Attention! This is a legacy build of the Mega Man RPG from 2017 and is no longer being maintained. Reported bugs will not be fixed and any progress made here will not be saved. Return to the archive index for more legacy content or play the current version of the game for all the new stuff.

Mega Man RPG Prototype Player Database

Dr. Wily's Mugshot

Dr. Wily Attack Type

Dr. Wily
Robot Attack +25%

Sprite Sheets RightLeft

Dr. Wily | Base Sprite Right<div style="margin-top: 4px; letting-spacing: 1px; font-size: 90%; font-family: Courier New; color: rgb(159, 150, 172);">[player:right:base]{dr-wily}</div>
Dr. Wily | Base Sprite Left<div style="margin-top: 4px; letting-spacing: 1px; font-size: 90%; font-family: Courier New; color: rgb(159, 150, 172);">[player:left:base]{dr-wily}</div>
Dr. Wily | Taunt Sprite Right<div style="margin-top: 4px; letting-spacing: 1px; font-size: 90%; font-family: Courier New; color: rgb(159, 150, 172);">[player:right:taunt]{dr-wily}</div>
Dr. Wily | Taunt Sprite Left<div style="margin-top: 4px; letting-spacing: 1px; font-size: 90%; font-family: Courier New; color: rgb(159, 150, 172);">[player:left:taunt]{dr-wily}</div>
Dr. Wily | Victory Sprite Right<div style="margin-top: 4px; letting-spacing: 1px; font-size: 90%; font-family: Courier New; color: rgb(159, 150, 172);">[player:right:victory]{dr-wily}</div>
Dr. Wily | Victory Sprite Left<div style="margin-top: 4px; letting-spacing: 1px; font-size: 90%; font-family: Courier New; color: rgb(159, 150, 172);">[player:left:victory]{dr-wily}</div>
Dr. Wily | Defeat Sprite Right<div style="margin-top: 4px; letting-spacing: 1px; font-size: 90%; font-family: Courier New; color: rgb(159, 150, 172);">[player:right:defeat]{dr-wily}</div>
Dr. Wily | Defeat Sprite Left<div style="margin-top: 4px; letting-spacing: 1px; font-size: 90%; font-family: Courier New; color: rgb(159, 150, 172);">[player:left:defeat]{dr-wily}</div>
Dr. Wily | Command Sprite Right<div style="margin-top: 4px; letting-spacing: 1px; font-size: 90%; font-family: Courier New; color: rgb(159, 150, 172);">[player:right:command]{dr-wily}</div>
Dr. Wily | Command Sprite Left<div style="margin-top: 4px; letting-spacing: 1px; font-size: 90%; font-family: Courier New; color: rgb(159, 150, 172);">[player:left:command]{dr-wily}</div>
Dr. Wily | Damage Sprite Right<div style="margin-top: 4px; letting-spacing: 1px; font-size: 90%; font-family: Courier New; color: rgb(159, 150, 172);">[player:right:damage]{dr-wily}</div>
Dr. Wily | Damage Sprite Left<div style="margin-top: 4px; letting-spacing: 1px; font-size: 90%; font-family: Courier New; color: rgb(159, 150, 172);">[player:left:damage]{dr-wily}</div>

Sprite Editing by Adrian Marceau / Ageman20XX | Original Artwork by Capcom

Description Text

Dr. Wily was once Dr. Light's partner, but after Light's receiving of the credit of their projects, Wily decided to try to rule the world for fame. His full name is Albert W. Wily and he has a high intellect. Wily created many robots and tactics to defeat his enemies but they always end in failure because of the heroic efforts of our heroes. He has worked together with many other evil beings over time, but usually is betrayed by them. Wily also has made various battle machines and capsules which also usually end in failure. Wily has used an extreme variety of nefarious attempts that the average mad scientist wouldn’t even consider, such as using alien bots and gods, robot-only diseases, energy from the stars, forging fake alliances, framing Dr. Light and Cossack, having a robot cause a revolution and destroy his castle just so he can control things from behind the scenes, and downright stealing and copying other’s robots and ideas. Recently, Dr. Wily heard about some mysterious Prototype from one of his spy-bots, and decided to see what was going on about that.

Battle Quotes

"With my robots by my side, I'll take over this world!"
"Your world is mine! Are you ready to be eliminated?"
"Feeling sorry for yourself? Mwhahaha!"
"F-Forgive me! I only wanted to test your abilities!"

Ability Rewards

^ Top

(!) Please note that the names, stats, types, and descriptions of any playable characters, robots, or abilities that appear in this database are not finalized and are subject to change without notice as development progresses on the game itself. That being said, the data on this page is pulled directly from the prototype's internal variables and will therefore always be in sync with the prototype itself. Database pages that do not have sprites represent incomplete but planned, future content and do not currently appear in-game.

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This game is fan-made by Adrian Marceau, not affiliated or endorsed by Capcom at all, and is in no way official. Any and all feedback is appreciated. :)