Attention! This is a legacy build of the Mega Man RPG from 2019 and is no longer being maintained. Reported bugs will not be fixed and any progress made here will not be saved. Return to the archive index for more legacy content or play the current version of the game for all the new stuff.

Mega Man RPG Prototype Leaderboard

( 5323 Players )
Master Alicia

Master Alicia is a legacy player of the Mega Man RPG Prototype with a current battle point total of 33,927,377 and a zenny total of 198,391,776,660,196,352. Master Alicia created her account on August 25th, 2017 and has since completed 848 different missions, unlocked 3 playable characters, 62 robot fighters, 108 special abilities, and 1024 field stars. Master Alicia's most-used playable character is Dr. Cossack, and her top 5 favourite robots appear to be Bass, Ice Man, Dust Man, Rhythm and Air Man.

Prior to the battle point reboot of 2019, Master Alicia had amassed a grand total of 1,283,632,644 battle points and reached 21st place.

Master Alicia's Leaderboard

Community Forum Stats
  • 77 Threads
  • 255 Posts
  • +472 Rating
Robot Database Stats
  • 62 Unlocked
  • 61 Scanned
  • 136 Encountered
Battle Bomb Survival author/developer
Retired Super Bomb Survival Expert
Mega Man RPG Prototype Expert/Strategist
Zombie Attack expert/Wolf Loner

Alia Names
Worthy Deed One
The One who's battling
Master Queen
Lightning Striko Player

My favourite theme

All in your head (Neurax Worm)

All about me
I am the Mega Man/Bomberman fangirl who likes to draw original characters especially the new and old ones as I may sometimes delaying my own stories, scenarios and etc. The things I really like is Mega Man Fully Charged (as sadly, it doesn’t get season 2 to be honest :( ) is my favourite episodes that featured Chemistry Man. My favourite series is Plague Inc, Mega Man and Bomberman. DM if you want to meet me in MMRPG Prototype Personal message or just asking a question

My future weapon

Dynamo Bolt Instant Kill dynamo-bolt rhythm-satellite

Gemini Laser Instant Kill gemini-laser rhythm-satellite

Fiery Cheeseball Attack pharaoh-shot rhythm-satellite

My favourite MMRPG Weapon is Pharaoh Shot pharaoh-shot because it's look like a giant cheeseball snack to me



- Well I know about Medley in Bomberman B Daman Bakugaiden was riddled with her bad influences as it’s because the wicked scientist did this to her...

- The best thing about in Plague Inc both in IoS and PC is that it can inform people and educate the public. My least favourite plague type is Fungus... which it is slow and tedious to infect even with its abilities

-I hate Gaming Lisa... because of her videos are bad...

-I cancelled the Battle Bomb Survival special for reasons; it take too long for me to finish it in Google forms and also unsure if I ever get it back

-In Super Bomb Survival, I was the one who disliked salty bullies as it just made me feel cautious, wanting to just zip away with my Dive skill.

-Ruben Sim is my favourite popular YTer as he's a roblox gamer who makes videos about his situation of getting banned from Roblox for life which it is pretty sad and upsetting. I know who did IP ban him is NobleDragon as I crack the theory about this to get an evidence.

-Yup, I stopped playing Super Bomb Survival welp...

Battle Bomb Survival

blade-manBattle Bomb Survivalblade-man

Chapter 1: Chaos and Havocs starting bad again...

Chapter 2: Narax's surprise attack!

Chapter 3 Lava Plume’s Volcanic Lair

Chapter 4: Scary Tropical Forest

Chapter 5: Cosmo's flying attack!

Chapter 6: Uh Oh not this dragon!

Chapter 7: Hospital's scary... And who's stepping?

Chapter 8: The Three Dark Musketeers Attack!

Chapter 9: The secret of lair in the Castle

Chapter 10: Fire Ranger to the Rescue!

Chapter 11: Sgt. King's secret lair

Chapter 12: Snucked into his room

Chapter 13: Precious boyfriend in jail, oh no!

Chapter 14: The villains attacks the rangers

toad-manBattle Bomb Survival 64toad-man

Battle Bomb Survival 64 is a Google-form edition Choose your own Adventure story game

Normal (For beginners/novices)

Hardcore (For experts)

sheep-manBattle Bomb Survival 2sheep-man

Coming soon in 2021/2022?

Plague Inc is good!

Plague Inc

Plague types

Plague type I love the most

-Neurax Worm


-Bio Weapon

Plague type I dread/hate the most...


Plague type I never tried before

-Simian Flu
-Shadow Plague
-Necroa Virus


Scenarios I love the most
-Sciencal Denial
-Santa's Little Helper
-Who Cares
-Flight Club

-Artificial Organs
-Black Death scenario
-Created Equal
-Pirate Plague
-Golden Age
-Frozen Virus
-Fake News

Scenarios I dread/hate the most...
-Mad Cow Disease scenario
-Shut Down Everything
-Volcanic Ash
-Global Warming and Ice Age
-Ultimate Board Games

Scenarios I never tried before
-Mirror Earth
-Unknown Origin
-Soveregin Default
-Where Is Everyone?
-Smallpox scenario
-Nipah Virus scenario

-Santa's Little Helper
-Science Denial

-Mad Cow Disease

Cancelled stories

the stories that's in WIP but never made it to final

Battle Bomb Survival Special Currently it is in almost to alpha but you can't go further sadly


Medley... Come on, stop being a bully to Black Bomber! I know what you doing is infecting and destroying humanity with your plague as he gets mad for what you did
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This game is fan-made by Adrian Marceau, not affiliated or endorsed by Capcom at all, and is in no way official. Any and all feedback is appreciated. :)