Attention! This is a legacy build of the Mega Man RPG from 2017 and is no longer being maintained. Reported bugs will not be fixed and any progress made here will not be saved. Return to the archive index for more legacy content or play the current version of the game for all the new stuff.

Mega Man RPG Prototype Leaderboard

( 3548 Players )
Sargent Man

Sargent Man is a legacy player of the Mega Man RPG Prototype with a current battle point total of 328,796 and a zenny total of 103. Sargent Man created his account on August 19th, 2014 and has since completed 26 different missions, unlocked 3 playable characters, 26 robot fighters, 52 special abilities, and 0 field stars. Sargent Man's most-used playable character is Dr. Cossack, and his top 5 most-used robots appear to be Proto Man, Ring Man, Pharaoh Man, Toad Man and Bright Man. Prior to the game-changing battle point reboot of 2016, Sargent Man had amassed a grand total of 430,614 battle points and reached 496th place.

Sargent Man's Leaderboard

Community Forum Stats
  • 0 Threads
  • 7 Posts
  • +14 Rating
Robot Database Stats
  • 26 Unlocked
  • 0 Scanned
  • 47 Encountered
Mega Man
proto-man Target sighted!
mega-man What's going on here?
proto-man No holding back!

Bt Man
proto-man Target sighted!
mega-man Sargent Man... Stop all of this! I'm taking you to Dr. Light.
proto-man I don't need repairs... But you will soon!

Intro Field
roll We have a problem!
dr-wily Wahahahaha! Ladies and gentlemen, your attention, please. The name's Wily! The one and only - the brilliant scientist, Dr. Wily! It may seem rather sudden to you, but
I've decided I'd like to take over the world! Ahem! Anyway, to begin... Dr. Light! I'll be taking your precious
robots!! *crashes in* Nuhahahaha!! That is to say... Hmm?... What's this? Oh, Sargent Man... you're a good fighter. Key word good. Nuhahahahah! *leaves*

roll My friends are in trouble! Quickly, follow me to the lab!

Dr. Light's Lab
dr-light What insanity! Using my robots to conquer the world...
proto-man I'm ready for battle!
dr-light Sargent Man!? *starts thinking* Hmmm... Alright... I understand. I don't like it, but sometimes, such things must be done... I must make the necessary preparations.

dr-light You're missiles are now able to follow the target.
proto-man Locked on target!

Vs. Cut Man
cut-man Mr. Sargent Man!? Dr. Wily was right, you turned into a bad robot!
proto-man I would leave you to walk home alone, really. But I never leave a man behind!
cut-man You've become a bad robot, Mr. Sargent Man! I will make you good again!

Vs. Bomb Man
bomb-man Ah ah! Don't run off! Let's have a little fun with my explosives!
proto-man War's not about fun, but about the people you protect. You're coming home now, Bomb Man!
bomb-man You shoulda come the day before yesterday! I had some big boom-booms then!

Vs. Ice Man
ice-man There's something dangerous up ahead, sir! Oh? Freeze it at all costs, soldier!
proto-man Ice Man! Even a good soldier like you act like this...
ice-man But, sir... Finish the mission, soldier!

Vs. Fire Man
fire-man Fiiiiire! Burn! Burn! Burn everything in site!
proto-man Fire Man! You've gone crazy!
fire-man By the Flames of Justice, I reckon you are evil! Fiiiiire!

Vs. Oil Man
oil-man Hey, whadja come out here for? Don'tcha have a place near your house for fill-ups?
proto-man This will be one messy battle...
oil-man Hey, if you don't like it, then it's you're problem, not mine.

Vs. Elec Man
elec-man You are a good fighter, but you're travels end here.
proto-man You are being more wicked then your bolts...
elec-man Then I guess that means I'm the better fighter, doesn't it?

Vs. Time Man
time-man You're late for your appointment. Come again later.
proto-man Hey, if anyone was giving the appointments, it is me. And I say you are on time.
time-man I'm pretty sure it is late. Do not miscalculate.

Vs. Guts Man
guts-man Hey, men only! Little boys don't belong here. Go home before you get hurt!
proto-man By order of the Robotics Government, you're project is shut down!
guts-man You big idiot! What'll happen to me if I get fired?! I'm gonna take you down with me!

Vs. BtMan
mega-man If it isn't Sargent Man!
proto-man BtMan, you aren't acting like yourself! I'm taking you to Light.
mega-man I don't think so.

Vs. Mega Man?
mega-man Hey, Sargent Man. I heard Dr. Wily is recruiting one more person. You want to join our army?
proto-man Who are you? And why should I consider joining you?
mega-man You've discovered me. But your fellow soldiers won't discover your remains.

Vs. Copy Robot
proto-man Well, well, well. If it isn't Colonel Blow-Up?
proto-man You got my looks down, but the focus on battling is way off...
proto-man Hey, what you see is what you get!

Vs. Dr. Wily
dr-wily If only I had programmed you differently back then! ...It would have been genius! It's the only mistake I've made in my life!
proto-man Dr. Wily! Surrender now or I'll be forced to fire!
dr-wily Wha... Why you insolent fool! I will crush you with a loud, loud crunch! Behold, my latest creation, the ultimate combat robot, Wily Machine Number 1! Nuhahahahaha!
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This game is fan-made by Adrian Marceau, not affiliated or endorsed by Capcom at all, and is in no way official. Any and all feedback is appreciated. :)