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Where does wood man learn an attack?

October 1st, 2013 at 2:16pm
Trouble Bruin
Trouble Bruin
866,548 BP
7 TP | 20 PP
(probably wrong category but plz read)
hi,i'm gaining EXP but,i came here to say,what level does wood man learns search snake or other nature type attack besides leaf shield?
thanks a lot!

[b]LOCKED by Adrian Marceau as Fixed on 2013/10/23[/b]
If this bug resurfaces please create a new thread. Thank you!
Where does wood man learn an attack?
Posted by Trouble Bruin on October 1st, 2013 at 2:16pm
Viewed 934 Times


26,758,030 BP
13 TP | 176 PP
Posted on October 1st, 2013 at 3:22pm
Posted 2013/10/01 at 3:22pm
He doesn't. Characters only learn moves from their original movesets (So, for example, Fire Man can learn Fire Storm at start and Fire Chaser at Lvl.10), but they can't learn moves of other robots naturally (So, this Fire Man cannot learn Atomic Fire naturally).
What you need to do in order to learn other abilities, you have to either defeat the robot in his stage or use Copy Shot.
So, just get your Mega/Proto Man, equip him with the Copy Shot and use it when Snake Man uses Search Snake (Being faster than Snake Man helps a LOT)
After that, you can equip the ability normally to Wood Man or any other robot with a Copy or Nature core. Hope this helps you :D
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Trouble Bruin
866,548 BP
7 TP | 20 PP
Posted on October 1st, 2013 at 3:42pm
Posted 2013/10/01 at 3:42pm
Well,Metal Man learned Quick Man's Quick boomerang,gotta try make wood man learn something
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Trouble Bruin
866,548 BP
7 TP | 20 PP
Posted on October 1st, 2013 at 3:55pm
Posted 2013/10/01 at 3:55pm
by the way,i needed nature powers for wood man,cause of time man,i could beat time man with crash bomber,same thing will happen to ice man,gotta kill him with crash bomber too
^ Top
26,758,030 BP
13 TP | 176 PP
Posted on October 1st, 2013 at 9:12pm Edited on 2013/10/01 at 9:22pm
Posted 2013/10/01 at 9:12pm Edited 2013/10/01 at 9:22pm
Pro Tip: For Time Man just try and defeat Elec Man, then give Mega/Proto Man the Thunder Beam and thunder him away!
For Ice Man do exactly the same, just Thunder Beam him out of your way!
The Crash Bomber is pretty weak in early game, it only gets to shine in big, high level battles. It's very powerful, but you need some bulky tank to survive the 3 turns.
Also, you can't get Mega Man 3 abilities until you finish the game, so no Search Snake yet...
Hope this helped you and have fun! :D
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Adrian Marceau
113,913,695 BP
204 TP | 518 PP
Posted on October 2nd, 2013 at 3:21pm Edited on 2013/10/02 at 3:24pm
Posted 2013/10/02 at 3:21pm Edited 2013/10/02 at 3:24pm
Thanks for answering everyone. Yes, Wood Man current does not learn any abilities by Level Up (except his initial Leaf Shield) but can be equipped with any other Nature type ability that you have available. As others have mentioned the only other Nature type ability is Search Snake which isn't available until post-game, but that is how the system works. Honestly the only robots really benefiting from the Core Match system are Flame and Explode types (simply because they're the only repeated types in MM1 and MM2), but that will change soon...
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Trouble Bruin
866,548 BP
7 TP | 20 PP
Posted on October 2nd, 2013 at 7:26pm
Posted 2013/10/02 at 7:26pm
time man uses his time arrow and leaves my speed on 0,but i could survive 3 turns
as for ice man,i survived his shoots and OHKO him,and i use crash bomber cause it doens't care if my speed is 0,always hits :D,(off thopic but i need to ask those questions) also gotta ask this,why is hard man weak to his own core (impact)?
and do you guys acept fanmade robotmaster? cause i just have two ideas for them :D
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Trouble Bruin
866,548 BP
7 TP | 20 PP
Posted on October 2nd, 2013 at 7:33pm Edited on 2013/10/02 at 7:46pm
Posted 2013/10/02 at 7:33pm Edited 2013/10/02 at 7:46pm
if anyone cares,gotta post my ideas
Kangarro Man (swift)
Design (since i can't sprite him,just saying his design will be enough i guess) : he looks like a kangarro,but a robotic one,he has boxing knuckles on his hands
Class : Fighting Kangarro robot
Weakness : time,freeze
Resistances : impact,cutter
Afinnities : swift
Immunities : swift
Weapon : Ultra Punch (shoots two strong punchs,with 60 power one (dealing a total of 120 damage if both punchs hits) accuracy : 75%,might lower the opponents defence by 3 (6 if super effective,1 if poor effective) with a 10% chance to do it

Jokeman (impact) (he would be supused to be weak to kangarro man's weapon)
Design : He's supused to be a weird fusion of a clown,a sphere and a dog
Class : Joker Robot
Weakness : swift flame
Resistances : wind
Affinities : None
Immunities : None
hope you liked :D,if you need any other RM or their quotes,feel free to ask...
^ Top
30,135,830 BP
15 TP | 139 PP
Posted on October 3rd, 2013 at 2:24am
Posted 2013/10/03 at 2:24am
Please look around the forums first before just posting in the first thread you see, since we already have thread for fan-made RM stuff. But yes, fan-made content is going to be part of the game sometime in the future. I mean we already have Disco.
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Trouble Bruin
866,548 BP
7 TP | 20 PP
Posted on October 3rd, 2013 at 2:25pm
Posted 2013/10/03 at 2:25pm
Hope you liked my ideas,and gotta do it next time
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