the top of the page, players have the option of writing their own bio as well. I have written my own bio as an example here, and you can write your own too by going into the Save Game menu on the website (this option is not available from the in-game save menu).

I hope everyone enjoys this new feature, and let me know what you think in the comments. :D
New Feature : Leaderboard Profiles
Posted by Adrian Marceau on June 15th, 2013 at 8:42pm
Viewed 1353 Times

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