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November 9th, 2016 at 3:52pm
463,148,659 BP
6 TP | 153 PP
If you are reading this this will tottaly became something , a new RP i am planing

Open file:CKN-Chaos

opening file CKN-Chaos

CKN-CHAOS Chaos Bringer
Resistance:None Chaos Bringer the Copyie Killer Number a robot created todestroy Copyie
Chaos Bringer:CKN-Chaos the robot Willy made to destroy his strongest creation Copyie
The dr gave me the chip that Copyie has so i can learn any attack just by seeing and the Twin Blade
The Twin Blade works like Copyie`s Double Copy Busters but instead of shooting the attack i can give its atributes to my sword something near to the dr`s other robot the DWN-Infinity
Have i mentioned Willy upgraded the copy chip so i can copy the attack in a few looks for example:
If copy need 20 looks to master a charge shot i only need 5
The dr think i will help him destroy Copyie he is kinda wrong
When my training its over i will destroy his fortress and search for Copyie he will probably think him and his friends will be able to destroy me but he is wrong cause i will have all there weaknesses
After all his friends run away and tremble before my power i will bring him to a dimension where he will not loose his powers cause if i remember when he go to a new dimension he looses all his abilities except for the copy ability , a buster shot and a charge shot
In that dimension i will give Copyie some preparation opening some dimensional portals so he can call help and learn more attacks for me to copy
I will have some allies in the battle to or you know probably not
I will call what some people would call villains from those dimensions and i will help them destroy whoever they want
The only payment i want its atleast one of there abilityes

system:Chaos Bringer training 10% complete

Chaos Bringer:Well my training data will have some time to be finished well if someone is readind this i can only say to choose a side when the war came
Help Copyie
Have the power to make anyone tremble before your power or
Just wait and see what happens when the time comes for that great war

system:intruder allert iniciating defense protocol
Posted by Copyie on November 9th, 2016 at 3:52pm
Viewed 783 Times


11,821,991 BP
31 TP | 601 PP
Posted on November 9th, 2016 at 4:33pm
Posted 2016/11/09 at 4:33pm
This is the Fanart section
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1,348,940,198 BP
3 TP | 718 PP
Posted on November 9th, 2016 at 4:39pm
Posted 2016/11/09 at 4:39pm
Moved to Roleplay
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- deleted -
3,608,619,115 BP
15 TP | 657 PP
Posted on November 14th, 2016 at 9:11pm
Posted 2016/11/14 at 9:11pm
Um... Instructions unclear and poorly written.

^ Top
770,544,761 BP
8 TP | 730 PP
Posted on November 15th, 2016 at 2:01pm
Posted 2016/11/15 at 2:01pm
Erm, I don't think this will be good in my opinion, 1st, your grammar, 2nd, the CKN chaos looks like a terrible character, and 3rdly, why make the roleplay thread if your still planning it?
^ Top
463,148,659 BP
6 TP | 153 PP
Posted on November 16th, 2016 at 7:16pm
Posted 2016/11/16 at 7:16pm
@NiceIce : I know let me be a looser okay 1st my grammar yeah i know it inst hrd but if i dont git gud i will not do it 2nd i made him to be a calm douchebag who dont care to stuff so yeah thts actualy good 3rd well as isayed i am a looser so maybe if someone see that i one this they wil be like
hey its that looser dooing looser things again , well i will just go there and say to him that his thre sucks
and hey i would still be happy well if want some good from me go see my other thread it might be kinda good it might be the worst thing ever who knows
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770,544,761 BP
8 TP | 730 PP
Posted on November 16th, 2016 at 7:23pm
Posted 2016/11/16 at 7:23pm
@Copyie : ....Okay I actually have no clue what you said. "go there and say to him that his thre sucks." What
^ Top
4,484,807,684 BP
46 TP | 1624 PP
Posted on November 16th, 2016 at 7:52pm
Posted 2016/11/16 at 7:52pm
@Copyie : While the criticism was rather direct and not very subtle, NiceIce's motive was to never discourage you and you're overreacting and taking it personal. Keep in mind he was bringing up the negative points of the thread itself, not you as a person, I don't understand why you've decided to mix the two. Keep up a self-esteem instead and take in the criticism he offered and see if he has a point and learn from that. Not take it directly as an affront to your own moral character.
^ Top
463,148,659 BP
6 TP | 153 PP
Posted on November 17th, 2016 at 7:22am
Posted 2016/11/17 at 7:22am
@MegaBossMan : eh its okay i didnt got ofended i just call myself a looser at random this is realy just me saying that i know that i didnt made a cool story im sorry if i made myself look extreme mad
^ Top
463,148,659 BP
6 TP | 153 PP
Posted on November 17th, 2016 at 7:48am
Posted 2016/11/17 at 7:48am
okay you know what that was a bad idea the "system" that i was making is taking more time then expected lock this up and we can all live happy
^ Top
1,348,940,198 BP
3 TP | 718 PP
Posted on November 17th, 2016 at 10:40am
Posted 2016/11/17 at 10:40am
@Copyie : Feel free to PM me if you ever want to open this up again.
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