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Mega Man RPG Prototype Community

Strategies of Winning the Player Battle

March 29th, 2018 at 1:30am
Master Alicia
Master Alicia
33,927,377 BP
13 TP | 90 PP
Want to win in any Player Battle? Well there is so many strategies that you can do when you in any Player Battle like Rain Flush Instant Kill to the Flame Overdrive Instant Kill. I really guess MegaBossMan is my best law player ever :D. You are free to comment ever as you want.

Rain Flush Instant Kill Method
Don't want to get failed at any Player Battle? Using the Rain Flush Instant Kill is the best combo attack in any Player Battle. It can damage all of the robots when they're in bench position or active position.
1. Put rhythm-satellite 4 or more Rhythm Satellite on if they have rain-flush Rain Flush.
2. Release Rain Flush to see what happened.

-Useful for against any fixed damage such as energy-swap Energy Swap
-Damaging all of the robots in bench position or active position in the screen
especially it will hit any water-resistance robots

-Doesn't work on water-immunity robots

Flame Overdrive Instant Kill Method
Flame Overdrive Instant Kill is the overpowered that goes same as Rain Flush
1. Put rhythm-satellite 4 or more Rhythm Satellite on if they have flame-overdrive Flame Overdrive.
2. Use Flame Overdrive to see what happened.

-Goes same to Rain Flush Instant Kill but different

-Doesn't work on fire-immunity robots

Strategies of Winning the Player Battle
Posted by Master Alicia on March 29th, 2018 at 1:30am
Viewed 305 Times


51,644,607 BP
3 TP | 200 PP
Posted on March 30th, 2018 at 3:34am Edited on 2018/03/30 at 4:42am
Posted 2018/03/30 at 3:34am Edited 2018/03/30 at 4:42am
uhh, wow you're really certain using flame overdrive is a good strategy

Using Overdrive moves aren't something I'd be too reliant on using, especially since the ones who can naturally use them (The Cutter, Flame, Electric, Freeze, Crystal and Space core bots) tend to have middling defence, especially with Elec Man's poor base 57 Defence and Freeze, Crystal and Space core bots being (stat-wise) wimpy thanks to Starforce*. You'd still have to make them take serious damage to boost their Overdrive power.

Doesn't help that Cutter, Flame and Electric, the best cores in Prototype also happen to be ineffective on quite a number of bots, though most of them still do have high enough Attack to deal serious damage to opponents anyway.

Rain Flush is always good for sweeping though. Boosting Water Field multipliers can make that move overpowered, but thay can easily be used against you. Everyone knows how strong Rain Flush is, and they'll opt to use that with their own Water core bots, one of which that is immune to itself and the other healed by it.

Apart from using those abilities, how I win my Player Battles is with a lot of boosting, setup and the use of only the best bots I've got. I prioritize Cutter core bots' versatility and Flame and Electric bots' power, as they're seriously good here.

Also use Stat and Field boosters too, it'll help. If you can't afford those items or the ability equivalent, there's certain abilities such as Atomic Fire and Thunder Beam that can boost stats.

*Look and compare the stats of, say, a Freeze core bot and an Electric core bot on a user with a full 1024 Starforce, like here. Notice how weak they are in comparison.

also why are you mentioning boss and the law
^ Top
Master Alicia
33,927,377 BP
13 TP | 90 PP
Posted on March 30th, 2018 at 5:50am
Posted 2018/03/30 at 5:50am
@Kogeki : thanks ;)
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