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Mega Man RPG Prototype Bug Reports

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Lots of robots in my team

April 8th, 2014 at 1:29pm
26,758,030 BP
13 TP | 176 PP
I was fighting some of TailsMK4's robots to gain quick stats using Cossack. I usually kill a few bots and then restart to avoid losing the field. After a while, I went away but left the game open. When I came back, I logged in again in the main page and then restarted the mission in the game (It was Pharaoh/Heat vs. Elec/Time in a Pharaoh/Oil field if it's any importance). When it restarted, TailsMK4's robots appeared normally, but in my team were all of Cossack's robots, and I could attack or swap or anything. All the robots had their actual stats and levels, unlike the "default to everything" bug. This is what it looked like:
what even

EDIT: I also realised I lost all the stats I gained in that while, which was around 1000 points in each stat.
Lots of robots in my team
Posted by Shadownnico on April 8th, 2014 at 1:29pm
Viewed 1608 Times


16,120,577 BP
4 TP | 138 PP
Posted on April 9th, 2014 at 6:36am
Posted 2014/04/09 at 6:36am
it becase you left the game open
^ Top
282,918,253 BP
0 TP | 47 PP
Posted on April 10th, 2014 at 2:15am
Posted 2014/04/10 at 2:15am
@megaprotobassman He knows why it happened, he was just reporting a bug that can happen which may make it harder to grind for extra stats once your robots have reached level 100.
^ Top
Camui Tokugama
470,557 BP
0 TP | 3 PP
Posted on April 21st, 2014 at 10:07pm
Posted 2014/04/21 at 10:07pm
I only have 4 for Light and Wily, but 3 for Cossack.
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1,588,665,489 BP
54 TP | 1661 PP
Posted on April 25th, 2014 at 11:53am
Posted 2014/04/25 at 11:53am
i think keeping the game opened to long might be why this happened. i am not good enough to get there yet.
^ Top
1,588,665,489 BP
54 TP | 1661 PP
Posted on April 25th, 2014 at 11:54am
Posted 2014/04/25 at 11:54am
only mega man 1 missions really. cuz i just started today.
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10,600,490 BP
8 TP | 310 PP
Posted on April 25th, 2014 at 3:43pm
Posted 2014/04/25 at 3:43pm
You could just edit your post.
Or stay on topic, that would help too.
^ Top
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282,918,253 BP
0 TP | 47 PP
Posted on April 25th, 2014 at 6:52pm
Posted 2014/04/25 at 6:52pm
@coolbie16 "He knows why it happened, he was just reporting a bug that can happen which may make it harder to grind for extra stats once your robots have reached level 100."
^ Top
4,000 BP
1 TP | 8 PP
Posted on May 3rd, 2014 at 7:34pm
Posted 2014/05/03 at 7:34pm
I have the bug too
^ Top
10,600,490 BP
8 TP | 310 PP
Posted on May 3rd, 2014 at 7:50pm
Posted 2014/05/03 at 7:50pm
Just work with it until it can be patched, and finish battles in one sitting to prevent it.
^ Top
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1,588,665,489 BP
54 TP | 1661 PP
Posted on July 1st, 2014 at 12:53pm Edited on 2014/07/01 at 12:56pm
Posted 2014/07/01 at 12:53pm Edited 2014/07/01 at 12:56pm
actually i got this bug. i got the cool look! :D it said i got 1 point. 1. and my robots were lvl 1. and i had a met aswell...
^ Top
1,588,665,489 BP
54 TP | 1661 PP
Posted on September 5th, 2014 at 8:48pm
Posted 2014/09/05 at 8:48pm
@Toastman : thats fine. i got this bug before.
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