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Mega Man RPG Prototype Roleplay & Games

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"Smash Teams"

July 10th, 2015 at 11:47am
Zero The Link
Zero The Link
332,297,151 BP
11 TP | 526 PP
Well,...seeing as there's that ranking system that DaCrashBomber made....i'd thought i'd make this Team Names thread thingy,... to show the teams of the Prototype so far... and as far as i know i have found 3 teams to make example... so...let's see here...

1st Team: The Prototype Makers quick-man dr-wilyMegaBossMan dr-cossackAdrian Marceau gemini-manTailsMK4 bright-manThatGuyNamedMikey

2nd Team: Leaderboard Champions quick-man dr-wilyMegaBossMan bassbassMetaKirbSter gemini-manTailsMk4 bright-manThatGuyNamedMikey bassRhythm_BCA snake-manTobyJoey and finally skull-manTheDoc

3rd Team: The Irregular Champions/Challengers bass bassZeroDXZ bass bassMetaKirbSter bassAlphaShurikenGSX time-manMusicalKitty crash-manDaCrashBomber and ring-manThatOneEnderMan

feel free to make one that you think has happened or shows in rank....whatever makes sense
"Smash Teams"
Posted by Zero The Link on July 10th, 2015 at 11:47am
Viewed 2775 Times


1,588,665,489 BP
54 TP | 1661 PP
Posted on July 10th, 2015 at 11:59am
Posted 2015/07/10 at 11:59am
actually, Crash didn't make the Ranking system. Some of us just made it up for fun. (Example: Everyone with the 1st Place Star/1025th star/Star of immortality is classified as a god, Top 10 can be Demigod, 11-20 are Legends.... i think.... 21-30 could be Champions... I dunno)

Add TobyJoey, TheDoc, And Rhythm_BCA To the Leaderboard Champions, or at Least Toby and Doc.
For The Prototype Makers, Mikey and Tails Had Ideas, MBM Is the Admin of It, and Adrian's the Creator.
I don't fit in the 3rd Group, Honestly. :P Might Want to add MusicalKitty, DaCrashBomber, and People like those... I dunno.
^ Top
Zero The Link
332,297,151 BP
11 TP | 526 PP
Posted on July 10th, 2015 at 12:31pm Edited on 2015/07/10 at 12:33pm
Posted 2015/07/10 at 12:31pm Edited 2015/07/10 at 12:33pm
4th Team: The Prototype-Teens bassbassZeroDXZ bassbassMetaKirbSter and top-manSpinStrike
^ Top
9,188,674 BP
0 TP | 20 PP
Posted on July 10th, 2015 at 10:37pm
Posted 2015/07/10 at 10:37pm
is pretty ovbious that the below the 100th grade are not even gonna make it
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