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So Incase you don’t know endless mode is a quite new mode where you fight an endless wave of robot masters it is unknown what the limit Is since I haven’t reached it yet
Strategy 1: So I only have 1 pretty good strategy that can get you to 50+ waves with the right RNG (Random Number Generator) Requirements: -1 Dynamo Man/ Electric Core Robot Master with Dynamo Bolt and Charge Module -Another Screen Nuke Preferably Astro Crush From Astro Man with Reverse Module/An Attack Booster Or Blizzard Attack if you REALLY need it -A MEDIC (A must have to minimise tedium) with Attack Support, Defense Support, Speed Support and Energy Support Though Roll is the worst as she is a more offensive medic which doesn’t matter at all basically - A Bomb Man/ Elec Man For The Most Damage - Crystal Core/ Gemini Clone (if you want more damage) -Omega Pulse/ Omega Wave For Versatility -Anything else is ok just try to cover as many matchups as possible like Cutters Flame Explode And Electricity for the easiest/ fastest route
Well I got around to 70 Waves so here are the main highlights from my run
Strategy 2: Honestly If ShadowVictor75 Can Respond or Give Me some Tips Then That would help a lot and I might as well add to here since this is basically his section
(24/06/20 or 06/24/20 When I screenshotted)
Strategy 3: Top Spin RNG
With This Layout you can get in a lot of waves and Zenny (and tiny BP too) and now for the Battle Tips:
-Build A Team To Tackle the most matchups with you team and keep them alive - Items Are Not Allowed so rely on your medics - You can always Restart the Match for free so dying is ok AS LONG AS YOUR RESTART or you will lose them for the rest of the run which will be devastating and make things harder - The Game Will Still save your Progress if you delete the tab it will only be list of you lose and quit or leave the battle entirely
Endless Mode Strategies Posted by RageSwitch on June 15th, 2020 at 8:32am Viewed 96 Times
But that’s RNG if it wants to it will easily miss before it hits if not it will glitch the damage animation but yeah attack booster is also a good alternative for reverse module on Astro crush but be aware of quick strikes since they attack first and steal your item
I think you nailed it on the head entirely. The key to succeeding in an Endless Mode playthrough is to always have at least a key offensive player and a medic character standing by. Using items like the Attack and Defense Boosters are also instrumental to keeping your strength up throughout the rounds. Screen clears will often save you time, but they don't always work flawlessly so over-relying on them might lead to some easy, and costly, mistakes. Personally I can't even make it to the 100s as the difficulty of the stages begin to compound and mix, but users like Shadowvictor and HandledVirus have managed to get extremely far somehow; I'd love to see what sort of strategies they used to prevail one day!
@MegaBossMan : If you reset your game page,you can randomize enemies stats,which makes it more easier.First I reduce the defense of enemies and then I use Field Support with Dynamo Man or Crystal Man,wich makes their attacks more stronger,and destroy everyone with Lightning Bolt and Gemini Laser. But there are some robots with immunity to electricity, like Crystal Man and Turbo Man,so i used Needle Man to use Quick Boomerang to always attack first. Also Disco is my support Robot,and have a Recovery Boost,wich boosts recovery effects,obviosly. If someone of your team die,you can reset your game page to get them back.
Posted on June 16th, 2020 at 9:41amEdited on 2020/06/16 at 9:48am
Posted 2020/06/16 at 9:41amEdited 2020/06/16 at 9:48am
@Soren : Yeah true but it’s technically in this order
Attack Speed -> User’s Speed So if you fight another copy core like Bass or Proto Man you may still come out on the short end and take damage and attack last
Also the second fastest attacks are Bass Baroque And Quick Boomerang With Fast (+3) Not Mega Slide (+4)
Yeah you probably need A perfect Strategy though so you need your medics and Screen nukes
@ShadowVictor75 : Also yes this is really useful because I get some bc opponents like +3 stages in all and Battery Circuit restarting the page gives me better chances of not killing myself in game because I want to try
Posted on June 24th, 2020 at 5:06amEdited on 2020/06/24 at 5:08am
Posted 2020/06/24 at 5:06amEdited 2020/06/24 at 5:08am
Bruh I keep restarting my page because I get some broken stats in front of me And ROLL KEEP BEING AN ANNOYANCE so I restart the battle because she always die to a leaf or a top Then If I do endless I neglect everything but that... Like seriously who designed Endless mode
Posted on June 26th, 2020 at 11:35pmEdited on 2020/06/26 at 11:47pm
Posted 2020/06/26 at 11:35pmEdited 2020/06/26 at 11:47pm
Huh, I just kinda spam my Proto Strike and it does 400 damage on average and when that doesnt work I use Shadow Blade or something that Gravity Man can use
Nice, 400. But another Question still remains, can you b- no... What is the truly highest amount of Waves that can be completed? If you don't except the challenge, then go and do 1000 Waves