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Sheep man is here!With new CHALLENGE EVENTS It is located in star field with you guessed it SHEEP But he has backup!An also really sensitive skin apparently because you can use only neutral moves to unlock him! To do this grab elec throw him in wily and give him a wily buster After a bit you should have defeated Sheep Man!However his goons still stand BUT you can just leave and get fluffy,and his weapon,THUNDER WOOLDynamo Man FOUND A WAY BOYS This guy is a lot harder than sheep man,so grab your elec,give him a water core and defense break,oh and of course,wily buster.First use a charge on the buster,then lower dynamos defense until its at about 1,000 and shoot his face off!THEN YOU HAVE HIM!Fuse Man This guy is also annyoing Grab Elec and his wily buster,give him defense break and attack swap.Do Swap Do Break then buster.Thats all folks!Aqua Man! alright, so here it is you need a rhythm with the satellite, and a protoman with attack swap, proto strike, buster charge and bass baroque first, you need to have rhythm give proto the satellite, and get die right after btw proto should have a spong circuit then, use these moves with protoman in this exact order attack swap, buster charge, proto strike and bass baroque(targeting aquaman, repeat if needed while he's hiding in the bench) also put them on wily's team for that atk boost you'll fail the mission but get aquaman(credit to Mighty)Pump Man! Anyways for Pump Man.... Rhythm Satellite Buster Charge Defense Swap do these 3 things from salts strategies then proto strikeAcid Man Bring Ryhthm,and Proto Man with a weapon upgrade Use Field Support then Satellite Then just keep using proto strike!Solar Man Fun in the Sun! Watch out for the bees!Don't step on the flowers!Oh right Solar Man! What you should do is equip Fire Man with Attack Swap and Defense Swap. Give him Wily buster as well. He also needs a weapons upgrade Use the swaps and just keep bustering him. It might take a few tries but it definitely works!THE BEES HAVE ARRIVED Just grab proto, attack swap, defense swap, then just proto strike. Pretty simple.Plant Man Same as the last. Give us variety! Use the guard module!Crystal Man Its been ages since the last bot...finally Crystal is here!...and its the same as the last two.....and actually lets you beat the whole mission....(Hmm..Wonder if this will ever be stickied...)
Challenge events Posted by NintendoPanda101 on March 16th, 2019 at 9:03pm Viewed 716 Times
I just obtained and finished leveling up Hornet Man. This was my strategy for getting him. I used Roll and Snake Man for this, but the latter can be replaced with just about any bot with a resistance or affinity for Nature.
To start with, I used Defense and Attack swap with Snake Man. I then Buster Relayed the boosts to Roll, who I proceeded to switch in and knock down the wooden barrier with via Roll Swing. By this point Hornet Man was at low HP, so I Relayed the boosts Roll got back to Snake Man, switched him in and finished him off with Wily Buster.
This one my favourite and confusing to find (for me), Go to Players and Go onto Dr.Wily change one of the challenge events to Plant Man's Secret Garden (If you use an Iphone/Ipad it will say NEW) Then Equip Proto Man with Bass Baroque, Proto Strike, Defense Swap, Attack Swap and Buster Charge. Get in there, then use Attack Swap Defense Swap Proto Strike Buster Charge And use Bass Baroque if he switched.
Damn, was Dynamo Man really tough to get!! I raged so much! But after seeing this, I decided a strategy, that after a few alterations, I finally KOed Dynamo Man, unlocking him, despite my Darkness ElecMan about to be killed by the Toad Mans!
My strategy was using my OP Elec Man I trained so much in the past, and using a low level Gemini Man of mine, that has low defense, and putting Defense Swap and Defense Break on him, and giving him a Weapon Upgrade to hold. Also make sure your Elec Man knows Defense Break, and make sure he is holding a Health Upgrade, and last but least, put Elec Man and Gemini Man in Wily's Team, and make sure Elec Man knows Wily Buster too.
Before the battle, you select Gemini Man first, then Elec Man second, then start it. On turn 1, use Defense Swap on Dynamo Man, which should bring his defense from in the 3000's to the 1000's, greatly lowering his defense. He then charges his Dynamo Bolt, ending the turn. Next, use Defense Break to bring it to about 500 Defense. He will then use his charged Dynamo Bolt, which should do nothing to your Elec Man who is benched, and do half damage to your Gemini Man, since he took alot of Dynamo Man's defense, which made him survive the attack. Now switch to Elec Man, because next turn, Dynamo Man will use Rain Flush, the worst move in the battle that kills the attempts. When he uses it, Gemini Man will be outspeeded and faint, so don't attack with him again, but just switch to Elec Man. Use Defense Break on your Elec Man, which should bring Dynamo Man's HP to about 300. This is where Gemini Man faints, and its all up to Elec Man. Charge your Weapons, and he should charge it too, giving you a free turn of no damage. Use Defense Break once again, and then he will use Rain Flush on you, dealing more damage. This is where it gets hard because I don't really remember the strategy from here well, that made me win, but I think you have to charge the Wily Buster now, and then unleash it on Dynamo Man. If done right, he should be OHKOed, unlocking him as a playable robot master.
I will admit, as insanely hard Dynamo Man was, Fuse Man was really easy to beat. I am so happy I have Dynamo Man finally :D Now, to wait for my favorite Robot Master to finally be added in the game playable, Burner Man.
Posted on September 1st, 2020 at 9:59pmEdited on 2020/09/03 at 12:54am
Posted 2020/09/01 at 9:59pmEdited 2020/09/03 at 12:54am
Gutentag! I'm just posting here for any future challengers looking to boost their score by a fair amount. Note that this stragety nor the next ones will NOT be for unlocking, as you could simply purchase them in the store. This is simply for BP.(Though not much)
To start things off, Sheep Man.
Note that with this strategy, you can beat the stage with a A.To sum things up, I took A Fox In The Wires's strat(see page 1), but added Atomic Crasher. Simply use it on Sheep Man to one shot then use Thunder Beam on everyone but Elec Man. 1 Buster Charge will be required, resulting in a wasted turn and an A instead of an S.(I think that's why you get the A.)
Again, save for the addition of the A.C., you can thank A Fox In The Wires for this one.
Posted on September 3rd, 2020 at 12:45amEdited on 2020/09/03 at 1:03am
Posted 2020/09/03 at 12:45amEdited 2020/09/03 at 1:03am
Simply equip Elec Man with a Sponge Circut. The enemy will use Energy Break. Use this oppuntunity to power up your attack stat, but do not kill Aqua Man until your attack is maxed. If another target enters while your low, best to use Thunder Beam to one-shot them and not have to risk them killing you. When at critical health, use Electric Overdrive. This strat will earn you a A. (To get an S, I think you need to get it 5 turns or less).
(Recommended: Elec Overdrive, Attack Boost, Thunder Beam, Buster Charge, Elec Shot(mainly to be used to save a turn when the opportunity comes)
(only double posting for the sake of others finding this post quicker. Figured it would be easier to locate which post you're looking for. If not, I can merge them if desired.)