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Crash Bomb of Instant Death?

September 13th, 2014 at 6:40pm
138,137,906 BP
1 TP | 4 PP
So I was playing Orb Institute (I already had the star, by the way) with my Lv100 Bass and the Lv39 Bomb Man detonates a Crash Bomb that does over 538 damage! Then after it says that I lost Bass stands up with the exact amount of health that I had before it hit me. This has happened more than once too! Isn't Crash Bomb percentage based? How is it doing this much damage?
Crash Bomb of Instant Death?
Posted by DrElwan on September 13th, 2014 at 6:40pm
Viewed 1191 Times


Dark Man
20,350,826 BP
9 TP | 279 PP
Posted on September 13th, 2014 at 8:07pm
Posted 2014/09/13 at 8:07pm
I cannot answer your question, sorry, DrElwan.
^ Top
Dark Man
20,350,826 BP
9 TP | 279 PP
Posted on September 13th, 2014 at 8:08pm
Posted 2014/09/13 at 8:08pm
But, I can tell you about my new thread. Come check it out, if you'd like!
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Retro Pikachu
3,561,826,418 BP
30 TP | 621 PP
Posted on September 13th, 2014 at 8:33pm
Posted 2014/09/13 at 8:33pm
@DrElwan: I'm guessing that the field multipliers + Bomb Man's "STAB (Same Type Attack Bonus)" probably added up to 538+ damage. I'm not sure if I can do the math, so I'm guessing the above reasons are how all that damage was racked up.

@Dark Man Please be sure to hit the "edit" button on your comment to avoid Double Posting. Only double post if absolutely feel like it is necessary.
^ Top
2,395,585,460 BP
32 TP | 451 PP
Posted on September 13th, 2014 at 8:38pm
Posted 2014/09/13 at 8:38pm
Sounds like a Fusion Star Battle on Orb City [Bomb Man's Field] to me. There's any number of ways that a Crash Bomb--not prematurely detonated--could kill off any RM there, as the Field Multiplier for Explode-type is doubled, and Bomb Man is made stronger by the Fusion Star itself until you win the battle and collect it for yourself.

While Crash Bomb is technically a %age based move, it can still be powered up via Field multipliers; The Bomb Man was Lv 39; if the field had a x2 bonus for Explode-type, AND there a Fusion Star on the field with Explode-type as part of it, AND The Crash Bomb detonated on time, AND there was a critical hit, that would do it.

By the way, that goes for every Field and Fusion Star you don't have; If it's on the field, your enemies get stronger via it, so, never let down your guard; unless you have insanely high defense [saaaay, 800-ish], you still wanna keep strategies in mind, including Plan B's for when things like this happen.

Pretty sure it's not a bug, though.
^ Top
26,758,030 BP
13 TP | 176 PP
Posted on September 13th, 2014 at 8:46pm Edited on 2014/09/13 at 8:51pm
Posted 2014/09/13 at 8:46pm Edited 2014/09/13 at 8:51pm
Honestly the whole "how does the Crash Bomb work" is still a mistery. It's supposed to be percentage based but that never works, and it seems to do more damage the more powerful the target is, so maybe it accidentally works based on Defense percentage instead of Health?

EDIT: Also, regarding multipliers, the total multipliers it might of had would be +10% by starforce, x2 by field and x2 by critial. Seeing how the Crash Bomber has a total attack of 16% that would be 16*1.1*2*2 which gives 70.4%, which still wouldn't be enough to make so much damage
^ Top
2,395,585,460 BP
32 TP | 451 PP
Posted on September 13th, 2014 at 8:57pm
Posted 2014/09/13 at 8:57pm
@Shadownnico : I know you have 133 billion BP and all, but, it has to be asked: Are you SURE that Crits are ALL x2, or do they have a range?

The PKMN series has a range of x1.2 to x3 for it's Crits, contrary to popular belief.
^ Top
26,758,030 BP
13 TP | 176 PP
Posted on September 13th, 2014 at 9:09pm
Posted 2014/09/13 at 9:09pm
Yeah, from what I've seen, critical hits ALWAYS do x2 damage in here. Also, the PKMN series has a range of x1.2 to x3? HOW COME I DIDN'T KNOW THIS? THIS WOULD HAVE BEEN HELPFUL YEARS AGO
^ Top
4,484,807,684 BP
46 TP | 1624 PP
Posted on September 13th, 2014 at 9:50pm
Posted 2014/09/13 at 9:50pm
The reason why it does exact damage is because the extra damage points don't really do anything, so why go over?
^ Top
138,137,906 BP
1 TP | 4 PP
Posted on September 14th, 2014 at 12:38pm Edited on 2014/09/15 at 3:00am
Posted 2014/09/14 at 12:38pm Edited 2014/09/15 at 3:00am
It was not a crit and there was no starforce involved. Also don't forget that Bass came back to life there is a bug here somewhere

Edit: I'm sorry about this but my OCD wouldn't let me rest.

First of all this: is why Bass was resurrected

Second, I did some research on how the Crash Bomb works and here is what I found out:

WARNING the following contains math, you have been warned

The basic way attacks appear to work in this game is represented by this formula


PM represents the base damage of the attack where P=power and M=multipliers.
For crash bomb P=16% of the target's base hp so in this case Bass had 595 hps so P=95.
On Orb Institute and Bomb Man has STAB so M=times 2+50% So PM=285 (Note: Wow Crash Bomb is op if it has multiplier)
A=attack and D=defense in this case Bomb Man had an attack of 409 and Bass had a defense of 648.
So the final formula looks like this

285+(409-648) which adds up to... 285 so clearly I'm wrong somewhere. what if D is divided by 2?
Then we get 370 still not enough. What if there are no parentheses but leave D alone then we get 46 very wrong. (side note: I think shield weapons remove the parentheses which is why they can take 0 damage) If we combine the two? 370 again.

So what if Crash Bomb has a bug that causes A and D to swap? we get 514 which is right in ball park of what happened but a little short ( if I remembered the numbers correctly when I made this report)

There are a few possible reasons I took so much damage

A. In the Crash Bomb formula attack and defense are swapped. This would be next to impossible to notice on equal levels but the bigger the gap is the bigger the effect. This would also explain why Crash Bomb seems so random.

B. Same as above but also the 10% starforce boost never leaves a field.

C. Same as above except I need to be sent to an asilym for doing this

D. I'm wrong about everything and wasted a few hours of life researching a bug that does not exist

Edit 2: image Proof that i did not make this up.
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