Attention! This is a legacy build of the Mega Man RPG from 2017 and is no longer being maintained.
Reported bugs will not be fixed and any progress made here will not be saved.
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For the first several weeks after the update, I'd like all bug reports to be kept in one thread for easier organization. Please post your issue in the comments of this thread and I'll try to fix it as soon as possible. If it's determined that an issue is too large in scope for the comments, we'll split the conversation then. Thank you for your understand and your patience while we work out the kinks of this new update. :)
June 2014 Bugs : Mega Man Goes Shopping Posted by Adrian Marceau on June 14th, 2014 at 4:32am Viewed 5310 Times
...I could have sworn that Rhythm had the same amount of health as Roll and Disco, but she has Mega Man's stats for some strange reason. I guess that's another thing to fix, is it? I didn't believe Mikey at first, but sure enough, the stats weren't that of a support robot.
So, uh....I've been fighting myself over posting this for some time, but sometimes clicking a link for this site, like on my favorites bar, can sometimes lead to this.
I'd wonder what would happen if I posted, but better safe than sorry.
So, for some reason, every time I'm hit with an attack that ends up lowering my speed and I just happen to use Rain Flush next turn because who uses Rain Flush?, it says that Rain Flush has no effect on any of the robots...
@TheDoc : Woah. I was training toad to 9999 attack, which is done. And a couple times my speed was decreased, But rain flush hit. Thus, i was safe. (ALSO come to the chat)
Posted on April 27th, 2015 at 4:00pmEdited on 2015/04/27 at 6:48pm
Posted 2015/04/27 at 4:00pmEdited 2015/04/27 at 6:48pm
A bug visual bug to report, from me. Picture it; Bonus Field, I take my Snake Man on the field. Because Nature and Shield are the highest boosted multipliers, I use Leaf Shield against my opponent, Guts Man. He uses Super Arm, boosts his defense by a solid 3000 points. I beat him easily, and....He wields 0 defense points? Last time I checked, that's more than enough defense to get a point! It's a visual bug, due to my defense being maxed out[Thanks for the reminder, Tails!] That tricky Guts Man....
Posted on April 27th, 2015 at 6:40pmEdited on 2015/04/27 at 6:53pm
Posted 2015/04/27 at 6:40pmEdited 2015/04/27 at 6:53pm
@MegaBossMan : ...That's only a GUI/visual bug. Double check your defense for Snake Man. It actually went up despite the battle stats saying it went up by 0. This happened because your base stats were low enough to be awarded points in that category, but your current defense was maxed out, so although it APPEARED to go up by 0, it actually went up the usual amount. You'd notice this more often if you actually stat trained your robots... I do suppose I put that bluntly, but regardless, this is actually quite common to see once your stats get to 9999.