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Save deletion glitch?

January 17th, 2016 at 9:03am
Metal Man
Metal Man
7,384,966 BP
2 TP | 1 PP
For some reason, my accounts keep on deleting themselves. Last time, I was just about to defeat Bombman in my last account as Minun11 (Named after the Pokemon) then it deletes itself a day after forcing me to be IEatMegaFlan. I just got done doing the Megaman 2 and Wily part (I wish I could switch between doctors there), then a day later from that my save gets deleted AGAIN. I checked my phone and I was on the intro field like nothing past that has happened and then I came back on my computer and it's suddenly back with all of my saves back up. What the heck?
Save deletion glitch?
Posted by Metal Man on January 17th, 2016 at 9:03am
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Posted on January 17th, 2016 at 2:13pm
Posted 2016/01/17 at 2:13pm
I dont know.
Usually the only reason you'd lose your progress is if you Resetted.
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4,484,807,684 BP
46 TP | 1624 PP
Posted on January 17th, 2016 at 2:47pm
Posted 2016/01/17 at 2:47pm
Hmm....That's certainly strange, and rather unprecedented, really. If you don't mind my asking, what browser are you using to play MMRPG? Are you using a PC or a phone? I can't say I've heard of any browser that would cause you to lose progress in your game, however. I'm also confused on how your name was changed to "IEatMegaFlan", as well. It's quite a specific situation, that's for sure. Any further information would be appreciated.
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Metal Man
7,384,966 BP
2 TP | 1 PP
Posted on January 17th, 2016 at 5:32pm Edited on 2016/01/17 at 5:45pm
Posted 2016/01/17 at 5:32pm Edited 2016/01/17 at 5:45pm
Right now, I am using a PC with the latest version of Google Chrome. I have also used a Nintendo New 3DS in the past to play the game at one point with Minun11 as well as a phone with both accounts. My name was not changed to IeatMegaFlan, it was a name I have decided to go for for a new account. I said I was forced to because Minun11 became a glitched save and then deleted itself. It probably came back though so I am gonna have to check.

I checked up Minun11, it's back again (And I defeated Bombman.) Logged off, tried to sign back in, didn't work. Doing it on the main page however allows me to log back in to that account...

So basically loading doesn't work in the prototype...
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