Attention! This is a legacy build of the Mega Man RPG from 2017 and is no longer being maintained. Reported bugs will not be fixed and any progress made here will not be saved. Return to the archive index for more legacy content or play the current version of the game for all the new stuff.

Mega Man RPG Prototype Robot Database

Flash Man's Mugshot

Flash Man
Time Core

Flash Man
Time Core
Mega Man 2
Temporal Shift Robot
Photon Collider
Explode Freeze

Sprites Sheets Flash ManAltAlt 2Alt 3 | RightLeft

Flash Man | Base Sprite Right
Flash Man | Base Sprite Left
Flash Man | Taunt Sprite Right
Flash Man | Taunt Sprite Left
Flash Man | Victory Sprite Right
Flash Man | Victory Sprite Left
Flash Man | Defeat Sprite Right
Flash Man | Defeat Sprite Left
Flash Man | Shoot Sprite Right
Flash Man | Shoot Sprite Left
Flash Man | Throw Sprite Right
Flash Man | Throw Sprite Left
Flash Man | Summon Sprite Right
Flash Man | Summon Sprite Left
Flash Man | Slide Sprite Right
Flash Man | Slide Sprite Left
Flash Man | Defend Sprite Right
Flash Man | Defend Sprite Left
Flash Man | Damage Sprite Right
Flash Man | Damage Sprite Left
Flash Man | Base2 Sprite Right
Flash Man | Base2 Sprite Left
Flash Man (Red Alt) | Base Sprite Right
Flash Man (Red Alt) | Base Sprite Left
Flash Man (Red Alt) | Taunt Sprite Right
Flash Man (Red Alt) | Taunt Sprite Left
Flash Man (Red Alt) | Victory Sprite Right
Flash Man (Red Alt) | Victory Sprite Left
Flash Man (Red Alt) | Defeat Sprite Right
Flash Man (Red Alt) | Defeat Sprite Left
Flash Man (Red Alt) | Shoot Sprite Right
Flash Man (Red Alt) | Shoot Sprite Left
Flash Man (Red Alt) | Throw Sprite Right
Flash Man (Red Alt) | Throw Sprite Left
Flash Man (Red Alt) | Summon Sprite Right
Flash Man (Red Alt) | Summon Sprite Left
Flash Man (Red Alt) | Slide Sprite Right
Flash Man (Red Alt) | Slide Sprite Left
Flash Man (Red Alt) | Defend Sprite Right
Flash Man (Red Alt) | Defend Sprite Left
Flash Man (Red Alt) | Damage Sprite Right
Flash Man (Red Alt) | Damage Sprite Left
Flash Man (Red Alt) | Base2 Sprite Right
Flash Man (Red Alt) | Base2 Sprite Left
Flash Man (Green Alt) | Base Sprite Right
Flash Man (Green Alt) | Base Sprite Left
Flash Man (Green Alt) | Taunt Sprite Right
Flash Man (Green Alt) | Taunt Sprite Left
Flash Man (Green Alt) | Victory Sprite Right
Flash Man (Green Alt) | Victory Sprite Left
Flash Man (Green Alt) | Defeat Sprite Right
Flash Man (Green Alt) | Defeat Sprite Left
Flash Man (Green Alt) | Shoot Sprite Right
Flash Man (Green Alt) | Shoot Sprite Left
Flash Man (Green Alt) | Throw Sprite Right
Flash Man (Green Alt) | Throw Sprite Left
Flash Man (Green Alt) | Summon Sprite Right
Flash Man (Green Alt) | Summon Sprite Left
Flash Man (Green Alt) | Slide Sprite Right
Flash Man (Green Alt) | Slide Sprite Left
Flash Man (Green Alt) | Defend Sprite Right
Flash Man (Green Alt) | Defend Sprite Left
Flash Man (Green Alt) | Damage Sprite Right
Flash Man (Green Alt) | Damage Sprite Left
Flash Man (Green Alt) | Base2 Sprite Right
Flash Man (Green Alt) | Base2 Sprite Left
Flash Man (Darkness Alt) | Base Sprite Right
Flash Man (Darkness Alt) | Base Sprite Left
Flash Man (Darkness Alt) | Taunt Sprite Right
Flash Man (Darkness Alt) | Taunt Sprite Left
Flash Man (Darkness Alt) | Victory Sprite Right
Flash Man (Darkness Alt) | Victory Sprite Left
Flash Man (Darkness Alt) | Defeat Sprite Right
Flash Man (Darkness Alt) | Defeat Sprite Left
Flash Man (Darkness Alt) | Shoot Sprite Right
Flash Man (Darkness Alt) | Shoot Sprite Left
Flash Man (Darkness Alt) | Throw Sprite Right
Flash Man (Darkness Alt) | Throw Sprite Left
Flash Man (Darkness Alt) | Summon Sprite Right
Flash Man (Darkness Alt) | Summon Sprite Left
Flash Man (Darkness Alt) | Slide Sprite Right
Flash Man (Darkness Alt) | Slide Sprite Left
Flash Man (Darkness Alt) | Defend Sprite Right
Flash Man (Darkness Alt) | Defend Sprite Left
Flash Man (Darkness Alt) | Damage Sprite Right
Flash Man (Darkness Alt) | Damage Sprite Left
Flash Man (Darkness Alt) | Base2 Sprite Right
Flash Man (Darkness Alt) | Base2 Sprite Left

Sprite Editing by Adrian Marceau / Ageman20XX | Original Artwork by Capcom

Battle Quotes

"Stop! In the name of Love!"
"This'll be over in a flash!"
"How illuminating!"
"My light is fading..."

Description Text

A robot created for combat, Flash Man has the Flash Stopper, an improved version of Time Man’s Time Slow. While Time Man could only slow down time for a short while, The Flash Stopper can freeze time entirely, which makes it seem like Flash Man is teleporting to his opponents. Flash Man complains over everything that is given to him, although deep down he actually appreciates it. He likes having the spotlight on him and wants to be an actor one day and practices his acting when taking a bath, going as far as to stop time to prevent wrinkles while doing a scene. So far though, he's only shown up as an extra in movies. Flash Man may seem like he's more fit to be on the stage rather than on the battlefield, but he can scrap enemies in a flash.

Ability Compatibility

Community Records

950 Players
16,964 Times
20,718 Times
14,328 Times
2,159 Times

(!) Please note that the names, stats, types, and descriptions of any playable characters, robots, or abilities that appear in this database are not finalized and are subject to change without notice as development progresses on the game itself. That being said, the data on this page is pulled directly from the prototype's internal variables and will therefore always be in sync with the prototype itself. Database pages that do not have sprites represent incomplete but planned, future content and do not currently appear in-game.

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This game is fan-made by Adrian Marceau, not affiliated or endorsed by Capcom at all, and is in no way official. Any and all feedback is appreciated. :)