Attention! This is a legacy build of the Mega Man RPG from 2019 and is no longer being maintained.
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How can you get the most battle points in the stages? Is there any one setup to defeat everyone in a single turn? What are the best masters setups for one turn all KOs? What moves are the most powerful each stage? In case of Field/Fusion Stages, what additional masters are the best for one turn? In the third chapter battle, who is the best? Is it possible to one turn all KO every single battle?
The Most Battle Points Posted by P. Eon on December 20th, 2018 at 3:27pm Viewed 109 Times
Beyond anything else, one factor has remained consistent in the entirety of the game's development; entire team area of effect attacks are absolutely the highest priority in taking out enemies before eight turns. Rain Flush has always been a popular option, though it has been nerfed and buffed and nerfed throughout the years. I'm sure there's some sort of held item Rain Flush support strategy that exists out there that really skims the system and takes out a team within a couple of turns. Especially with the lower health amounts now.
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