Attention! This is a legacy build of the Mega Man RPG from 2019 and is no longer being maintained. Reported bugs will not be fixed and any progress made here will not be saved. Return to the archive index for more legacy content or play the current version of the game for all the new stuff.

Mega Man RPG Prototype Leaderboard

( 5323 Players )
Crystal Miner

Crystal Miner is a legacy player of the Mega Man RPG Prototype with a current battle point total of 4,041,527 and a zenny total of 885,988. Crystal Miner created his account on November 15th, 2014 and has since completed 232 different missions, unlocked 3 playable characters, 38 robot fighters, 96 special abilities, and 132 field stars. Crystal Miner's most-used playable character is Dr. Cossack, and his top 5 favourite robots appear to be Ring Man, Bubble Man, Time Man, Spark Man and Quick Man.

Prior to the battle point reboot of 2016, Crystal Miner had amassed a grand total of 710,305,325 battle points and reached 36th place.

Prior to the battle point reboot of 2019, Crystal Miner had amassed a grand total of 118,410,575 battle points and reached 92nd place.

Crystal Miner's Leaderboard

Community Forum Stats
  • 2 Threads
  • 32 Posts
  • +63 Rating
Robot Database Stats
  • 38 Unlocked
  • 65 Scanned
  • 99 Encountered

bubble-man crash-man hornet-man core-shadow

Friendly and a major addict to this game! XD I like to chat so why not chat with me in the chat room. ;)
The RP team and their bios:

bubble-man ring-man spark-man quick-man time-man

1) The team captain, Bubble man!
bubble-man I may be a wily bot, but I no longer serve for that excuse of a villain. So I signed up with Dr.Cossack.
bubble-man Being a team captain ain't easy, but it ain't hard either. *jerks a thumb at quick man and ring man* but those two give me a headache to deal with
bubble-man Being the team strategist, I'm handle things better in terms of leading, combat and planning.

2) The team assist. captain, Ring man!
ring-man Yeah... It's hard to believe that a combat robot like me, would end up like this. But it is honestly better than anything.
ring-man Dr.Cossack converted my programming and I'm now allies with Dr. Light and mega man. But I have other things to deal with.
ring-man I look up to Bubble man as a brother. He is cool, despite being a wily bot. Spark man is like a clumsy, little brother, which I honestly don't have a problem with.
ring-man Being powerful in both speed and power, I naturally became the assist. captain. It's honestly the best thing that happened to me.

3) The team navigator, Spark man!
spark-man I had the same reasons with Bubble man. I wish to serve no longer that good for nothing doctor. So I found Doctor Cossack, and now I'm here.
spark-man Being a navigator, I assist Bubble man, the team captain, in where we can go and how we can get there.
spark-man Benevolent, intelligent and powerful. Is there anything more anyone can ask?
spark-man Me and Time man are good friends and rivals. He may be intelligent, but I know I outsmart him.*smirks

4) The team scouter, Quick man!
quick-man I had so many opportunities! Then I found Doctor Cossack. He gave me so many good things, that I decided to leave that meddling Wily.
quick-man Being faster than little shiny ring-a-ding Ring man: I heard that! I easily became team scouter.
quick-man With unmatched speed, no one can see me coming. Can you keep up with me?

5) The team assistant, Time man!
time-man Please keep this interview short. I don't have much time. I came here, after being sent here by Light Edison.
time-man Cossack put me in charge of training his other robots, and to assist his four main robots.
time-man Ring man and Bubble man are straightly good. They have good sense of leading and combatancy.
time-man Bubble man is always in charge and his strategies are so smart, not even I could think of them.
time-man Spark man is a dear good friend. He's quite a intelligent one, but I outwit him better.
time-man And like the dear leader, I get fed up with Quick man and Ring man fighting constantly.
time-man Although I'm meant for training, I'm a medium to the combat routine. When you put up with me, *holds time arrow on hand* it will get messy.
Game achievements and other stuff:
dr-light dr-wily dr-cossack Cleared all three main quests
ring-man All robots in Cossack are level 100
bubble-man Opened up an RP forum.
bass ZeroDXZ
shadow-man Nagasaki
elec-man Shaman Rayman
bass MaverickRisingXZ
Game Scenarios! RP style!
First battle with bass ZeroDXZ a.k.a Phoenix Wright
bubble-man So, you're the legendary Zero. You take names a lot. They call you a destroyer, a star collector.
Yes. Now, give me your fusion stars, or feel the wrath of my abilities. bass

[align-left]bubble-man I'd like to see you try. Time for battle then.

First battle with shadow-man Nagasaki
bubble-man So, I hear you're good with strategies. You play tricky as well.
Yes. That is me. Now, give up. This is the end of the line. shadow-man
bubble-man It looks like it's the beginning of a battle. Let's see how you handle my bubble lead.

First Battle with elec-man Shaman Rayman
bubble-man So, you're who they call, an underdog battle strategist.
I am more than that. I have a whole legion of powerful robots under me. So, give up, you'll barely leave alive. elec-man
bubble-man Well then, let's begin. Time for another disabled robot.

First battle with bass MaverickRisingXZ
bubble-man I don't want to hurt you. I really don't. You've kind to me, but why now? I don't want to disable you.
I'm sorry, but I have to disable you, Wily bot. bass
bubble-man For the last time, I'm not a wily bot. Well, I guess it's time to for you to see stars.
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This game is fan-made by Adrian Marceau, not affiliated or endorsed by Capcom at all, and is in no way official. Any and all feedback is appreciated. :)