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Mega Man RPG Prototype Community

Omega Influence Testing

August 28th, 2018 at 7:30pm
9,808,842 BP
11 TP | 122 PP
So, in the save area, it seems you can change your Omega Influence code. If we learned how the sequence works, what would be the best code?

What we know:
Omega Pulse uses your Omega ability.
Omega Wave uses you Omega ability AND the docters.
Shopkeepers seem to give you more zenny for items of their Omega type.

My Omega Sequence:


Want-I don't even sell cores.

Have- Missile
Want- And sell my starforce? No way!

Mega Man


Proto Man

Not much more interesting, but

Toad Man
Flame is perfect!

Bubble Man

I decided to change my sequence randomly and my influence was completely different.
I tried to reload but I got stuck with 735fb8ed83e2db4d206c3f73271d0dd
Reloading that got 59b2a9dc11538dd108b7e88ac3d9716c.

It seems like we can't scum our influences.... yet.

Share you sequences and discuss Omega Influence strategy here. We might get one step closer to understanding this if we record our Omega Influences!

I'm sad, I lost my perfect Toad Man.
Omega Influence Testing
Posted by Yoshi2020 on August 28th, 2018 at 7:30pm
Viewed 216 Times


51,644,607 BP
3 TP | 200 PP
Posted on August 30th, 2018 at 6:04am Edited on 2018/08/30 at 6:42am
Posted 2018/08/30 at 6:04am Edited 2018/08/30 at 6:42am
Hey, let me help you out with my own sequence and a quick explanation of Omega Wave's typing.

See, Omega Wave is also dependent on the player's Omega Influence, so the overall typing of the ability is based on the robot and the player.

Anyway, this is my sequence:

Light - Water
Wily - Earth
Cossack - Freeze

Auto - Weapons
Reggae - Missile
Kalinka - Flame

Notable Robots
Elec Man - Explode
Time Man - Time
Metal Man - Water
Shadow Man - Shadow
Top Man - Flame
Ring Man - Cutter
Toad Man - Flame

I show these Omega Influences in particular because they either happen to be a typing a lot of bots are weak to, or they can boost Omega Pulse/Wave's power with cores and Field boosts due to sharing the same type of the robot with the influence.

Overall, it's a mediocre sequence. While the players have good but not great influences, the shopkeepers' influences are pretty bad. Auto's influence is useless and Reggae's being Missile is awful, but at least with Kalinka you could easily get Flame stars from missions because of how abundant they are.
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9,808,842 BP
11 TP | 122 PP
Posted on August 31st, 2018 at 9:35pm Edited on 2018/08/31 at 9:41pm
Posted 2018/08/31 at 9:35pm Edited 2018/08/31 at 9:41pm
Other code if you want it:

With this in mind. We need to constantly regenerate and record sequences until we get the one we want. Then we can test if inputting one code always results in this other one. Since 9c0bdab31d4b9d20f67ba5b9d3632f2a was my first code, I tried to input 735fb8ed83e2db4d206c3f73271d0dd and as expected I got 59b2a9dc11538dd108b7e88ac3d9716c.

This is a huge breakthrough.
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