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Mega Man RPG World Community

Community  »  News & Updates  »  Important Announcement : Welcome New Community Moderators June 30th, 2014 at 9:03pm

So, there's something different about this screenshot. Adrian made me, MegaBossMan, Rhythm_BCA, CHAOS_FANTAZY, ThatGuyNamedMikey and TheDoc community moderators. This may or may not be a Bad Thing. I expect the tribute and sacrifices by tomorrow night. And I have very distinguished tastes. Ve… Read More
Important Announcement : Welcome New Community Moderators
Posted by Reisrat on June 30th, 2014 at 9:03pm
Viewed 5048 Times


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878,029,450,273 BP
47 TP | 1504 PP
Posted on April 5th, 2015 at 4:24pm #31
@ThatGuyNamedMikey : Yes... We all know that. About the celeb thread, You said it was a good idea for it to be stickied (Not saying your gonna sticky it since really, i dont know what's GONNA Happen with it anyway).
^ Top
541,618,343,272 BP
25 TP | 321 PP
Posted on April 5th, 2015 at 5:06pm #32
@Bt Man : It seems to have happened somtime between last week's SNC meeting and now, so at the very most, it's a week old.

I'd say that makes me a newbie compared to Adrian, Boss, Rhythm and Spin. :P
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878,029,450,273 BP
47 TP | 1504 PP
Posted on April 5th, 2015 at 5:10pm #33
@ThatGuyNamedMikey : I saw it on the chat the Day after SNC on the chat. Seems Around Mid-Night that night or 1:00 AM in that morning, so around 6-7 days.
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266,562,644,975 BP
6 TP | 293 PP
Posted on April 5th, 2015 at 5:12pm #34
@ThatGuyNamedMikey : I rember the day after seeing MBM and Adrian xat's aftermath chat, they were talking about how you should be a mod, so I betting not to long after last week's SNC.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on April 6th, 2015 at 11:03am #35 ( Edited : 2015/04/06 at 4:10pm )
Yay! Now that ThatGuyNamedMikey has acknowledged and accepted the offer I can publicly talk about it and say thank you from the bottom of my heart for joining the team! ^_^

I know we don't always seem to get along, but I also know it's only because we both love this game so much and want what we feel is the best for it going forward. Thanks for keeping me on my feet and thanks for always bringing new ideas to the table - I look forward to your unique brand of no-nonsense in the community and will very much appreciate the extra hand in keeping order around here. :)

I've updated Reisrat's opening post with your name so people know your new role, FYI.
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879,149,490,028 BP
3 TP | 461 PP
Posted on April 6th, 2015 at 1:31pm #36 ( Edited : 2015/04/06 at 1:34pm )
Hey, congrats Mikey! With great power comes great responsibility...

Nah, you'll do fine. :)
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on April 6th, 2015 at 3:55pm #37 ( Edited : 2015/04/06 at 4:09pm )
Aaaaaand we have another! Welcome TheDoc as our second new addition to the team - he is now a Community Moderator and can offer his assistance with the day to day maintenance and upkeep of the prototype community. Thank you for accepting as well and I look forward to working with you more going forward! :D
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878,029,450,273 BP
47 TP | 1504 PP
Posted on April 6th, 2015 at 4:02pm #38
@Adrian Marceau : Who'se next?
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Beta Man
167,684,436 BP
32 TP | 930 PP
Posted on April 6th, 2015 at 4:06pm #39
@MetaKirbSter : Nobody will ever know!
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878,029,450,273 BP
47 TP | 1504 PP
Posted on April 6th, 2015 at 4:17pm #40
@Bt Man : I had an idea, And adrian saw this in the chat, but... I want a new feature for Mod-ing. the ranks go from Screw-Energy Pellet-Energy Capsule-Energy Tank-Yashichi. I'd probably be the 2nd one, Energy Pellet (The little circle pellet, the small one compared to doc and MBM's and Mike's and those)
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880,181,037,303 BP
43 TP | 1425 PP
Posted on April 6th, 2015 at 4:22pm #41
@TheDoc : @ThatGuyNamedMikey : Congrats, both of you two! Adrian and I have been discussing the possibility of future Mods, and we felt you two were a shining example of what the Community was all about! Doc, you've shown yourself as someone to be trusted for a while now, and now it's official :) As for you Mike, while me and you have completely different viewpoints, you've proven that you will uphold the Community standards ^_^
Congratulations, new fellow mods! I know you'll be a great addition, and I'm glad that you'll help The Law in making this Community a great place!
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878,029,450,273 BP
47 TP | 1504 PP
Posted on April 6th, 2015 at 4:31pm #42
@MegaBossMan : Yes. Very well. Doc and Mike, You two Are Very Good in this community. As for my new Idea, We talked about this in the chat. Remember the idea i mentioned like 10 minutes ago? As said, It's a new Mod Ranking system. It goes: (And yes i changed this about 2-4 times over the past half an hour), The current set up is: Small Screw-Energy Pellet-Large Screw-Energy Capsule-E-Tank-Yashichi. I don't know what each part unlocks, and yes, You probably could gain a rank but only if you do something Super amazing. I dunno. Anyways, here's an image for The others. Also, This is not photoshopped or changed in any way, Just Cropped. The image.
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856,923,781,225 BP
17 TP | 356 PP
Posted on April 6th, 2015 at 6:26pm #43
gemini-man ...Congratulations ThatGuyNamedMikey and TheDoc. The mods of the forum should indeed be those that are active and with open minds. I have no problems at all with either of you being contributors. See you guys around! ring-ring
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878,029,450,273 BP
47 TP | 1504 PP
Posted on April 6th, 2015 at 7:03pm #44
@TailsMK4 : What do you think of my idea? And yes, It's very good for them to Be contributors.
^ Top
25,617,602,425 BP
9 TP | 380 PP
Posted on April 7th, 2015 at 7:06am #45
@Adrian Marceau : Well tahts really great Adrian [TheDoc]{flame_empty}and TheGuyNamedMikeycongrats on the moderator promotion well i hope this comunity geets a great inspiration and more players each day so im supporting you Adrian with your hard work for this comunity and your website
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