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i'm trying to get all abilities, but how do you get copy cores? I went to the mecha field every time but i don't get the core, is there a way to get it?
how to get Copy Cores? Posted by FallMaker on August 4th, 2020 at 11:56pm Viewed 17 Times
Posted on August 4th, 2020 at 11:58pmEdited on 2020/08/05 at 12:00am
Posted 2020/08/04 at 11:58pmEdited 2020/08/05 at 12:00am
To get a copy-core, you'll have to defeat a copy-core with a super-effective ability. Take a look at Mega Man's, Bass's, and Proto Man's weaknesses to see what abilities work best against them, and you'll earn their copy-cores.