Attention! This is a legacy build of the Mega Man RPG from 2015 and is no longer being maintained. Reported bugs will not be fixed and any progress made here will not be saved. Return to the archive index for more legacy content or play the current version of the game for all the new stuff.

Mega Man RPG Prototype Community

Community  »  News & Updates  »  Preview Build Online - Let's Start Testing! May 24th, 2015 at 10:18pm

746,235,719,899 BP
42 TP | 1258 PP
In a Prototype far, far away.....

Hello there! If you're reading this, an Admin/Mod must've given or approved for you to come here and test out this version of the Update! Obviously, any bugs you encounter are being worked on at the moment, and any buggy features are of course in current development by our favorite head developer, but besides that, have fun and get a feel for any new features coming up!

I'm afraid I won't be able to get too in-depth at the moment, but this is the thread we'll be using for any sort of feedback on the current version of the Update. Please always keep in mind that nothing is permanent, expect there to be many bugs, changes are not fully-complete and only half the features are implemented. Please keep that in mind, as stated. Besides that, feel free to test out this game, and leave feedback below as you test out this version! Any feedback that is given helps give a new perspective on things and are helpful, after all!

Some Major Changes
-The Intro Chapter has been expanded upon, including a battle with the fearsome, but ever-classic, Sniper Joe!sniper-joe

-Going on with expanding of the Intro Chapter, a foe appears after that, and it awaits for you to face it in a mysterious dimension of Prototypetrill

-Beware of the Sigma Robot Masters, who will use strange means to change the way you battle! Expect and prepare for the Unexpected!fire-man

-The Robot Masters have rocking some new looks in the form of "Alt Costumes"! Go into battle, looking your best!roll

-Robots in the Robot Editors are now drag-and-drop in terms of transferring them between doctors! It's never been so easy!dr-lightring-mandr-cossack

-The Shop Feature has gone through a number of changes, including "Levels"! The more you buy and sell, the more they'll have for you next time!auto

-The mystifying Starforce has gone through a number of changes...Try them out yourself!star

Of course, there's so much more, but I can't list them all. Beta-test yourself to find out all the new features! Oh, and as mentioned, please leave feedback in the comments below!
Preview Build Online - Let's Start Testing!
Posted by MegaBossMan on May 24th, 2015 at 10:18pm
Viewed 1113 Times


57,703,963 BP
0 TP | 1 PP
Posted on May 25th, 2015 at 3:42am #1 ( Edited : 2015/05/25 at 1:35pm )
Well...I do have some things to say...I played the game on Hard, btw.

Chapter 1: I enjoyed the new missions a lot, especially Trill. I even figured out how Trill works...I could probably win next time I face Trill. The turn goals are crazy impossible early on, though. A 1 turn goal for a Level 1-2 starter? Impossible.

Chapter 2: Nothing much regarding the battles except I ended up having to stop Chapter 2 progress and go train Mega Man so I can get his Mega Slide ability. I really didn't like not being able to change my abilities.

Chapter 3: Nothing much to say here, though I liked that the Bass and Disco battle gets harder the more you clear it. Makes for a good grinding session.

Chapter 4: Again, nothing much here.

Chapter 5: Enker got a SLIGHT increase in difficulty...nothing that Mega Man and Roll couldn't handle. I have not done the other two battles, though.

After beating Enker...

Chapter 2: The Delta robots were pretty tricky...I had to grind a few levels before I started winning these battles. Sigma robots...super easy on Easy difficulty, brutally difficult on Hard, on my new file, but Hard Mode Sigmas were super easy on my powered up file (I did not finish any battles on that file, just in case).

Chapter 4: Found the Fusion battles challenging, but a little bit easier than the Delta battles.

My final comment...Starforce got nerfed too hard in Player Battles. My first battle against a 1024 Starforce member would have ended after 48 turns if I kept going. Reduce the Starforce defense by like a quarter or something. It is IMPOSSIBLE to do the 12 turn goal.

EDIT: Also, I really think you should be allowed to have two robots on the Chapter 2 battles. I still managed, but I can imagine other players would struggle with that scenario. I already know someone who did...

That's all I've got so far, and I notice the new character limit on here. 5000 Characters is not a lot to work with, so I hope this stays. I'll experiment with the alt skins once the update is actually out.
^ Top
- deleted -
590,608,861,559 BP
44 TP | 1175 PP
Posted on May 26th, 2015 at 5:05pm #3 ( Edited : 2015/05/26 at 5:24pm )
I think It's About time i show you My Real thoughts on the... toad-man flash-man PREVIEW!!!

Chp. 1- This Chapter Has Had the Most Changes, IMO. (Other than the Addition of Something else... After People Beat Enker. Tails Review Explains...) Other than Just Intro Field, We have 2 Fields Barely Used in the Main Game. (The Doc fields have been used in Rival Battles, The other is Just about Plain New, Except for in the Test Version (The Way old Version... Where you only had MM, PM, And 6 Bots and faced MM2 Bots) Which is the Blank Field) And... You face a Sniper Joe and Trill In Level 2 and 3 of Chapter one Respectively.

Chp 2- Not Much Changed. I'd Say this, I think Their Defaults are level 6, Even on Normal or Easy.
So, Maybe More or less dificulty.

Ch. 3- Gets Harder after every Time. I'd Say this is A Good strategy for a Certain thing... The 5 Letter word, (Excluding the Ing) That starts with a G... Ends With a D.

Ch. 4-Not Much Changed... (They're lvl 22 now?)

5- Nothing seems to have changed... Except of what i've seen, there's mets when you face Enker...
And the rest is normal..

Delta Battles- These are Painful. 2 Words. DARK. FRAGMENTS.
The Delta Bots are Simple, But the Stupid Dark Peices are... Ugh. Difficult.

Other Random Thoughts...

Starforce- I Don't see too Much of a Difference, PB I've Barely Done on this Preview.
Toad Man- I Don't find Him Useful Anymore. RF Is Changed for the Worse... I should've seen this coming, i saw it in a SNC Once. I'm gonna use Flash Now on...

Alt Characters- These are Basically your treat For Summoning Bots a Bunch of times. I think i'll have a quest to get all the alts In the game sometime.

... Dificulties- Hard Mode just seems to Favor Harder Moves, and Just Give you More BP.. Easy is the Opposite, Pretty Much.
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Adrian Marceau
51,200,716 BP
194 TP | 473 PP
Posted on May 30th, 2015 at 10:11pm #4
Here's a list of changes recently made to the prototype dev build:

- Removed ability and item menus from prototype navigation until they're ready to be accessed.

- Updated robot editor to allow equipping abilities again. It's functional but may be a bit buggy still. Right now you can simply equip or unequip abilities from the list but you can't do any dragging yet for reordering purposes. The player select dropdown has also been removed (and will be replaced with something else later) but in the mean time you can still drag robots between player containers. Lastly, the item selector has been disabled until it's ready to be used. Don't want to confuse anyone too much.

- Prevented players from editing each other's robots when viewing the leaderboard.

- Removed the difficulty modes, defaulted to "normal" settings, and replaced appearance in prototype menu with a new "rank" title (just for fun).

Thanks for the feedback so far guys. I'll keep making changes in the background and trying to fix all the bugs and miscalculations, and then I'll post little updates here to let you know what's new.

As always, check and/or subscribe to the GitHub repository to track changes. :)
^ Top
590,608,861,559 BP
44 TP | 1175 PP
Posted on May 31st, 2015 at 9:33am #5
Nice... :D
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Adrian Marceau
51,200,716 BP
194 TP | 473 PP
Posted on June 4th, 2015 at 10:36pm #6
I've updated this build of the game again. All recent changes can be found on the GitHub page, but the most notable are the changes to the robot limits, battle points, and zenny awarded at the end of battle.

Robot limits are now a suggestion (like turns) rather than a forced restriction. Missions now have target turns and target team sizes that you can try to meet. You can bring as many or as few robots as you want, but taking too many can negatively affect your score and zenny reward.

From now on, there will be a printout at the end of battle showing the base rewards for points and zenny, your target turns and robots, and the final reward after penalties and rewards. You'll notice that the percentage bonuses and penalties are vastly different than the were before, and work on a simple +/-10% for each turn or robot your come under or go over the target.

Because of these changes it is now MUCH MUCH harder to get ridiculous amounts of points and almost impossible to get some of the numbers you guys were getting before. Leaderboard changes may be in order (like the disastrous comet event we talked about in chat). It is also possible to get ZERO points and zenny if you do horrible enough, so watch out.

I've also decreased the difficulty of the darkness battles a bit. Darkness-afflicted robot masters will no longer be immune to everything, but will instead take neutral damage from everything (as in - no weaknesses, no resistances, no affinities, and no immunities). The boosts to life energy have also been removed - the other stats are enough to deal with and super-high energy makes the battles drag too long. Lastly, I added a placeholder fix for robots that don't have dark sprites yet so they appear as "robot" instead of invisible.

Let me know what you guys think, and I'll post again next time I have a batch of updates. :)
^ Top
1,201,310 BP
4 TP | 70 PP
Posted on June 7th, 2015 at 6:13pm #7
I gotta say this build of the game kinda makes me wanna play this more often. I barley even play this game anymore and I think this new build seems like something I'm gonna be using for a while.
^ Top
660,124,145 BP
6 TP | 263 PP
Posted on June 12th, 2015 at 5:04pm #8
Hey pals, it's me, Spinstrike! Yep, I'm back, and just in time for the new update! So, here are my thoughts:

Chapter 1: The first chapter definitely has the most changes, at least on a superficial level. Sniper Joe was a neat addition, but I think Trill could be toned down a bit to provide a better transition to the Robot Master battles.

Chapter 2: Same as before, at least at first. The Sigma battles were a bit of a surprise, but they were a great challenge for postgame play.

Chapter 3: Like Meta said, the increasing difficulty for the rival battles is great for grinding. A little tougher than I remember.

Chapter 4: See Chapter 2.

Chapter 5: Enker and the Copy Bots are a bit tougher than I remember. They are the game's "final bosses" at the moment, so that makes sense.

Bonus Chapter: The addition of Mets, Sniper Joes, and the Copy Core robots was a nice touch, and I can assume the support trio are there as well. The difficulty hasn't changed that much, though.

By the way, does anyone now how to access Robot skins? They're not in the shop, and I haven't been able to unlock them via grinding.
^ Top
1,295,165,108 BP
4 TP | 99 PP
Posted on June 12th, 2015 at 9:49pm #9
@Spinstrike : You need to Summon a robot 100 times, then look at the robot in the robot editor. You should see this.

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Bt Ghost
161,102,576 BP
22 TP | 535 PP
Posted on June 13th, 2015 at 10:18am #10
@ThatOneEnderMan : It's actually 50 times for Roll, Disco, and Rhythm.
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1,295,165,108 BP
4 TP | 99 PP
Posted on June 30th, 2015 at 10:45am #11
Ring is now OP. Plz nerf.
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
51,200,716 BP
194 TP | 473 PP
Posted on July 4th, 2015 at 10:25pm #12 ( Edited : 2015/07/05 at 11:55am )
Hey guys! A new batch of updates have been completed. See below for the highlights or check the GitHub page for the full list.

- Added new ability subclass field for further categorizing items into consumable, holdable, collectible, etc. Also added sorting patterns for new attack/defense/speed programs.

- Created placeholder files for the new energy/weapon/attack/defense/speed programs - the first exclusively holdable items.

- Increased accuracy of the break moves to match their boost counterparts.

- Updated the MM5 robot masters with their new alts.

- Added subclass of consumable to the score balls.

- Added subclass of treasure for the two screws. They will have no other purpose than to sell.

- Added the consumable subclass to all the pellets, capsules, and tanks, yashichi and extra life. They will not be holdable.

- Added the holdable subclass to all the cores so they would appear properly in select menus.

- Added the collectible class to all the shards as they have no other purpose than to collect (until they fuse into holdable cores, of course).

- Added code for selecting and equipping (or un-equipping) held items to/from a robot master. Right now only cores can be held, but the code here should support all kinds as long as they are subclass "holdable".

- Equipping cores to any non-Copy Core robot will expand their ability compatibility until removed. Copy Cores will only change colour if equipped with a core item.

- Added support for deferred damage/recovery (for abilities like Crash Bomber), and better flags for weakness/resistance/etc. modifiers (for abilities like Drill Blitz).

- Updated Crash Bomber to do normal damage (rather than a percent) based on the user's attack at the time the bomb is created. Made it so triggering too early decreases damage proportionately. Buffed the total damage to a high amount as a tradeoff.

- Updated Search Snake to ignore position modifiers and attack for normal damage regardless of the range so the ability has more utility.

- Updated Drill Blitz so that it specifically ignores resistances and immunities using the new damage option flags. Also buffed the ability slightly.

- Updated the various in-battle target displays (scan, switch, etc.) to be aware of held-items. Held items will now show in the hover popup and the robot's button will be coloured appropriately if that item is a core.

Thanks for playing, and please let me know what you think! :P

2015/07/05 EDIT:

- Buster Charge has been completed and can now be used in battle after purchasing from Reggae's Shop. Ability serves as an alternative to consumable items (Weapon Pellet, Capsule, Tank) for situations when items are not available or not allowed. Because it takes a full ability slot, I'm open to buffing its recovery from 40% to something higher, but wanted to get some feedback first.
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Mega Man and all related names and characters are © Capcom 1986 - 2024.
This game is fan-made by Adrian Marceau, not affiliated or endorsed by Capcom at all, and is in no way official. Any and all feedback is appreciated. :)