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The previously held rule to unlock a new Robot Master is to defeat them in their lairs with only Neutral abilities, but the new MM3 Robot Masters do not have them. Do you have to do the bonus Robot Masters battle to unlock them?
Unlocking New Robot Masters Posted by KingYamato on June 29th, 2014 at 4:23pm Viewed 5836 Times
Posted on July 7th, 2014 at 10:09amEdited on 2014/07/07 at 10:16am
Posted 2014/07/07 at 10:09amEdited 2014/07/07 at 10:16am
Nah, Starforce farming actually pays pretty well. Need 6 stars for 1 new field, not including inventory items that drop (I sold my whole inventory because it's useless in online battles and none of the offline matches are nearly as difficult) and cores. In 2 days I got all of them.
It's better not to sell the Stars, but rather to keep lots of them so that the cores are more expensive. That way you can even get up to +15,000z with just one core.
So basically you get Disco and Rhythm the same way? Good thing my Megaman/Mega Man/Whatever you prefer, Bass, and Proto Man robots are strong! I WILL get the other unlockable characters.
Meh, I spam Field Support so much that all the Starforce battles become massacres, so it takes the whole of 5 minutes to get a star twice; once to sell and another time to keep.