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New Feature : Player Bonuses

June 15th, 2013 at 8:56pm
Adrian Marceau
Adrian Marceau
113,913,695 BP
204 TP | 518 PP
The next new feature I'd like to discuss are player bonuses, and it's actually pretty straight-forward. From now on each of the three players will have one special "bonus" to a specific stat in battle, applied to any robots currently under their care. That means that a robot's stats will be affected by which player is currently using it, and these stats are updated in real-time when using the in-game Robot Editor.

New Feature : Player Bonuses

Dr. Light has been given a bonus of Robot Defense +25%, Dr. Wily gets Robot Attack +25%, and Dr. Cossack will eventually get Robot Speed +25% when he's added to the game. I chose to add this to the game for two reasons - the first of which was an effort to differentiate the players a bit more than which missions and robots were available (since you can just swap them anyway) and the second reason was to make the early-game with Dr. Light a little easier and more accessible to new players, given how powerful the new Field Multipliers have made the enemy robots.

On a slightly related note, Rolling Cutter has been nerfed, so to speak, decreasing the accuracy a bit, the damage by one point, and making it strike three times instead of four to make it less similar to the Quick Boomerang.

Let me know what you guys think about this new feature - I think it's pretty fun and definitely changes the strategy a bit when deciding which player's game to master/complete first. :P Enjoy!
New Feature : Player Bonuses
Posted by Adrian Marceau on June 15th, 2013 at 8:56pm
Viewed 1064 Times


26,758,030 BP
13 TP | 176 PP
Posted on June 16th, 2013 at 9:03pm
Posted 2013/06/16 at 9:03pm
Cool feature, but does this bonus affect a robot with max stats?
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
113,913,695 BP
204 TP | 518 PP
Posted on June 17th, 2013 at 9:39am
Posted 2013/06/17 at 9:39am
If a robot is already at the limit of 9999 for any stat, then no, it will not affect them. If a robot has close to 9999 but still under, they'll get as much of a boost as they can without going over the 9999 limit. Luckily, none of your robots have hit the 9999 limit for any of their stats, but when they do the cap will definitely will kick in.
^ Top
26,758,030 BP
13 TP | 176 PP
Posted on June 17th, 2013 at 6:21pm
Posted 2013/06/17 at 6:21pm
Actualy... My MegaMan kind of did... in everything but HP. It's just that my leaderboard page makes it look like 10.000 or more.
^ Top

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