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Mega Man RPG Prototype Roleplay & Games

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MMRPG Trading Card Game: The Remake!

November 10th, 2015 at 6:57pm
Holly Jolly Beta
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Hey, remember my old MMRPG Trading Card Game RP? Yeah, THAT ancient thing? Well, some people *cough*Tails*cough* didn't like a few ideas or something like that, and I kinda feel like starting from scratch. So, yeah, take 2! Action!
Let's start with the rules, which are the same as usual, with small changes.
-There are TWO THREE types of cards: Robot Master Cards, Support Cards, and, as of recently, Field Cards.
-The maximum amount of cards in a deck is 50.
-You can only have ONE deck. You are banned from using alts just to have extra.
-You can trade for cards.
-Everyone starts with 100 Zenny in this RP. Every victory gives you 50 Zenny. You can use Zenny to get more cards.
-Run out of space in your deck? Not a problem! Use your Profile Description as a storage unit, and you can switch up your deck. However, it will require you to notify me through personal messaging.
-Each single card is 25 zenny. Every pack is 50.
-Every card you make, unless I decide otherwise, if you have more than 1 card, will go into your own pack.
-There is ONE exception to both of these above rules... Special Cards. You can win these through an event or as a prize in a tournament. One of my characters, Bt Ghost, on the other hand, had the sneakiness (and kindness?) to allow people to use zenny to buy Special Cards for 50 zenny per card.
-You can also SELL cards. Each card you decide to sell will be placed in a lot. Support Cards are 5 Zenny, RM cards, Field Cards, and Special Support Cards are 10, and Special RM Cards and Special Field Cards are 15.
-The cards you get is randomized. I will use's list generator if more than 5, and the top 5 will be your cards.
-When you create your own cards, you will have them automatically. However, I don't automatically get the starter pack cards.
-Going back to the use of, you can go here for coin flipping, a feature I banned from use in the original. The same will go for a new feature asked about by StupidStudiosN, which is the requirement of rolling dice.
-The cards can't change forms or core colors. Even though you could place certain Pokemon cards over each other as a form of evolution, the cards used hare are not real and will NOT use that feature. Also, that means more cards to fight with for you, so yay you.
-Support cards CAN'T paralyze, burn, make users fall asleep, change moves, ect., but they CAN give you a one-time use of a different attack or the attack last used by the opponent.
-Banned core types: Energy, Weapon, Attack, Defense, Speed, Weapons, Light, Wily, Cossack. These are banned from RM/weapon core types due to impossibility in-game. Empty cores, however, ARE available. The banned cores CAN be used for Powers and Support Cards.
-Speaking of core types, Powers and Attacks, if you don't know by now, do NOT have to match the core type of the robot using it.
-Powers allows you to do a thing. Idk, I think it is obvious what they do.
-I do not allow attacks that can do 100 damage or more on it's own. This means that if there is an attack that deals 90 damage and a support card (or a weakness) is used to make it do 100 or more damage, that's fine, but in other cases, no. As of lately, I had two new exceptions: Special Cards and Recoil Damage. For Special Cards, I decided to increase the damage limit to 150, mainly to make another difference between Special Cards and Regular Cards. Another exception is recoil damage: I'll allow damage of over 100 IF it comes with recoil damage of at LEAST 70 damage. However, for every 30 numbers, the recoil damage must be 70+(10*# of damage increase (by 20)). (If I said the equation wrong, then I'm sorry, but not everyone is a genius.)
-There is also a new health limit so nobody can go crazy. This limit is 300 and it goes for ALL cards, including Special Cards. (Though, Special Cards MAY get a 50-200 HP limit increase in the future, but we may see.)
-Speaking of Special Cards, one more thing: You can only have a limit of THREE Special Cards in your deck. Otherwise... Eh, not sure what would come out of it, but I'm pretty sure it's nothing good.
-We will not use Hands and Benches for the battles, there are just robots in battle, an Robots deck, and a Support Cards deck.
-I have a certain HP system in which numbers for attacks and HP MUST end with a 0. (Decimals, obviously, are also on this ban list.)
-In addition, to make things fair, the number of health the robot starts with must NOT be below 90 HP. That way, no cards can be too weak.
-I won't add cards that instantly disables (or not allow the use of) a Robot card, though I will allow one that disables SUPPORT cards.
-Ok, let's just say Guts Man uses Super Arm on Cut Man. Since it is Impact-core, the attack would deal it's basic damage +10 to Cut Man. Let's also say that Shadow Man uses Shadow Blade to Beta Man. Since it is a Shadow-core, the attack would deal it's basic damage -10 to Beta Man. However, if Beta Man is hit with a Shadow-core attack that normally deals 10 damage, it will still deal 10 damage.
-Field Cards don't have to do both Increases and Decreases. It can just increase without a decrease, or it can decrease without an increase. It has to at least have one or the other, though.
-The attack increase and decrease limit for Field Cards is 30. If it's a Special Field Card, the limit is 50.
-Any suggestions on what should be added/removed/changed? Just say so!
-Certain rules based on making a card will only have warnings. Other rule breaks, such as taking an extra turn when not supposed to, will go in this order: Warning, loss of 10 Zenny, loss of up to 50 Zenny, loss of ALL Zenny, and probably loss of all Zenny AND a week-long ban.
Here is the card maker for robots:

Attack 1/Power:
Attack/Power Description:
Attack 2: (Optional)
Attack 2 Description: (Optional)
Attack 3: (Optional)
Attack 3 Description: (Optional)
Flavor Text: (Optional)

And then the one for supports:

Flavor Text: (Optional)

And now the one for Field Cards:

Flavor Text: (Optional)
I somehow ran out of space to place down the card sets. If you want cards go HERE
To save space, I placed all players into this one pastebin:
MMRPG Trading Card Game: The Remake!
Posted by Holly Jolly Beta on November 10th, 2015 at 6:57pm
Viewed 32533 Times
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on November 17th, 2015 at 9:35pm Edited on 2016/06/25 at 8:00pm
Posted 2015/11/17 at 9:35pm Edited 2016/06/25 at 8:00pm
Alright, let's get this over with.

Name: Mega Man
Core: Copy
Health: 120
Power: Copy Chip
Power Description: When Copy Shot is used, the attack deals the full damage of the original.
Attack 2: Buster Shot
Attack 2 Description: Mega Man shoots a tiny bullet from his buster to deal 10 Damage.
Attack 3: Mega Buster
Attack 3 Description: Mega Man charges his buster for a turn and then fires it the next to deal 40 Damage.
Resistance: Shadow
Weakness: Electric

Name: Roll
Core: Neutral
Health: 130
Power: Helpful Assistance
Power Description: When returned to the deck, the robot sent next gains 10 health.
Attack 2: Roll Swing
Attack 2 Description: Roll swings her broom at the target to deal 10 Damage.
Attack 3: Energy Boost
Attack 3 Description: Roll restores her health. +20 Health
Resistance: Wind
Weakness: Freeze

Name: Dr. Light
Core: Defense
Description: Removes 10 damage from the enemy's next attack.

Name: Mega Buster
Core: Neutral
Description: Allows the single use of the move Mega Buster. The user charges their buster for a turn and then fires it the next to deal 40 Damage.

Name: Copy Core
Core: Copy
Description: Doubles the damage of the next attack.

Name: Neutral Core
Core: Neutral
Description: Doubles the damage of the next attack, as long as it is Neutral Core.

Name: Copy Shot
Core: Copy
Description: Allows the single use of the opponent's previously used attack, but the damaged is halved, rounded to the nearest 10.

Name: Bass
Core: Copy and Shadow
Health: 100
Power: Copy Chip
Power Description: When Copy Shot is used, the attack deals the full damage of the original.
Attack 2: Rapid-Fire
Attack 2 Description: Bass fires three Buster Shots rapidly. Flip three coins. For each set of heads, this attack does 10 Damage
Attack 3: Bass Buster
Attack 3 Description: Bass charges his buster for a turn, then releases it the next to deal 50 Damage.
Resistance: Space
Weakness: Flame

Name: Disco
Core: Neutral
Health: 150
Power: Battle Assistance
Power Description: When returned to the deck, the robot sent next gains +10 Attack on it's attack.
Attack 2: Energy Break
Attack 2 Description: Disco lowers the health of the target, dealing 20 Damage.
Attack 3: Attack Break
Attack 3 Description: Disco decreases the damage of the target's next attack by 20.
Resistance: Shadow
Weakness: Cutter

Name: Dr. Wily
Core: Attack
Description: Increases the next attack by 10.

Name: Bass Buster
Core: Neutral
Description: The user gains the single use of the move Bass Buster. The user charges his buster for a turn, then releases it the next to deal 50 Damage.

Name: Evil Energy
Core: Shadow
Description: The next attack is doubled, but with the cost of -30 Health.

Name: Proto Man
Core: Copy and Shield
Health: 180
Power: Copy Chip
Power Description: When Copy Shot is used, the attack deals the full damage of the original.
Attack 2: Proto Strike
Attack 2 Description: Proto Man fires a big blast from his buster. -60 Damage
Attack 3: Proto Shield
Attack 3 Description: The damage of the next attack is split in half, rounded down to the nearest 10.
Resistance: Laser
Weakness: Impact

Name: Rhythm
Core: Neutral
Health: 150
Power: Energy Transfer
Power Description: When returned to the deck, the robot sent next gains 10 health, but Rhythm looses 10.
Attack 2: Energy Shuffle
Attack 2 Description: Flip a coin. If heads, Rhythm gains +10 Health, and the target is damaged by 10 Damage. If tails, this is reversed.
Attack 3: Attack Shuffle
Attack 3 Description: Flip a coin. If heads, Rhythm's next attack is doubled, and the opponent's next attack is halved, rounded to the nearest 10. If tails, this is reversed.
Resistance: Space
Weakness: Laser

Name: Dr. Cossack
Core: Speed
Description: The user gains a second turn.

Name: Proto Buster
Core: Neutral
Description: The user gets a one time use of the move Proto Buster. The user charges it's buster for a turn and releases it the next to deal 70 Damage.

Out of space.
^ Top
11,821,991 BP
31 TP | 601 PP
Posted on November 25th, 2015 at 8:33am Edited on 2015/11/25 at 9:16pm
Posted 2015/11/25 at 8:33am Edited 2015/11/25 at 9:16pm
Name:MegaBoyX7 [Techno Warrior]
Power:Rockenzu Buster
Power Description: Known as Simply the strongest buster ever invented. it deals 30 damage and has 5 charge shot levels that deal 35-45 damage.
Attack 2:Copy Chip
Attack description: Mega can chose from 6 robot master weapons using a dice roll the weapons he can use are [Atomic Fire DA29 R1, Metal Blade DA28 R2, Jewel Satellite DEF55 R3, Hornet chaser HP20 R4, Rolling Cutter D25 Per boomerang hit R5, EEKADO LASER D55 R6.
Attack 3: PSI
Attack Description: Uses 3 types of PSI attacks FIRE is a Heads and Heads combo that does 35 damage +5 damage per burn hit Freeze is Tails and Tails Freezes the enemy with an Iceburg and it does 45 damage
PSI Twin Beams is a Head and tales combo that does 45 Damage and it is one of Mega's Strongest attacks. it can do 75 damage
Resistance: Shadow
Weakness: Electric

Name: Mega Man
Core: Copy
Health: 100
Power: Copy Chip
Power Description: When Copy Shot is used, the attack deals the full damage of the original.
Attack 2: Buster Shot
Attack 2 Description: Mega Man shoots a tiny bullet from his buster. -10 Health
Attack 3: Mega Buster
Attack 3 Description: Mega Man charges his buster for a turn and then fires it the next. -40 Health
Resistance: Shadow
Weakness: Electric

Name: Proto Man
Core: Copy and Shield
Health: 100
Power: Copy Chip
Power Description: When Copy Shot is used, the attack deals the full damage of the original.
Attack 2: Proto Strike
Attack 2 Description: Proto Man fires a big blast from his buster. -60 Damage
Attack 3: Proto Shield
Attack 3 Description: The damage of the next attack is split in half. (If the number in the tens place is odd, it becomes the bigger split. For instance, 50 becomes 30.)
Resistance: Laser
Weakness: Impact

Name:Twin Blades of Power
Description: Disables you from using Attack 2 and 3 for 3 rounds and boosts your main attack by double the power.

Name: Dr. Cossack
Core: Speed
Description: The user gains a second turn.

Name: BtMan MODEL-1
Core: Shadow
Health: 300
Attack 1/Power: Copy chip
Attack/Power Description: gives him a copy ability
Attack 2: Bt Buster
Attack 2 Description: Does 10 damage per shot
Resistance: Laser
Weakness: Time

Core: Neutral
Description: Teh powah of eekadoo is total swag gives you a 50% chance to get a 3 hit combo on the other persons cards.

Name: Bt's lost old helmet
Core: Shadow
Description: Bt's lost helmet turns the enemies attack down by 30

Name: Proto Man's shades
Core: Neutral
Description: His shades gives you 1 round of invincability
^ Top
4,279,483,687 BP
10 TP | 592 PP
Posted on November 25th, 2015 at 8:44am Edited on 2016/06/25 at 2:36pm
Posted 2015/11/25 at 8:44am Edited 2016/06/25 at 2:36pm
Alright then?

Name: Ender Man
Core: Earth/Cutter
Health: 180
Power: Death-Screech
Power Description: When killed, the card that killed this one takes 30 Damage.
Attack 2: Sword Slash
Attack 2 Description: The opponent takes 70 damage from a powerful crystal slash
Attack 3: Ender-Acid
Attack 3 Description: Ender Man takes 20 damage, but the opponent takes 90 damage from this attack.
Resistance: Earth
Weakness: Water

Name: End-Ball
Core: Shadow and Flame
Description: One time use. The opponent take 70 damage Shadow/Flame damage

Name: Dr Cossack (2)
Core: Speed
Description: One the next turn, the player's active card can attack twice.

Name: Blaze Man
Core: Wind/Flame
Health: 170
Power: Flamethrower
Power Description: Blaze Man creates a wave of flames. The opponent takes 50 damage, flip a coin, if heads, this attack does 100 damage
Attack 2: Rod Smack
Attack 2 Description:Blaze Man uses his rods to attack the opponent. There is 4 rods, each doing 30 damage, flip 4 coins, if heads then a rod will hit, if tails then it will not.
Attack 3: Blaze-Spin
Attack 3 Description: Blaze Man spins his rods at a extremely fast speed, roll a dice, if 1 or 2, this attack does 40 damage, if 3 or 4, then 60, and if 5 or 6, 90
Resistance: Flame
Weakness: Freeze

Name: Skeleton Man
Core: Shadow/Swift
Health: 170
Power: Arrow Shot
Power Description: Skeleton Man fires fast arrow, flip a coin, if heads, it does 50 damage, if tails, it does 80 damage.
Attack 2: Flame Arrow
Attack 2 Description: Does 60 damage to the opponent, flip a coin, if heads, the oponent takes 20 damage next turn due to a burn.
Attack 3: Shadow Arrow
Attack 3 Description: Wait 1 turn to charge, then on the next turn Skeleton Man fires the arrow. Does 120 damage
Weakness: Impact
Resistance: Water

Name: Bomb Arrow
Core: Explode
Description: The user fires a arrow that has a bomb on it, The user takes 10 damage, the opponent takes 70. Once used once, discard this card

Name: Dr. J
Core: Nature
Description: Heals any 1 card for 100 health but the card's next attack does 30 less damage. Once used once, discard this card
^ Top
2,193,837,754 BP
11 TP | 730 PP
Posted on November 25th, 2015 at 7:01pm Edited on 2016/06/10 at 10:37pm
Posted 2015/11/25 at 7:01pm Edited 2016/06/10 at 10:37pm
I'm in, I'll try to add the rest of the cards.

Name: Musical
Core: Crystal
Health: 120
Power: Silencer
Description: The Opponent will flip a coin whenever (s)he attacks, if heads, the attack isn't affected, if tails, the attack fails
Attack 2: Crescendo Crusher
Description: -20 Health However, if the move has already been used on the current target, then it's -50 Health
Attack 3: Fusion
Description: If Theatre Man is still alive, then they both fuse together and deliver a grand attack, inflicting -40 Crystal Damage and -20 Space damage but Musical will not be able to attack the turn after this attack is used
Resistance: Flame
Weakness: Shadow

Name: Theatre Man
Core: Space
Health: 80
Power: Bullet Body
Description: Every time Theatre Man is attacked, the attacker is inflicted with -10 Electric Damage
Attack 2: Mood Drain Theatre Man throws his melancholic mask and drains the target's Life Energy -30 Health Theatre Man recovers +30 Health
Attack 3: Weapon Roulette
Attack 3 Description: Roll a die 1-2: Theatre Man bashes the opponent with his staff, inflicting 20 Damage, and giving the opponent the Burn status 3-4: Theatre Man slices the opponent with a sword, inflicting -80 damage. 5-6: Theatre Man blows a strange kind of powder into the opponent's face, and is now Puppeted!*
Resistance: Space
Weakness: Nature

Core: Crystal
Description: the next time the user attacks, the attack is boosted by -10 Health

Core Shield
Description: Heals the user. [+10 Health}

Core: Neutral
Description: Pick a RM card on your deck that is not in play, if the active RM uses an attack this turn (Such as Lark Burner) the chosen card will use that move too, and inflict 50% the original attack. (rounded up to the nearest 10)

Bad Box Art Fire Man
Core: Flame-Neutral
Description: Stops the opponent from attacking this turn

Lark Man
Core: Flame
Health: 130
Power: Flammable Gas
Description: When Lark Man is in play, the attacks of all Flame Core RM cards inflict an additional -20 Health
Attack 2: Lark Burner
Description: Lark Man ignites himself and bashes into the target, -30 Health additionally, flip a coin, if heads, the target is burned
Attack 3: Toxic Fumes
Description: Lark Man's rockets leak out a Toxic fume, the target is Poisoned! When an RM card is poisoned, they are inflicted with -20 Shadow Damage every turn, it goes away in three turns, however
Resistance: Freeze
Weakness: Crystal

Lightweight Armor
Core: Shield
Description: The target's next attack inflicts -20 Health less

Heavyweight Armor
Core: Shield
Description: The opponent's next attack inflicts -30 Health less and prevents any status affects, but the user cannot attack

*Check page 4, post 9 to learn about the Puppet status
^ Top
2,413,905,683 BP
20 TP | 467 PP
Posted on November 25th, 2015 at 10:00pm Edited on 2015/12/28 at 12:40am
Posted 2015/11/25 at 10:00pm Edited 2015/12/28 at 12:40am
Just editing this as needed for my current deck (cards obtained from sets are not displayed here to save room).

Deck Name: Dimensional Control

Name: TailsMK4
Core: Space & Electric
Health: 300
Power: Cosmic Discharge
Power Description: If damaged by a Space-type attack, the user's next attack goes up by 20. (if the attack is a multi-hit, apply to last hit.)
Attack 2: Meteor Blast
Attack 2 Description: Flip a coin to decide how many meteors will be spawned for 10 damage each. If heads, two meteors will spawn. If tails, five meteors will spawn.
Attack 3: Electric Orb
Attack 3 Description: Fires a charged particle of energy for 30 damage and has a chance to cause Paralysis.
Resistance: Electric
Weakness: Earth

Name: Elec Man
Core: Electric
Health: 200
Power: Power Charge
Power Description: If given an Electric Core, the next attack after the core's effects wear off has its damage increased by 20.
Attack 2: Thunder Beam
Attack 2 Description: Flip a coin to determine how many bolts will hit the target for 30 damage each. If heads, all three bolts hit. If tails, only the first bolt hits.
Attack 3: Lightning Strike
Attack 3 Description: Fires a fierce bolt of lightning from the sky for 50 damage.
Resistance: Electric
Weakness: Earth

Name: Spark Man
Core: Electric
Health: 150
Power: Energy Spike
Power Description: Spark Man's next attack goes up by 10 if he attacked the target with an electric move the previous turn.
Attack 2: Spark Shock
Attack 2 Description: The user sends a small ball of energy to the target for 20 damage. If Spark Charge was used the previous turn, the attack does 60 damage instead and paralyzes.
Attack 3: Spark Charge
Attack 3 Description: The user spends the turn charging up Spark Shock.
Resistance: Water
Weakness: Cutter

Name: Star Man
Core: Space
Health: 150
Attack 1: Star Crash
Attack 1 Description: Star Man uses a shield that resists 20 damage from the opponent's next attack and deals 30 damage to the opponent.
Attack 2: Star Storm
Attack 2 Description: Star Man spends a turn preparing to unleash a fury of stars on its opponent. The next turn, the stars crash down on the opponent, dealing 50 damage and forcing the opponent to skip its next attack due to flinching.
Attack 3: Low Gravity
Attack 3 Description: Flip a coin. If heads, Star Man avoids all attacks from the opponent on this turn and deals 20 damage to the opponent. If tails, the attack does nothing.
Resistance: Space
Weakness: Water

Name: Space Core
Core: Space
Description: Doubles the damage of the next attack, as long as it is Space Core.

Name: Electric Core
Core: Electric
Description: Doubles the damage of the next attack, as long as it is Electric Core.

Name: Field Star
Core: Neutral
Description: Increases the next attack by 20, but also deals 10 Damage to the user due to overheating.

Name: Fusion Star
Core: Neutral
Description: Increases the next attack by 40, but also deals 20 Damage to the user due to overheating.

Name: Recovery Core
Core: Energy
Description: The user gains 50 Health, but is prevented from attacking that turn.

Name: Energy Armor
Core: Defense
Description: The user resists 20 Damage from the next opponent attack, unless the attack is a weakness. If the attack is a multi-hit, then the user resists 5 Damage per hit.

Name: Laser Recoil
Core: Laser
Description: If the opponent's next attack is Laser-type, the opponent receives the same damage it deals, even if the opponent is resistant or immune to Laser.
^ Top
658,104,324 BP
6 TP | 426 PP
Posted on November 25th, 2015 at 11:06pm Edited on 2017/04/02 at 6:38am
Posted 2015/11/25 at 11:06pm Edited 2017/04/02 at 6:38am
I still might need to tweak this deck a bit, but here's what I've got.

Name: Phantom Man
Core: Shadow/Copy
Health: 170
Power: Phantom Morph
Description: When played, this card copies it's opponent's health, resistances, and weaknesses for 3 turns.
Attack 1: Phantom Saber
Attack 1 Description: Phantom Man swipes at his opponent with his hidden blade. 50 Damage
Attack 2: Phantom Buster
Attack 2 Description: Phantom Man charges his buster for a turn, unleashing a deadly shot in the next turn 130 Damage
Resistance: Laser
Weakness: Missile
Flavor Text: A mysterious Robot Master designed by Dr. Wily with an innate ability to copy the body of any Robot Master in the Weapon Archives. He views Ninja Man as a rival of his, and he prioritizes defeating Beta Man and MegaBoy over anything else.

Name: Chorus
Core: Time/Space
Health: 160
Power: Arcane Technology
Description: When Chorus is attacked, flip a coin. If heads, the attack hits. If tails, the attack misses, and half the damage of the attack is inflicted on the user.
Attack 1: Tome of Vyrna
Attack 1 Description: Flip a coin. If heads, the attack will do 40 Damage to the foe and give this card +40 Health. If tails, the attack will deal 10 Damage and inflict Paralysis on the foe.
Attack 2: Time Distortion
Attack 2 Description: Chorus warps time and space, dealing 50 Damage.
Resistance: Crystal
Weakness: Explode
Flavor Text: A temporal research Robot Master designed by Dr. Wily in order to study the possibilities of distortions and rifts in the fabric of time-space. He seems to contain knowledge beyond most Robot Masters, but doesn't wish to share it. Chorus is often seen sticking around with Phantom Man as an adviser of sorts.

Name: Orchestra
Core: Impact
Health: 300
Power: Bulky
Description: The first attack this card uses will take two turns to perform.
Attack 1: Cannonball
Attack 1 Description: Orchestra rushes at his opponent, curls himself into a ball, and propels into his foe. 30 Damage
Attack 2: Compression Grip
Attack 2 Description: Flip a coin. If heads, Orchestra grabs his opponent, and attempts to crush them under his grip. If tails, his opponent will be able to break free from Orchestra. 60 Damage
Resistance: Cutter
Weakness: Freeze
Flavor Text: A demolition Robot Master built by Dr. Wily for the purpose of trashing any defective large-scale mechs. When he's not doing his job, he works for Phantom Man as a bodyguard.

Tactical Retreat
Core: Laser
Description: Swap out the "Robot Master" card in play with another one in your deck, and give +20 Health to the card put in play.

Core: Electric
Description: You may use an attack that requires multiple turns in one turn.

Spectrum Beam
Core: Crystal/Laser
Description: If your "Robot Master" card in play remains active for three turns, do 150 Damage to your opponent, regardless of their weaknesses or resistances.

Core: Energy/Attack
Description: Flip a coin. If heads, recover +50 Health to your card. If tails, your next attack will deal an added +50 Damage to your next attack.
^ Top
2,074,810,633 BP
7 TP | 411 PP
Posted on November 26th, 2015 at 4:38pm
Posted 2015/11/26 at 4:38pm
Before I start working on some cards, I have a question. Can I make cards based off of ACTUAL robot masters, or are those off limits?
^ Top
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on November 26th, 2015 at 4:46pm
Posted 2015/11/26 at 4:46pm
@Thankfuljoey : You can do it based off of actual robot masters.
^ Top
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on November 26th, 2015 at 5:41pm Edited on 2016/06/25 at 8:34pm
Posted 2015/11/26 at 5:41pm Edited 2016/06/25 at 8:34pm
Since I added a new core to Dr. Wily's Starter Pack:

Name: Shadow Core
Core: Shadow
Description: Doubles the damage of the next attack, as long as it is Shadow Core.

Name: Shield Core
Core: Shield
Description: Doubles the damage of the next attack, as long as it is Shield Core.

Name: Kalinka
Core: Neutral
Description: Heals the user by +30 Health.

Name: Enker
Core: Shield
Health: 110
Power: Mirror Reflect
Power Description: If the user attacks with a buster-based attack, Enker will reflect it, dealing half it's damage rounded to the nearest 10. However, Enker will take the remainder of the damage.
Attack 2: Mirror Buster
Attack 2 Description: Enker sends a wave of energy at the target to deal 30 Damage.
Attack 3: Mirror Absorb
Attack 3 Description: If the previous attack is buster-based, Enker will recover half of the amount, rounded to the nearest 10.
Resistance: Neutral
Weakness: Cutter

Name: Punk
Core: Cutter
Health: 110
Power: Sharpened Spikes
Power Description: When Spiked Shell is in use, Punk's attack is increased by 10.
Attack 2: Screw Crusher
Attack 2 Description: Throws spinning blades at the opponent to deal 30 Damage
Attack 3: Shell Tackle
Attack 3 Description: Punk smashes into the target while in his shell. Flip a coin 3 times. For each set of heads, this attack does 20 Damage.
Resistance: Impact
Weakness: Explode

Name: Mirror Buster
Core: Shield and Copy
Description: Gives the single use of Mirror Buster. The user sends a wave of energy at the target to deal 30 Damage.

Name: Cutter Core
Core: Cutter
Description: Doubles the damage of the next attack, as long as it's Cutter.

Name: Spiked Shell
Core: Cutter and Shield
Description: Halves the next attack of the opponent. The opponent is also dealt with 10 Damage if the attack is contact-based.

Name: Quint
Core: Swift and Copy
Health: 110
Power: Copy Chip
Power Description: When Copy Shot is used, the attack deals full damage of the original.
Attack 2: Mega Buster
Attack 2 Description: Quint charges his buster for a turn then fires it the next to deal 40 Damage.
Attack 3: Sakugarne Hammer
Attack 3 Description: Quint summons in Sakugarne and crushes the opponent with it to deal 30 Damage.
Resistance: Shadow
Weakness: Shield

Name: Ballade
Core: Explode
Health: 110
Power: Warrior's Pride
Power Description: If the opponent's health is at 10 health and Ballade took no damage from the opponent, Ballade will instantly swap out with a different card. The card that switches with Ballade earns 10 health.
Attack 2: Ballade Cracker
Attack 2 Description: Ballade throws a powerful explosive at the target to deal 20 Damage
Attack 3: Danger Cracker
Attack 3 Description: Ballade throws a dangerously powerful explosive at the target to deal 50 Damage, but loses -20 Health from the blast radius.
Resistance: Explode
Weakness: Swift

Name: Ballade Cracker
Core: Explode and Flame
Description: Gives the single use of Ballade Cracker. The user throws a powerful explosive at the target to deal 20 Damage

Name: Swift Core
Core: Swift
Description: Doubles the damage of the next attack as long as it's swift.

Name: Explode Core
Core: Explode
Description: Doubles the damage of the next attack as long as it's explode.

Name: Sakugarne Boost
Core: Swift
Description: Sakugarne takes half the damage of your opponent's next attack, rounded to the nearest 10. The user's next attack is also Swift-Core.

Name: Trill
Core: Space
Health: 180
Power: Prototype Subspace
Power Description: Every 5 turns, the attack of all Space- and Shadow-Core robots are increased by 10.
Attack 2: Space Buster
Attack 2 Description: Trill charges his buster for a turn, then releases it the next. -30 Damage
Attack 3: Space Overdrive
Attack 3 Description: Trill sends a massive blast from his buster. -50 Damage
Resistance: Laser
Weakness: Neutral

More next post!
^ Top
2,074,810,633 BP
7 TP | 411 PP
Posted on November 27th, 2015 at 12:33pm Edited on 2016/01/07 at 6:45pm
Posted 2015/11/27 at 12:33pm Edited 2016/01/07 at 6:45pm
@Beta Man : Alright, thanks! This is still a WIP, but here is what I got.

Name: Gravity Man
Core: Electric
Health: 110
Power: Gravity Flip
Power Description: If you or your opponent should ever need to flip a coin, the effects of Heads and Tails are reversed. This effect stops when Gravity Man is at 30 health or less.
Attack 2: Gravity Press
Attack 2 Description: Gravity Man holds the opponent in place by greatly increasing the gravity. If the opponent is at full health, the attack deals 40 damage. If not, the attack deals 30 damage.
Resistance: Wind
Weakness: Space

Name: Dust Man
Core: Wind
Health: 120
Attack 1: Dust Inhale
Attack 1 Description: Dust Man sucks the opponent in, possibly immobilizing them. Deals 10 damage. Flip a coin. If heads, the opponent cannot attack next turn.
Attack 2: Dust Crusher
Attack 2 Description: Dust Man launches a condensed pile of junk at the opponent. Deals 30+ damage. Flip two coins. For each heads, this attack does 10 more damage.
Resistance: Impact
Weakness: Cutter

Name: Tango
Core: Nature and Impact
Description: Deals 20 to all of your opponent's cards in play.

Name: Barrier
Core: Shield
Description: For three turns, all attacks received by an opponent's attacks is reduced by 10 damage. If an attack does exactly 10 damage, the Barrier breaks and cannot be used, even if the three turn limit has not been reached.

Name: Nullify
Core: Neutral
Description: For the rest of your turn, all robot master powers, whether your's or your opponent's, are ignored.
^ Top
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on November 30th, 2015 at 6:19pm Edited on 2016/12/01 at 9:31pm
Posted 2015/11/30 at 6:19pm Edited 2016/12/01 at 9:31pm
Name: Slur
Core: Space
Health: 260
Power: Final Destination
Power Description: Every 3 turns, the attack of all Space- and Shadow-Core robots, as well as Mega Man Killers (Counting Quint and Rockman Shadow*), will be doubled.
Attack 2: Slur Laser
Attack 2 Description: Slur shoots a powerful laser at the opponent. -40 Health
Attack 3: Slur Supernova
Attack 3 Description: Slur attacks the target with powerful aura. -70 Health
Resistance: Copy
Weakness: Neutral

Name: Dark Fragment
Core: Empty
Description: The opponent's next attack, unless it's neutral-core, does nothing.

Name: Space Overdrive
Core: Space
Description: Gives the single use of Space Overdrive. The user sends a massive blast from it's buster. -50 Health

Name: Starforce
Core: Copy
Description: For the next 3 turns, the user's attack is doubled.

Name: Met
Core: Neutral
Health: 100
Power: Helmet
Power Description: Halves the damage from Buster-based attacks. Buster Shot does nothing.
Attack 2: Met Shot
Attack 2 Description: Shoots a single bullet. -10 Health
Attack 3: Triple Shot
Attack 3 Description: Shoots three shots. -30 Health
Resistance: Laser
Weakness: Impact

Name: Sniper Joe
Core: Shield
Health: 120
Power: Joe Shield
Power Description: Halves the damage from Buster-Based and Laser-Core attacks. Buster Shot does nothing.
Attack 2: Buster Shot
Attack 2 Description: Sniper Joe shoots a tiny bullet from it's buster. -10 Health
Attack 3: Shield Block
Attack 3 Description: Sniper Joe blocks damage from any attack for a single turn.
Resistance: Laser
Weakness: Explode

Name: Buster Shot
Core: Neutral
Description: Gives the single use of Buster Shot. The user shoots a tiny bullet from it's buster. -10 Health

Name: Met Helmet
Core: Shield
Description: Halves the damage from Buster-based weapons for a turn. Buster Shot does nothing.

*You'll see him soon enough.
Now, I finally get to make cards for myself!

Name: Beta Man
Core: Shadow
Health: 250
Power: Copy Chip
Power Description: When Copy Chip is used, the attack does full damage of the original
Attack 2: Beta Buster
Attack 2 Description: Beta charges his buster for a turn, then fires it the next. -60 Health
Attack 3: Beta Blast
Attack 3 Description: Beta sends a ball of shadow energy and sets it off near the target, causing it to explode. -50 Health
Resistance: Shadow
Weakness: Time

Name: Sargent Man
Core: Missile
Health: 200
Power: Sargent Shield
Power Description: If the attack is Laser-Core, the attack is reflected back to the target for half the damage.
Attack 2: Sargent Missiles
Attack 2 Description: Sargent Man sends a barrage of missiles. Flip 3 coins. This attack does 20 Damage for each time it lands on heads.
Attack 3: Sargent Grenade
Attack 3 Description: Sargent Man tosses a grenade at the target. -40 Health
Resistance: Missile
Weakness: Swift

Name: Ninja Man
Core: Swift
Health: 250
Power: Copy Chip
Power Description: When Copy Chip is used, the attack does full damage of the original.
Attack 2: Ninja Katana
Attack 2 Description: Ninja Man slashes the opponent with his Ninja Katana. -40 Health
Attack 3: Time Accelerate
Attack 3 Description: Ninja Man earns a second turn. Those weak to Time-Core take 10 Damage with NO damage added from Weakness.
Resistance: Missile
Weakness: Time

Name: Missile Core
Core: Missile
Description: Doubles the damage of the next attack, as long as it is missile.

Name: MegaBoy's Support
Core: Laser
Description: If Beta Man, BtMan Model-1, or Legacy Bt Man is in play, the next attack is doubled.

Name: Beta Man's Support
Core: Shadow
Description: If MegaBoyX7, Legacy Old MegaBoy, or Legacy MegaBoy is in play, the next attack is doubled.

Name: Bt Man's Old Armor
Core: Shadow and Defense
Description: The opponent's next attack, if it is Shadow-Core, is halved.

Name: Sargent Man's Support
Core: Missile
Description: If Beta Man or MegaBoyX7 is in play, the opponent's next attack is halved.

I also use 100 zenny to buy some cards from the MegaBoy Set.
^ Top
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on December 1st, 2015 at 7:28pm Edited on 2016/06/25 at 8:56pm
Posted 2015/12/01 at 7:28pm Edited 2016/06/25 at 8:56pm
Here are the cards from the new starter sets:

Name: Buster Rod G
Core: Swift
Health: 120
Power: 2nd Chance
Power Description: If Buster Rod G is defeated while the opponent has full health or higher, Buster Rod G is instantly revived with 50 health.
Attack 2: Buster Rod
Attack 2 Description: Buster Rod G strikes the target with a extendable rod to deal 30 Damage
Attack 3: Spinning Rod
Attack 3 Description: Buster Rod G spins around his Buster Rod for a turn. All contact-based attacks come with a recoil of 10 Health and all buster-based attacks do nothing.
Resistance: Swift
Weakness: Water

Name: Mega Water S
Core: Water
Health: 110
Power: Outsmart
Power Description: If an attack is contact-based, flip 2-3 coins. If the coin lands on heads at least twice, Mega Water S dodges the attack. If the coin lands on tails at least twice, the move hits.
Attack 2: Mega Water
Attack 2 Description: Flip a coin. If heads, the opponent's next attack misses unless if it is Water-Core.
Attack 3: Harpoon
Attack 3 Description: Mega Water S shoots out a harpoon to damage the opponent to deal 30 Damage.
Resistance: Water
Weakness: Wind

Name: Buster Rod
Core: Swift and Wind
Description: Gives the single use of Buster Rod. The user strikes the target with an expendable rod to deal 30 Damage.

Name: Water Core
Core: Water
Description: Doubles the damage of the next attack, as long as it is water.

Name: Water Shield
Core: Water and Shield
Description: Protects the user from Wind-, Freeze-, and Water-Core attacks for a turn.

Name: Rockman Shadow
Core: Shadow and Copy
Health: 110
Power: Copy Chip
Power Description: When Copy Shot is used, the attack does full damage of the original.
Attack 2: Rock Laser
Attack 2 Description: Rockman Shadow shoots a powerful laser from his buster to deal 20 Damage.
Attack 3: Rock Blade
Attack 3 Description: Rockman Shadow attacks with a saber that is formed from his buster to deal 30 Damage.
Resistance: Shadow
Weakness: Cutter

Name: Hyper Storm H
Core: Wind
Health: 200
Power: Thick Armor
Power Description: Buster-Based attacks do nothing.
Attack 2: Hyper Storm
Attack 2 Description: Flip a coin. If heads, the opponent's next attack misses unless it is Wind-Core.
Attack 3: Hyper Stomp
Attack 3 Description: Hyper Storm H crushes the opponent with his mass to deal 30 Damage.
Resistance: Wind
Weakness: Swift

Name: Hyper Storm
Core: Wind and Water
Description: Gives the temporary use of Hyper Storm. Flip a coin. If heads, the opponent's next attack misses unless it is Wind-Core.

Name: Shadow Cloak
Core: Shadow
Description: If the previous attack was Shadow- or Space-Core, the opponent's next attack misses.
^ Top
18,073,331 BP
0 TP | 226 PP
Posted on December 4th, 2015 at 10:27am Edited on 2015/12/23 at 3:14am
Posted 2015/12/04 at 10:27am Edited 2015/12/23 at 3:14am
Name: Brimstone
Core: Shadow
Health: 120
Power: Undead Aura
Power Description: When killed the first time, roll a six-sided dice. If the dice rolls 1 or 2, nothing happens. 3, 4 or 5, Brimstone revives with half HP and takes +10 Damage for 3 turns. If rolled a 6, Brimstone revives with 75% HP, without any debuffs.

Attack 1: Skull Grenade
Description: Brimstone lobs a skull-shaped bomb that rolls on the ground for a turn before blowing up. -30 Health

Attack 2: Volcanic Bursts
Description: Brimstone fires a flaming buster shot that has a 50% chance to burn the target, causing them to take 5 every turn for 2 turns. -10 Health

Resistance: Shadow
Weakness: Water

Name: Minus-∞ Skull Man
Core: Shadow and Swift
Health: 100
Power: Hell Wheel
Power Description: Skull Man passively has a 10% chance to dodge any attack targeted at him. Only works below 50% HP.

Attack 1: Rapid Fire
Description: Skull Man fires 3 buster shots at random cards, each dealing 5 damage.

Attack 2: Skull Tackle
Description: Skull Man tackles an opponent with his shield. Deactivates Hell Wheel for 3 turns, but stuns the target for 1 turn. Can only be used every three turns. -35 Health

Resistance: Shadow
Weakness: Wind

Name: Minus-∞ Pharaoh Man
Core: Flame and Swift
Health: 120
Power: Pharaoh's Curse
Power Description: Every 3 turns, one of your opponent's cards takes 10 damage.

Attack 1: Pharaoh Shotgun
Description: Pharaoh Man charges up a shot on the first turn, then fires a large blast of energy, dealing 20 to 3 of your opponent's cards.

Attack 2: Rage of the Pharaoh
Description: Pharaoh Man fires a ball of heat that explodes, damaging and burning the target, causing it to take 10 damage each turn for 2 turns. -10 Health

Resistance: Flame
Weakness: Time

Name: Burnt Emblem
Core: Flame
Description: For 1 turn, you deal and receive double damage, and also gain immunity to Flame-core attacks.

Name: Minus-Infinity Core
Core: Neutral
Description: Can only be used on Minus-Infinity Robots under 25 HP, causing the target Robot to deal +10 Damage and ignore weaknesses for the rest of the battle.
^ Top
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on December 22nd, 2015 at 7:26pm Edited on 2016/12/01 at 10:02pm
Posted 2015/12/22 at 7:26pm Edited 2016/12/01 at 10:02pm
@Brimscrooge : I feel this took a little bit too long to reply to, but I'm not one for subtracting numbers lower than 10 in battles, considering that the health is based on Pokemon cards, if you get what I'm saying. I'd suggest changing that "+15 damage" thing on your "Minus-Infinity Core" to a 10, because even if it would've followed regulations, I don't think ANYONE would be OK with an attack boost of 20.
Other than that, all your cards get a pass. ...Well, one of them HARDLY did...
Alright, a few things.
First of all, someone (I forgot who, I think Tails) told me about how some people had some cards that were already created that was in their deck. Originally, I did that because they were placed in there because someone placed them in their card information stuff. However, my apologies to MegaBoy and Ender, I now felt that they had to be removed. This, however, did not- and WILL not- include cores that are the same type as the characters that WEREN'T (or aren't) removed, because eh. The cards you lost, however, can be given back. You just have to BUY THEM. ...And hope you get lucky.
The cards removed included:
Mega Man and Copy Core (MegaBoy)
Proto Man and Copy Core (MegaBoy)
Dr. Cossack (MegaBoy/Ender)

...Oh? I mentioned there'd be more, you say? Well, I do remember saying that, yes. So, as promised, here's something else: more cards made by me.

Name: Shocker Man*
Core: Electric and Shadow
Health: 200
Power Description: If Shocker Man is down to 100 health or less, his attacks are increased by 10 until he is defeated or until he is healed past 80 health.
Attack 2: Skull Barrier
Attack 2 Description: Shocker Man surrounds himself with tiny, skull-like barriers to protect himself for a turn. If the attack is used again the turn afterwards, it will be launched at the target and deals -20 Damage. If not, the defense is removed. The barrier does NOT protect Shocker Man from Impact-core attacks.
Attack 3: G-Cannon
Attack 3 Description: Shocker Man launches a cannonball with a skull on it and shocks the target. Deals -30 Damage.
Resistance: Shadow
Weakness: Missile

These next two are custom robots that are opposites of each other.

Name: Justice
Core: Crystal
Health: 200
Power: Healing Light
Power Description: When hit with a Crystal-Core attack, the attack does not damage Justice. Instead, Justice is healed by +10 Health.
Attack 2: Protective Brightness
Attack 2 Description: Justice is protected from Shadow-core attacks for a turn.
Attack 3: Sun's Light
Attack 3 Description: Justice charges for a turn, then fires a laser powered by the Sun, dealing 50 Damage. If the target is Evil, the attack will deal 70 Damage instead.
Resistance: Crystal
Weakness: Shadow

Name: Crime
Core: Shadow
Health: 200
Power: Punishing Shadows
Power Description: If hit by a Shadow-Core attack, the attack does not damage Crime. Instead, it is reflected back at the opponent for -10 Damage.
Attack 2: Raging Darkness
Attack 2 Description: Crime's next attack is increased by +10 Damage.
Attack 3: Moon's Shadow
Attack 3 Description: Crime charges for a turn, then fires a laser powered by the Moon, dealing 50 Damage. If the target is Good, this attack will deal 70 Damage instead.
Resistance: Shadow
Weakness: Crystal

Core: Neutral
Description: The user's attack is doubled for 3 turns.

Name: Hero's Light
Core: Crystal
Description: If the user is a hero, it's attack is doubled.

Name: Villain's Shadow
Core: Shadow
Description: If the user is a villain, it's attack is doubled.

*Yes, THAT Shocker Man. The one from Rockman Cross X, if you don't know who he is, but I bet you do.
^ Top
18,073,331 BP
0 TP | 226 PP
Posted on December 23rd, 2015 at 3:11am
Posted 2015/12/23 at 3:11am
@Beta Blizzard : Alright, changed it to +10.
^ Top
2,193,837,754 BP
11 TP | 730 PP
Posted on December 23rd, 2015 at 11:43pm Edited on 2016/06/08 at 9:44pm
Posted 2015/12/23 at 11:43pm Edited 2016/06/08 at 9:44pm
I don't know if making another set (not necessarily for myself, but just to buy cards from) is allowed, so if it isn't, then just put them in my set, however, if it is allowed, then here's the Prototype Cache Set

Name: Blossom Woman
Core: Nature
Health: 100
Attack 1: Blossom Leech The opponent receives -40 Health and recovers 10 Health
Attack 2: Blossom Bomber The target received -30 Nature Damage Flip a coin, if heads, Blossom Bomber also inflicts -30 Explode Damage
Resistance: Water
Weakness: Freeze

Name: Desert Man
Cote: Earth
Health: 230
Power: SandStorm
When Desert Man is in play, the opponent will recieve -10 Earth damage after every turn
Attack 2: Desert Drag
Desert Man's hands pop out from the ground and drags the target underground. The Target receives [-20 Health].
Attack 3: Drought
Dessert Man dries the arena, Water-core moves will inflict 20 less damage but will always inflict a minimum of -10 Health
Resistance: Flame
Weakness: Water

Name: Cosmo Man
Core: Space
Health: 120
Power: Core Pallete
Attack 1 and 2 will inflict additional damage -10 Health to those weak to Flame and Freeze Core damage (respectively). But Cosmo Man also takes an additional -10 Healtt if facing an opponent with either weakness
Attack 1: Mercury's Flame
Cosmo Man envelops himself in flames. The opponent receives -90 Health however, Cosmo Man receives -40 Health
Attack 2: Pluto's Icicle
Cosmo Man Freezes the opponent with a blast of Ice. -40 Freeze Damage and -10 Water damage
Resistance: Space
Weakness: Electric

Name: Mercury Orb
Core: Flame
Description: Casts Mercury's Flame

Name: Pluto Orb
Core: Freeze
Description: Casts Pluto's Icicle

Name: Prototype Armor
Core: Shield
Description: The armor does not provide any protection, but the opponent takes the same amount of damage that is inflicted upon the user.

Name: Shooting Star
Core: Neutral
Description: The user will recover 60 Health but the effect takes place two turns after the card is used

Name: Color Man
Core: Crystal
Health: 130
Attack 1: Color Burst
The opponent is attacked with a Rainbow of solar energy. The opponent takes -10 Electric damage -20 Crystal damage -10 Freeze damage and -10 Swift damage
Attack 2: Sketch
Color Man will be able to manually change the opponent's weakness to anything he wants, but takes -20 Health doing so.
Resistance: Crystal
Weakness: Neutral

Name: Lark Rocket
Core: Flame
Description: This card will preform Lark Burner (No coin flip, this will only inflict damage)

Name: Shark Man
Core: Water
Health: 100
Power: Barbed Skin
If an opponent uses a Contact-Based attack on Shark Man, the opponent will be counterattacked, and take -20 Health this Power stops working when Shark Man's Health is under 40
Attack 1: Shark Shield
A school of fish orbit Shark Man, the shield can withstand 30 Health from an enemy attack before counterattacking, which inflicts -30 Health if the shield is still up after 3 turns, then is automatically attacks (deals same damage)
Attack 2: Shark Boomerang Shark Man throws a Shark-shaped Boomerang at the foe, inflicting -20 Health flip a coin, if heads, then the attack inflicts another -30 Health
Resistance: Flame
Weakness: Electric
^ Top
2,074,810,633 BP
7 TP | 411 PP
Posted on December 24th, 2015 at 12:50am Edited on 2016/01/07 at 6:53pm
Posted 2015/12/24 at 12:50am Edited 2016/01/07 at 6:53pm
To keep working with the MM4 robots I started with Dust Man....

Name: Bright Man
Core: Time
Health: 110
Attack 1: Bright Flash
Attack 1 Description: Bright Man releases a disorienting flash. The opponent's attacks do 20 less damage next turn.
Attack 2: Bright Stopper
Attack 2 Description: Bright Man releases a paralyzing bright light. You may either deal 30 damage or prevent the opponent from attacking next turn.
Resistance: Shadow
Weakness: Water

Name: Toad Man
Core: Water
Health: 100
Power: Irrigate
Power Description: Toad Man supplies a hurt ally with water when he enters the field. Heals 30 damage from one of your cards in play whenever Toad Man is played down.
Attack 2: Rain Flush
Attack 2 Description: Deals 20 too all of your opponent's cards in play.
Resistance: Wind
Weakness: Earth
^ Top
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on December 24th, 2015 at 9:53am Edited on 2015/12/24 at 10:03am
Posted 2015/12/24 at 9:53am Edited 2015/12/24 at 10:03am
@MusicalReindeer : Uh, Your "Core Palette" power is kinda unnecessary. So either just change the power or not use one for the character at all.

@TisTheSeasonJoey : The whole "all cards in play" thing would only work in a tag-team battle, because I am too lazy to keep track of damage that goes to cards that are NOT in play. (Deck, Bench, whatever you want to call them.) Other than that, the cards are in.
^ Top
18,073,331 BP
0 TP | 226 PP
Posted on December 24th, 2015 at 8:52pm Edited on 2015/12/25 at 12:46am
Posted 2015/12/24 at 8:52pm Edited 2015/12/25 at 12:46am
Might as well start off with a few more of the Minus Infinity Bots, then.

Name: Minus-∞ Bright Man
Core: Electric
Health: 100
Attack 1: Shock Radius
Attack 1 Description: Bright Man releases a wave of electricity around himself, halving all damage dealt to him the next turn. Does not affect Water-core attacks, however.
Attack 2: Spark Manbow
Attack 2 Description: Bright Man fires out a lightbulb that explodes upon travelling to the weakest enemy in the opponent's deck. -20 Health
Attack 3: Stunning Light
Attack 3 Description: Bright Man charges up for 2 turns, then releases a light bulb that damages all enemies in the opponent's deck, except for Electric and Time-core Robots! [-20 Health]
Resistance: Time
Weakness: Water

Name: Minus-∞ Dive Man
Core: Laser and Swift
Health: 120
Power: Psycho Crush
Power Description: Every 2 turns, flip a 6-sided dice. If the dice rolls 1, 3 or 5, Dive Man will take -10 Damage from attacks during that turn. If the dice rolls 2, 4 or 6, Dive Man counterattacks upon being attacked, dealing 10 Damage
Attack 2: Water Cutter
Attack 2 Description: Dive Man fires a laser straight at an opponent. -20 Health
Resistance: Missile
Weakness: Shadow
^ Top
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on December 24th, 2015 at 9:33pm
Posted 2015/12/24 at 9:33pm
@Brimscrooge : I thought I have something to say about Minus-∞ Bright Man, but it's already been said. Maybe a little recap. Something about a problem with the 5 and the whole Pokemon-like health sort of deal, right? Yes? Good. Guess my work here is done. (But yeah, other than that, passed.)
^ Top

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