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Mega Man RPG Prototype Community

How to unlock every (unlockable) robot

June 20th, 2018 at 10:10pm
17,596,770 BP
12 TP | 703 PP
[Last updated: 1/9/19]

The way to unlock certain robots has been asked, especially MM3 robots, has been asked a surprisingly high amount of times.

So, this guide is a full guide on how to unlock every robot, MM1+ robot masters, and things like Roll, Disco, and Rhythm.

1. The Mega Man 1, Mega Man 2, and Mega Man 4 Robot Masters.
I'm grouping these all together because they are all unlocked the same. For the MM1 Robot Masters, use only neutral type attacks (Buster Shot buster-shot, Mega Buster, mega-buster Mega Ball, mega-ball and so on.) on the Robot Master of the stage. Metal Man metal-man, Hard Man hard-man, Fire Man fire-man, Bright Man bright-man, and so on are all unlocked with this method.
Don't actually use Mega Man though against Elec Man if you are low leveled!

NOTE: It is okay to use elemental attacks on the mechas of the stage, but you cannot use elemental attacks on the actual robot master!
NOTE 2:: The stage has to be the Chapter 2 Robot Master stages. The fusion stages don't work for unlocking them!
This method is the same for Chapter 2 of Dr. Wily, and Dr. Cossack.

2. Roll, Disco, and Rhythm
These three are unlocked the same way essentially, but with a slight variation.
For Roll, using Doctor Light, lose any battle. For new players I recommend going to Elec Man's stage with Mega Man only.
For Disco, it is the same method, but with Doctor Wily, and you have to lose two different battles.
For Rhythm, it is the same method, but with Doctor Cossack, and you have to lose three different battles.

NOTE: The failed missions have to be different missions.

yeah do this (rip)

This old method still works, but there is now a new method:
To unlock Roll, Disco, or Rhythm now all you have to do is beat the Intro Field a second time as Light, Wily, or Cossack respectively
So now you can unlock all robots without having to ever lose once.

There is also an extra method for those that don't want to do either of these methods, and that is the passwords. To unlock the password screen, click the doctor sprite about 10 times in the tab above the home/shop/robots/etc tab and to the right of the battle points tab. Then you get a secret password popup. From there;
To unlock Roll from this; put in "Robot Get: Let's Rock n' Roll!"
To unlock Disco from this; put in "Robot Get: Panic at the Disco!"
To unlock Rhythm from this; put in "Robot Get: Rhythm and Blues!"

3. Mega Man, Bass, and Proto Man
These three are unlocked automatically with you unlocking each doctor. Start the game and you get Mega Man. Unlock Doctor Wily and you get Bass, and unlock Doctor Cossack and you get Proto Man.


4. Mega Man 3 bots, and MM5+
All you have to do is just scan the robot you want (Snake Man, Magic Man, Jewel Man, etc) and you should be able to buy them for 48k zenny in Kalkina's shop. That's it. No having to buster only them in their fields or anything. This method is incredibly easier, and I personally recommend it, but if you don't have much zenny, either sell some items or scan your stars. Besides the large amount of zenny you need, there is not much challenge or confusion to this method at all.

List of robots you can unlock through buying them (updated 1/9/18):
-All Mega Man 3 Robot Masters
-Wave Man
-Star Man
-Gravity Man
-Gyro Man
-Splash Woman
-Magic Man
-Slash Man
-Jewel Man
-Blizzard Man
-Freeze Man
-Frost Man
-Block Man
Hope this helps!

FINAL NOTE: Any robot that isn't mentioned here is NOT unlockable as of right now. When new robots become unlockable I will try to quickly get out an update for how to unlock them as quickly as possible. As MegaBossMan noted below, some users have figured out how to manipulate their user data to get robots that aren't unlockable yet. I will not add a guide on how to do that yourself, as I don't know how to do that, and I don't want more people breaking the game.[/i]

edit: thanks for the sticky, mod squad *finger guns*
edit 2: an explanation of how to unlock the new bots in the most recent update as now been added
edit 3: various fixes and cleaning up to this thread; field method for unlock mm3 bots has been removed
How to unlock every (unlockable) robot
Posted by ThatOneEnderMan on June 20th, 2018 at 10:10pm
Viewed 873 Times
Ninja Man
4,826,067 BP
2 TP | 17 PP
Posted on June 20th, 2018 at 10:14pm
Posted 2018/06/20 at 10:14pm
What scan button? cause I've seen a scan button when playing
^ Top
17,596,770 BP
12 TP | 703 PP
Posted on June 20th, 2018 at 10:22pm
Posted 2018/06/20 at 10:22pm
The scan button. The big one in the bottom left corner.
(Will be updating this with screenshots including one with a big old arrow to that scan button.)
^ Top
Ninja Man
4,826,067 BP
2 TP | 17 PP
Posted on June 29th, 2018 at 12:06am
Posted 2018/06/29 at 12:06am
thanks to this I've gotten Shadow Man, Snake Man, and Magnet Man
^ Top
17,596,770 BP
12 TP | 703 PP
Posted on June 29th, 2018 at 12:19am
Posted 2018/06/29 at 12:19am
@Ninja : Good to hear that this helped. I really should have added the screenshots sooner, but none the less.
(And I can successfully say this guide is complete as well. There is one or two things I may add in the future, such as how to unlock Alt Costumes, but in this current state this feels to me very finished.)
^ Top
3,862,247 BP
1 TP | 4 PP
Posted on July 12th, 2018 at 4:43pm Edited on 2018/07/12 at 6:54pm
Posted 2018/07/12 at 4:43pm Edited 2018/07/12 at 6:54pm
Sorry that I'm kinda late for this, but while trying to get all of the stars, I found Needle Man, Shadow Man and Snake Man in both Cut Man, Skull Man and Wood Man's stage respectively. I don't have the ability to buy fields from Kalinka yet, but I did scan them both. When I can buy fields from her, will I get access to their stages immediately or will I have to find them again in Fusion battles?

EDIT: Nevermind. I finally unlocked the field feature and apparently, it does work, as Snake Man was the only bot from MM3 that I unlocked and scanned that wasn't also found in a fusion battle and scanned.
^ Top
17,596,770 BP
12 TP | 703 PP
Posted on July 20th, 2018 at 2:44am Edited on 2018/07/20 at 2:48am
Posted 2018/07/20 at 2:44am Edited 2018/07/20 at 2:48am
Quick update to this guide: Note 2 for the MM3 section has been added all while I am reminded once more why no one is able to unlock the MM3 robots without asking. Who thought making it harder to unlock them would be a good idea!?

also hey mods if you are reading this can you sticky this thread? yeah that would be nice thanks
^ Top
Random Person
4,838,197 BP
0 TP | 24 PP
Posted on November 2nd, 2018 at 3:21pm Edited on 2018/11/05 at 7:09pm
Posted 2018/11/02 at 3:21pm Edited 2018/11/05 at 7:09pm
Um the MM5 Robot Masters and so on seem to be here now. And i've seen someone with Punk, so I think the Mega Man Killers are now too.
(From what I know.) Just wanted to tell you.

I figured out we can get SOME of them. Turns out some don't have fields yet. Or maybe we can get all of them, just some without fields. But it's a possibility people are starting to hack their way into getting those robots.

^ Top
53,376,288 BP
55 TP | 1808 PP
Posted on November 5th, 2018 at 7:04pm Edited on 2018/11/05 at 7:09pm
Posted 2018/11/05 at 7:04pm Edited 2018/11/05 at 7:09pm
@Flame Person : A subset of users have indeed manipulated their profiles in order to access gimped versions of Robot Masters unable to be obtained in regular play. While it does not affect anyone else's play sessions, it is unfortunate that these robot breaches are able to occur. I'd like to apologize for the community disturbance this causes, and with any luck we can patch these holes out in due time >_>
^ Top
P. Eon
7,332,796 BP
9 TP | 282 PP
Posted on December 6th, 2018 at 6:04pm
Posted 2018/12/06 at 6:04pm
The scan button! I know how to unlock MM3! Also, check out the Next Update therad to agree on the rest of the masters' unlockable status.
^ Top
17,596,770 BP
12 TP | 703 PP
Posted on December 10th, 2018 at 1:09pm
Posted 2018/12/10 at 1:09pm
Update: Added section 5, because of the new surprise update to Prototype.
^ Top
P. Eon
7,332,796 BP
9 TP | 282 PP
Posted on December 19th, 2018 at 11:53am
Posted 2018/12/19 at 11:53am
@ThatOneEnder : Well, I debunked the fact that Fusion Stages won't count to robot unlockables. I did the fusion stage and did unlock masters that way. You can earn two masters if using Fusion Stages!
^ Top
Jordan E. Baumann
20,279,915 BP
1 TP | 9 PP
Posted on April 5th, 2019 at 5:38pm
Posted 2019/04/05 at 5:38pm
I've unlocked Fuse Man and scanned him on the "Master Field" instead of the special event mission, which is called "Faster Than the Speed of Sound".
^ Top
Jordan E. Baumann
20,279,915 BP
1 TP | 9 PP
Posted on April 7th, 2019 at 1:01am
Posted 2019/04/07 at 1:01am
@Jordan E. Baumann : I also unlocked Fuse Man, and then Sheep Man, and Dynamo Man.
^ Top
3,830,561 BP
4 TP | 126 PP
Posted on August 21st, 2019 at 1:40am
Posted 2019/08/21 at 1:40am
Can you say the steps again? Because I'm doing them and it doesn't work
^ Top
3,830,561 BP
4 TP | 126 PP
Posted on August 21st, 2019 at 1:54am
Posted 2019/08/21 at 1:54am
@megaprotobassman : And who you can unlock?
^ Top
53,376,288 BP
55 TP | 1808 PP
Posted on August 21st, 2019 at 2:27am Edited on 2019/08/21 at 2:31am
Posted 2019/08/21 at 2:27am Edited 2019/08/21 at 2:31am
Kalinka's Shop

@megaprotobassman : Welcome back! You can buy new Robot Masters from Kalinka's robot shop, given whether or not you've scanned that robot in a battle before. I've already bought every Robot Master so their pricing doesn't show up, but they require a tad bit of zenny -- though that price goes down the more you buy from Kalinka. Outside Robot Masters (MM5+) can be found in elemental Starforce or Endless Attack missions, but not every Robot Master is in the game (we have to make their weapons first!)
^ Top
3,830,561 BP
4 TP | 126 PP
Posted on August 21st, 2019 at 2:36am Edited on 2019/08/21 at 11:09pm
Posted 2019/08/21 at 2:36am Edited 2019/08/21 at 11:09pm
Thanks dude

Can sombody give me a tip how to beat and unlock Fuse Msn?
Forget about Fuse Man. I found him

Also, I keep getting the same Robot Masters that I have unlocked or the Not Unlockable ones.How do I find them?

There's no reason to be posting constantly in the same thread when you're able to edit your posts. From now on, if you're posting in the same thread minutes after you've already posted, edit your past post instead. This makes threads less cluttered and make posts easier to read for people looking through your posts, so please keep that in mind! - MBM
^ Top
53,376,288 BP
55 TP | 1808 PP
Posted on August 21st, 2019 at 11:12pm Edited on 2019/08/21 at 11:25pm
Posted 2019/08/21 at 11:12pm Edited 2019/08/21 at 11:25pm
@megaprotobassman : Robot Masters that appear as '????' in Kalinka's shop mean that you haven't scanned that robot yet; that means you have to go out and find them, and they can be found in the Starforce field missions (pictured below). If a Robot Master is not listed in the shop, and you're out of "????" names in Kalinka's shop, that probably means they're not unlockable yet. We'd still have to make and develop their weapons before we can release them.

Starforce Field Chapter

If you're wondering which Robot Masters are playable, you can look up a specific robot in the robot database: unlockable Robot Masters will show you how many times they've been 'summoned' at the bottom of their database page, and if there's nothing said about them being summoned, that means they aren't unlockable whatsoever.

Mega Man's database page
For example, this is the bottom of Mega Man's database page. He's used by everyone, so that means he has a summon count.
^ Top
9,808,842 BP
11 TP | 122 PP
Posted on August 22nd, 2019 at 7:05pm
Posted 2019/08/22 at 7:05pm
@megaprotobassman : If you want to find robot masters easily, use Player Battles and look for stars for certain types.
^ Top
Omega X
4,537,028 BP
1 TP | 42 PP
Posted on December 20th, 2019 at 1:17pm
Posted 2019/12/20 at 1:17pm
what robot masters are unlock able like is there a list some where I am asking because I really want turbo man
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