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Mega Experience from random enemies

October 24th, 2013 at 11:22pm
8,271,410 BP
5 TP | 17 PP
Alright, I'll admit this may be intentional, but in playing through Light's new campaign, I got to Cut Man, who was level 4 at the time. Took him out in a couple hits from my level 50 Elec Man and got about 150 ish experience. Then I took out the level 2 Flea in one hit and got 850? Wasn't sure if there was some reason a random enemy gave 5 times as much experience as a Robot Master twice its level, so I figured I'd check...

[b]LOCKED by Adrian Marceau as Fixed on 2013/10/26[/b]
If this issue resurfaces in some other way please create a new thread. Thank you!
Mega Experience from random enemies
Posted by NinjaLink on October 24th, 2013 at 11:22pm
Viewed 820 Times


Adrian Marceau
113,913,695 BP
204 TP | 518 PP
Posted on October 24th, 2013 at 11:56pm
Posted 2013/10/24 at 11:56pm
Hey, thanks for asking. One of the new features of the update is that any "overkill" you earn is converted directly into experience points. So if you did an attack that would normally 950 damage to a weak robot with only 100 life energy, it would OHKO them and give you 850 overkill points (which are then converted into 850 experience points divided among your team). Do you think that could be it? If your Elec Man is really strong, it's possible he's getting a lot of overkill bonuses. Please, don't forget to check the little Field Multiplier at the bottom of the battle window - landing super-effective hits boosts experience too so it could be a number of things. Let me know. :)
^ Top
8,271,410 BP
5 TP | 17 PP
Posted on October 25th, 2013 at 8:40am
Posted 2013/10/25 at 8:40am
Alright then, wouldn't surprise me if that was it since the regular enemies are so weak and my level 50 Elec Man... well, isn't. Glad to know that it isn't actually a bug!
^ Top

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