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Roleplay Bios

January 7th, 2015 at 11:25pm
Retro Pikachu
Retro Pikachu
3,561,826,418 BP
30 TP | 621 PP
This thread is for all your bio needs! Just list anything you can come up with your own character, or characters you like to use. Just leave a comment for all your characters (though you can make another comment if you run out of space). Here's a blank template:

First Appearance:
In Universe:
Current Status:


Good Point:
Bad Point:

Here's an example:

Name: Retro Pikachu proto-manproto-man-copyproto-manrobot
First Appearance: Dungeons and Robot Masters! Page 2 (You can skip this if this is the second time doing the character, just in a different universe)
In Universe: Dungeons and Robot Masters! (This is what the bio is based on)
Designation: HWN-001 (Hidden Wily Number)
Weaknesses: Suprise Attacks
Resistances: None
Immunities: None
Current Status: Inside Enker's Head
Forms: 3

Form: 1 (Normal)
Type: Electric
Energy: 90
Attack: 140
Defense: 50
Speed: 120
Theme: Lorekeeper Zinnia's Theme) (This is optional)

Form: 2 (Omega Version)
Type: Electric and Shadow
Energy: 50
Attack: 160
Defense: 30
Speed: 160
Theme: Tie a Link of Arcus

Form: 3 (Dark Retro)
Type: Shadow
Energy: ???
Attack: ???
Defense: ???
Speed: ???
Theme: Falling Down Remix

Good Point: Focused on a Goal
Bad Point: Egotistical
Likes: proto-manDESTRUCTION HAHAHAHAAHAHA oh and revenge
Dislikes: Peace
Other: This is what you get when you leave Wily with Evil Energy and spare time on his hands. He builds a machine of pure destruction, throwing "mercy" out the window. Retro Pikachu was going to be the first of a line of destructive creatures, known as the Hidden Wily Numbers. These robots were so secret, only about 16 of Wily's massive army knew of his creation. In troubled situations, he will resort to his Omega Version to take down those who stand before him. While even Retro Pikachu is not aware of it, he has a "Dark Mode." When this happens, Retro loses control of his body and goes on an all out RAMPAGE. Retro Pikachu's design is highly based on Proto Man, as Retro Pikachu is indeed the "Prototype" of Zero. While Wily had designed Retro Pikachu to follow orders, a bit of influence from The Master had altered his programming. Permanently. Retro Pikachu has proved his strength multiple times, being able to defeat 8-16 robots at a time. With a SINGLE SHOT. Now that he is released, one thing is certain. If you are targeted by Retro Pikachu, then hopefully, you are one of the strongest.
Roleplay Bios
Posted by Retro Pikachu on January 7th, 2015 at 11:25pm
Viewed 4055 Times
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on January 8th, 2015 at 9:56am
Posted 2015/01/08 at 9:56am
Lol inside Enker's head. Gonna go insane soon, is he? Hahahahaha! Ok, I'll stop now and give this a spin.

Name: Bt Man
First Appearance: The Weekly Quiz! page 2.
In Universe: Mainly in Dungeons and Robot Masters!, but is almost everywhere else.
Designation: SAB-000 (Spoiler Alert Blocked, as in the number is not to be revealed until further notice.)
Weaknesses: Space, from the fact that he wouldn't withstand the Bright Burst. Luckily, Bright Man is a good guy, and will never be hypnotized by the Master, right? ...Right?
Resistances: None.
Immunities: Shadow.
Current Status: Resting his energy and is banned from use until the battle against the master or something.
Forms: 1

Form: 1
Type: shadow
Energy: 200
Attack: 200
Defense: 200
Speed: 200
Theme: None.

Good Point: Charges up better in dark areas.
Bad Point: Gets mad whenever he loses someone close to him, like Sargent Man.
Likes: Whenever he gets a time to relax.
Dislikes: Whenever Ninja Man bursts in to destroy him.
Other: His past a mystery, his destination unknown, Bt Man, a shadow-type look-alike of Mega Man, helps Mega Man and the others in their fight for peace. Bt Man usually thinks about changing his name, but hasn't really thought it out yet. When the time comes to fight, you can rely on him as an ally... unless you are Wily or another villain.
^ Top
21,642,085 BP
7 TP | 121 PP
Posted on January 25th, 2015 at 8:15pm Edited on 2015/01/26 at 11:06pm
Posted 2015/01/25 at 8:15pm Edited 2015/01/26 at 11:06pm
Well, since it's basically been all but established that the King's Gambit Challenge isn't going to see completion, I thought I'd start posting the Bios for the King's Men here. They'll all be up eventually, and they'll all be free-use (Though I would like to see what you're doing with them). Well, to start at the beginning...

Name: Pawn
First Appearance: The King's Gambit Challenge - Page 2
Designation: KMN-005

Weaknesses: ???
Resistances: ???
Immunities: ???
Type: Neutral (?)
Energy: 100
Attack: 100
Defense: 100
Speed: 100

Pawn is a small humanoid figure, with no exceedingly notable traits. His armor is a shining, but ultimately plain marble-white color, and his greenish eyes peer out carefully from under his helmet.

Originally known as Copy Man, Pawn was designed to be "Gemini Man done right"--a Robot who could adapt to his situation, split into several editions of himself, and therefore perform many tasks at once. He was initially left to cowork with only himself, but as he integrated into a human workplace, he noticed that humans didn't treat him like he would treat him. He wanted to better understand how humans interacted with one another, and how he could become a "better human"--and that was when King appeared. Copy Man was convinced that King knew the relationship between humans and robots better than anyone else, and thus he began to follow his troop, taking on the "Pawn" moniker and severing his bonds with his past life.

Pawn is an exceedingly interesting opponent--initially the battle begins with only one of him, but upon taking a hit, he will use his signature ability to split into several slightly weaker editions of himself. After lasting a certain time in this battle state, any Pawn can utilize his surroundings, temporarily taking on elemental powers, though sustaining enough damage will cause all the Pawns to retreat into the original. These abilities in tandem could make Pawn a very dangerous foe, but his lack of self-confidence keeps him the least threatening of all the King's Men.

Data Card
Good Point: Clever
Bad Point: Unconfident
Likes: Gardening, peace
Dislikes: Explosions (Not violence in general, specifically explosions)
^ Top
- deleted -
11,821,991 BP
31 TP | 601 PP
Posted on January 27th, 2015 at 12:02pm
Posted 2015/01/27 at 12:02pm
Now My Character
First Appearance On This Community: Mega Emblem
First Appearance Ever: MegaBoy Adventure
Designation: MBN-001
Resistance:PK Thunder
Ability's Xeno Buster, Xross System, Thunder Saber, Falco Rocket Punch, DayBreaker
^ Top
Zero The Link
332,297,151 BP
11 TP | 526 PP
Posted on January 27th, 2015 at 12:13pm Edited on 2015/03/08 at 9:43pm
Posted 2015/01/27 at 12:13pm Edited 2015/03/08 at 9:43pm
First Appearance:Mega-Man RPG Prototype
Type:Shadow & Flame
First Appearance in the Community:3rd Annual Robot Tournament
Number:RPN-001 (and by RPN i mean Role-Play Number, not 'Retro-Pikachu Number')
Weakness:Swift and Cutter
Resistance:Shadow and Flame
Abilitys:Level X Charged Shot , Dark Slash , Core Change , and Time Arrow
Stats:Energy:500 Attack:500 Defense:500 Speed:500
Theme: Rocking On!
^ Top
21,642,085 BP
7 TP | 121 PP
Posted on January 29th, 2015 at 7:01pm Edited on 2015/01/30 at 3:28pm
Posted 2015/01/29 at 7:01pm Edited 2015/01/30 at 3:28pm
Time for the next one, the heavyweight warrior everyone loves to laugh with...wait, what do you mean you're not laughing with him?
(Also I deviated from the formula because it didn't allow me to give out all the information in a graphically appealing format—I would have to cram backstory, appearance, and abilities (Though it seems no one in this community cares about the former two) into the "Other" section in the Data Card bit, which would be unsightly at best.)

Name: Knight
Designation: KMN-004
First Appearance: The King's Gambit Challenge - Page 8
Theme: Hyper Camelot - Dual Mix

Weaknesses: Flame Explode
Resistances: Cutter Impact
Immunities: None
Type: Cutter/Impact
With SLVR-Lite:
Without SLVR-Lite:

Knight is a brawny, musclebound figure, standing significantly taller than an average Robot, and he is clad from head to toe in a bright cerulean armor with majestic white trimming. A helm covers his head, with a cross-shaped slit for his eyes. SLVR-Lite, his companion and Robotic horse, is also covered in plate armor, its being a dull gray.

Originally known as Paladin Man, Knight was constructed by a community team who wished to challenge and defeat the esteemed warrior known as Knight Man. He engaged the noble warrior, and the battle was long and valiant, but in the end, Paladin Man was defeated, and made into another notch on Knight Man's shield. When he failed, the team figured he had some programming defect, and he was left to his own devices. For a while, he found work as a mercenary or a bodyguard, but this was unfulfilling--until King appeared, and hired him for safe passage through the mountains. They were beset by many rogues, but Paladin Man defeated them all, and King marveled at the Robot's ability. At the end of the passage, King offered him a permanent purpose, and many worthy foes in the future--and he accepted, taking on the moniker of Knight and being the second to join King's troupe.

The heavily armored Knight wields a monstrous heavy war axe* that he twirls about with ease, cutting down foes with it from a good range. His heavy armor coupled with his strength would make him quite slow, but he often charges into battle with SLVR-Lite, a literal Iron Horse that's just as armored as he is with a good gallop to boot. He cares deeply for it, and will call it back if he fears for its safety, and a staggering blow can throw him off SLVR-Lite's back--but don't think you're in the clear just because you've knocked him off his high horse!

(* Was originally a heavy lance, but in hindsight, lances aren't really that heavy; should have been something beefier from the beginning, and a broadsword is kind of generic.)

Data Card
Good Point: Noble
Bad Point: Brash
Likes: SLVR-Lite, A good challenge
Dislikes: Backstabbers
^ Top
21,642,085 BP
7 TP | 121 PP
Posted on February 3rd, 2015 at 5:08pm
Posted 2015/02/03 at 5:08pm
Then comes King's favorite techie...
Name: Bishop
Designation: KMN-003*
First Appearance: N/A--would have been in King's Gambit Challenge

(* If it is not evident, the serial numbers are based off of the point values in chess, going down in number as the pieces become more valuable. Technically, Knight and Bishop should share the same serial number, since they have the same point value, but I decided to have Knight precede Bishop because a knight can move on the very first turn of a chess game (And are traditionally moved right after the center pawns in the King's Gambit strategy), while bishops cannot. Nonetheless they should be considered to be more or less equals as far as the characters go; both are strong, but in different ways.)

Weaknesses: Shadow Space
Resistances: Laser
Immunities: None
Affinities: Crystal
Type: Laser/Electric

Bishop is a tallish humanoid Robot wearing baggy, billowing cream-white robes that cover her body almost entirely. The sleeves cover her arms, and its base trails upon the floor. She has soft blue eyes, curly pinkish hair, and a smile that could light up a room. In her hand, she holds a dark black tome with a gilded cross upon it.

Originally known as Hymn, Bishop was constructed as a religious missionary Robot, to travel and serve wherever she was needed. She was widely popular as she possessed a great number of skills, and as her fame increased, people began to call for her by name. On the side, she was studying to become the first official Robotic clergyman, and after years, she finally would be accepted--but only with certain caveats. She would not be allowed to perform sacraments, her sermons had to be scripted ahead of time...there were so many caveats, in fact, that she not only refused but retreated from service entirely, against the orders of her creators. For a brief moment in her life, she was hopeless and faithless--but it came that King himself had heard of her efforts, and came to her to request her service--in aiding him in his search for harmony between humans and Robots. Faith reinstilled, Hymn joined his troupe, taking on the mantle of "Bishop." She would later use her extensive knowledge of technology to hack into the communications mainframe so King could announce his return.

As a foe on the battlefield, Bishop may not seem dangerous, but this facade quickly vanishes--though not physically strong by any stretch, she can use tricks of the eye to strike at her foe when they least expect it. Her open hand is capable of firing blasts of heat, light, and/or electricity, and, upon firing a beam of light straight up, she can trigger a secondary ability to bathe an entire area in blindingly bright light. This aura tends to stun opponents, but seems to enhance her perception and regenerate her vitality, adding to an already steadfast foe.

Data Card
Good Point: Kind
Bad Point: Pacifistic
Likes: Helping others
Dislikes: Deep wounds, the sight of oil
^ Top
21,642,085 BP
7 TP | 121 PP
Posted on February 14th, 2015 at 10:49am
Posted 2015/02/14 at 10:49am
Fourth in line is the imposing form of the tower against the skyline...

Name: Rook
Designation: KMN-002
First Appearance: N/A--would have been in King's Gambit Challenge

Weaknesses: Earth Explode
Resistances: Water Shadow
Immunities: Nature
Type: Earth/Shadow

In a crouched state, Rook resembles a miniature tower, but upon being approached, he rises to his full height. His hulking stature is three times that of even the tallest Robots (See also: Stone Man, Ballade, SunStar), with broad shoulders and bulky limbs capable of supporting literal tons of weight. Dark brownish stones cover the entirety of his form, covering his rock-solid jaw, and breaking away only for his eyes, which are seemingly irrevocably curved into a scowl. An almost crownlike structure covers his flat head.

Originally known as Refrain, Rook was constructed as a high-power security Robot. He guarded the entrance of a secret research facility in Russia, and transported personnel from place to place. This occupation, however, led to said personnel treating him something like a machine; he would not be entrusted with the details of the research, and would often even be told he could not understand them. Resentful of this treatment, he abandoned his post and wandered through the blizzarding Siberian wasteland, until he happened upon an injured King and his wary troop. For the first time in a good while, he was happy to carry them into town for repairs, even if the people regarded him as imposing at best. When the job was done, King gratefully offered him a chance to dispel the humans' image of him, and he accepted, joining the troop and taking on the name "Rook."

Rook's very visage is known to have an intimidation factor all its own, but his true strength, of course, lies in his massive power. He has strength enough to pick up and throw most foes with one arm, and he has a tendency to do so with rocks if no foes are available. His sheer weight allows him to form small tremors with a mere stomp. However, Rook's heavy plating slows him dramatically, so he also possesses artillery cannons in the palm of each hand, firing simple metal cannonballs that explode upon impact. It is also worth noting that part of his stone chassis is hollowed out, allowing him to house many people between these storage areas and upon his shoulders.

Data Card
Good Point: Gentle
Bad Point: Irritable
Likes: Stories, traveling
Dislikes: Snow
^ Top
21,642,085 BP
7 TP | 121 PP
Posted on February 25th, 2015 at 8:23pm Edited on 2015/02/25 at 9:01pm
Posted 2015/02/25 at 8:23pm Edited 2015/02/25 at 9:01pm
Next, the trusted adviser that King considers his equal...

Name: Queen
Designation: KMN-001
First Appearance: N/A--would have been in King's Gambit Challenge

Weaknesses: Nature Missile
Resistances: Crystal Explode
Immunities: Freeze
Type: Crystal/Freeze

Queen is a very lithe and pale figure, with her entire body comprised of a translucent crystalline material, making her appear solid white when struck with light. A crown of similar material rests upon her soft grayish hair, and her baby-blue eyes gaze with intense clarity. When she smiles, it is said to be full of pride and radiance, but more common on her face than a smile is a chilling scowl.

She was literally built to be a queen--she was codenamed Elizabeth, after one of the most beloved English monarchs of all time. Given a small, secluded control group to rule, the world stepped back, and watched how a Robot would act as a leader figure in isolation. When they returned, they found she had established an efficient but ruthless rule, where all accomodations were made but all punishments were brutal. This form of government, however, had long since become outdated; Elizabeth was deemed a failure and slated for scrapping.
In a rage, the deposed queen ordered her subjects to attack, and fled in the conflict. For a while, she fell into a cycle of hiding in the wilderness, plotting a wild and elaborate revenge scheme, executing it and almost succeeding (Becoming the scourge of England to the point where people began to call her "Bloody Mary" instead), and eventually becoming crushed and deposed and fleeing again--until, one day, she was at last imprisoned. Her execution was to be immediate and public, but no one expected the wandering King to be in the crowd--much less that he would jump up and defend her.
King argued that although the violence Mary had committed was undeniable, she was entitled to the same rights as the rest of the citizens of England--meaning, no death penalty. If it pleased the state, he would take her into his custody and ensure she never got up to no good again. The state, luckily, understood King as a once-misguided revolutionary, and Elizabeth was in no mood to be scrapped, so the arrangement was condoned, though their leave was to be immediate. To King, Elizabeth represented someone much like himself, but quite different, and he would appreciate her skills on their way to Robot rights. He offered her the chance to "be his Queen," and she accepted--and thus began King's retinue.*

(* If anyone was even mildly curious, King's troupe formed in this order: King > Queen > Knight > Bishop > Rook > Pawn.)

Queen's powers are as cold as her stare. With mere gestures of her hand, she can create and control slabs of ice. These slabs can deflect any projectile, and she often smashes them onto the ground to form sharp shards of ice that she can then control. By using these abilities in tandem, Queen can cover a huge area in ice and land devastating blows against her foes.

Data Card
Good Point: Pragmatic
Bad Point: So full of herself she scarcely has room for anyone else
Likes: Companionship
Dislikes: Oppression, treachery
^ Top
21,642,085 BP
7 TP | 121 PP
Posted on February 25th, 2015 at 10:00pm Edited on 2015/05/05 at 7:19pm
Posted 2015/02/25 at 10:00pm Edited 2015/05/05 at 7:19pm
...Wait, did you think that was the end? Can't well have the King's Men without the King, can we?

Name: King EX
Designation: KMN-000
First Appearance: N/A--would have been in King's Gambit Challenge (Technically Mega Man & Bass)
Theme: King's Theme

(Specs are unavailable--they are identical to the original King, with one key difference:)
Type: Shield/Nature

King maintains many of the aspects of his old appearance, but his travels have seasoned him greatly. Bluish war paint still marks his face, but his regal golden armor has been replaced with that of a fair rusted copper color. His cape, dyed a brilliant red, is tattered from travel toward the ends, but also proudly marked with various medals and other trinkets. Finally, he no longer scowls, but smiles warmly at those who would greet him.

King has had a chance to wander the world over, to raise a troop as dedicated to his objective as himself, and to hone his understanding of the world and his skills in manipulating it. Now, he returns, and his first step in progress is to increase Robots' sense of worth by offering them knighthood--but only if they can pass his trial. As one might expect, he stands at the end of it.

Like his armor, King's abilities are similar, but also much changed. His executioner's axe is used only as a last resort, a quick swing for when foes get too close for comfort. His primary weapon, now, is his reflective shield, though he is far from passive with it now, performing dashing shield bashes with this weapon. The X-shaped energy blasts of old still appear on occasion, but more often than not, they are replaced with an orb-shaped blast, that instead of launching forward like a projectile, slows in the air before bursting out into long strands of trailing, thorny vines. King aims to ensnare his foes in these vines before making a daring charge for massive damage.

Data Card
Good Point: Good speaker
Bad Point: Untrustworthy
Likes: Chess
Dislikes: Dr. Wily and other manipulative humans

So...that's that. That's the King's Men. I consider them free-use but I'd like to hear what you're doing with them.

EDIT: I must offer an apology to a dear friend.
I subconsciously pilfered the idea of the King's Men from a friend of mine, ProtoMan01. He wanted to approach a similar idea using his fanmade scientist, Dr. King. I have offered him the characters in consolation, but he denied them; yet, I no longer wish to claim I own them.
As such, I rescind ownership of the King's Men, and hereby declare them free-use for any project.
^ Top
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on January 21st, 2016 at 10:18am
Posted 2016/01/21 at 10:18am
THIS THREAD IS REVIVED! Here's the UPDATED version of Bt/Beta Man's bio:

Name: Beta Man
First Appearance: The Weekly Quiz!, page 2
In Universe: Main Universe, Beta and Mega Adventures
Designation: ASN-001 (All-Star Number)
Weaknesses: Time
Resistances: Shadow
Immunities: None
Current Status: Depends on timeline: Either getting ready to defeat Evil Man once and for all with Zero or fighting Bond Man.
Forms: 2

Form: 1 (Current Form)
Type: Shadow
Energy: 200
Attack: 200
Defense: 200
Speed: 200
Theme: None

Form: 2 (Old Model; Unknown if this form is accessible.)
Energy: 200
Attack: 200
Defense: 200
Speed: 200
Theme: None

Good Point: Stats increase in darker areas.
Bad Point: Angered easily.
Likes: Being with his friends.
Dislikes: Ninja Man and Wily.
Other: Beta Man, formerly known as Bt Man, has been having adventures with MegaBoy, and became good partners ever since. During these adventures, Bt Man announces that he wants an upgrade, and was given one. It was then he changes his name to Beta Man, based on the fact that he is the original ASN. As an All-Star Number, he is given the access to ALL shadow-core attacks that came from the Database. However, that means that he doesn't have the shadow-core moves of robots who were built or appeared afterwards. Due to a design flaw, Beta Man also holds the Weapon Copy Chip, allowing him to copy other's weapons after defeating them, and it is connected with MegaBoy, meaning they share any new weapons they get. However, the weapons disappear after every adventure, so he doesn't get to keep the new weapons he gain. He has made partnerships with Zero, Meta, and a few others as well, but gets annoyed by Ninja Man's attacks and Wily's schemes, and has a rival-ish feeling about Retro Pikachu.
^ Top
2,193,837,754 BP
11 TP | 730 PP
Posted on January 24th, 2016 at 9:05pm
Posted 2016/01/24 at 9:05pm
I shall introduce thy character bios! (I feel as if I am Necroposting, despite the last post being two days old)

Name: Musical
First Appearance: The 1st Centurion Robotics Fight
In Universe: The 1st Centurion Robotics Fight, Bt Man's Tournament, and other sources
Designation: MTR-006 [(Marceau Training Robot) Centurion Robotics Fight] AER-001 [(Artistically Elegant Robot) Everywhere else]
Weaknesses: Impact
Resistances: Crystal
Immunities: None
Current Status: Awating his turn to fight in Beta's tournament
Forms: 1

Form: Original Form
Type: Crrystal
Energy: 120
Attack: 110
Defense: 70
Speed: 100
Theme: Magicant

Good Point: Musically gifted
Bad Point: Stubborn
Likes: Making Grand Entrances
Dislikes: Being Ignored
Other: Musical is a Rhythm Sensing robot, which can mainly be used to emulate a Metronome and detect a heartbeat. Musical has some physical similarities with Time Man, having a similar appearance and a fragile frame. Musical doesn't often join tournaments, only joining tournaments with Theatre Man. Musical also has some abilities that can emulate Rush's adaptors. Musical's short-ranged weapons, the Crescendo Crushers, emulate Mega Man's Power Adaptor, but appears magenta colored. Unlike Mega Man, Musical cannot fuse with Support Units, but can fuse with Theatre Man. Musical has joined tournaments that Meta, Zero, Ender, and others have also attended, but has not met them (in universe)
^ Top
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on January 24th, 2016 at 10:06pm
Posted 2016/01/24 at 10:06pm
Now to continue my bio-making with Ninja Man.

Name: Ninja Man
First Appearance: Dungeons and Robot Masters!, page 6
In Universe: Main Universe, Beta and Mega Adventures
Designation: HWN-002
Weaknesses: Time
Resistances: Shadow and Swift
Immunities: None
Current Status: Waiting for his next battle with Beta Man, yet secretly hoping to contact Retro Pikachu once more.
Forms: 3

Form: 1 (Normal Form)
Type: Swift
Energy: 200
Attack: 210
Defense: 180
Speed: 210
Theme: None

Form: 2 (Shadow-Core Form)
Type: Shadow
Energy: 200
Attack: 210
Defense: 180
Speed: 210
Theme: None

Form: 3 (Omega Form)
Type: Swift and Shadow
Energy: 250
Attack: 250
Defense: 250
Speed: 250
Theme: None (I'm not much of a theme kind of person, am I?)

Good Point: Strong fighter
Bad Point: Easily angered
Likes: Fighting Beta Man and/or Zero
Dislikes: Robots who betray Wily (as well as others who think they are Wily's greatest robot)
Other: With every hero, there is a rival, and Ninja Man is the example. Ninja Man is the second of the HWNs (Hidden Wily Numbers), and was originally made to hunt down Beta Man after Wily unsuccessfully kidnapped him and Sargent Man. However, he was shut down due to his problem with trying to scrap shadow-core robots, but eventually broke out due to lack of guarding. However, his artificial mind was changed, and all he sets out to do is follow Wily's commands and scrap Beta Man. However, he secretly hopes to contact the original HWN, Retro Pikachu, to see if he still follows the commands of Wily. He also made rivals with Zero and made the Ninja Katana based on Zero's weapon, the Z-Saber. He also believes himself to be Wily's greatest creation: however, unlike others, he does not mean it in terms of just strength, but obedience, too, though he does not seem to show it. Since he was forced to work with Beta Man and other heroes on various occasions, including battles with Evil Man, he hates being called a hero. Ninja Man also hangs around with Yamato Man, but mostly for translation purposes, since oddly enough, he understands Japanese. He also used to use starforce for his Omega Form, but one day, the use of it finally caught up to him, paralyzing him and forcing Wily to upgrade him, making it to where he could only use the form if he combines his core with a shadow core. About time, too, for he was also often confused to be Bass before the said upgrade.
^ Top
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on May 4th, 2016 at 7:58pm
Posted 2016/05/04 at 7:58pm
For the next bio, here is Sargent Man! (Your welcome for keeping this alive, Retro.)

Name: Sargent Man
First Appearance: The Weekly Quiz!, Page 2
In Universe: Main, Beta and Mega Adventures
Designation: ASN-002
Weaknesses: Swift and Shield
Resistances: Missile and Explode
Immunities: None
Current Status: Preparing for the next battle in Beta's tournament.
Forms: 1

Form: 1 (Original Form)
Type: Missile
Energy: 200
Attack: 210
Defense: 210
Speed: 180
Theme: None

Good Point: Serious in battle
Bad Point: Missiles CAN be avoided by swift-core robots
Likes: Fighting alongside his friends and allies, such as Beta Man and MegaBoy
Dislikes: Fighting AGAINST said friends and allies
Other: Sargent Man was created to be a member of the army of robotics, commanded by Commando Man and joined by various other Explode- and Missile-Core robots, such as Grenade Man and Dive Man. When he is not fighting alongside his fellow robotics army soldiers (which is NOT as often as you might think), he is hanging out with, or fighting alongside, Beta Man and his friends. Because of this, he also made a few friendships, such as with MegaBoy. And when he's not doing that, he's training to become stronger in battle. Eventually, he earned a new upgrade and armor, called the Sargent Armor MKII, giving him a new weapon known as the Sargent Rocket, a more powerful version of the Sargent Missile, which is launched from the rocket launcher installed on the shoulder-pad of his new armor, but sadly also lacks in ability to track, despite being missile-core. He also has access to all missile-core robots in the current database, including Needle Cannon because it's missile-core for whatever reason. He also holds his Sargent Sheild, which is based off of the Proto Sheild. He is also good at hacking and aim, but he lacks power. And not attacking power- ACTUAL power, having no forms or adapters, unlike Beta Man and Ninja Man. Thus, this kinda makes him the third wheel of my characters. But fourth wall aside, he is a strong and skilled fighter that NEVER looses focus in battle.

BONUS: The Classes for Beta, Ninja, AND Sargent!
Beta Man: Original All-Star Robot
Ninja Man: ASN-Hunting Ninja Robot
Sargent Man: Skilled Soldier Robot
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2,193,837,754 BP
11 TP | 730 PP
Posted on May 4th, 2016 at 9:50pm Edited on 2016/05/04 at 10:24pm
Posted 2016/05/04 at 9:50pm Edited 2016/05/04 at 10:24pm
Hm, let's spice this up with MEGABOUND Bios?

Name: Alex
First Appearance: Megabound Chapter 1
In Universe: Megabound
Designation: CC-001 (Chosen Child)
Weaknesses: Missile IDK
Resistances: Flame
Immunities: Electric
Current Status: Getting Ice Cream with Adrian
Forms: 1, since he child

Form: Child Form
Type: Neutral

Stats: Stat Total: 200
Energy: 80
Attack: 50
Defense: 35
Speed: 35
Theme: Saturn Valley

Good Point: Musically talented
Bad Point: Not confident
Likes: Baked Goods
Dislikes: Cribbage
Other: Alex was a human chosen by Adrian from the future to deal with an alien species known as "Figures" and destroy a life-sucking capsule that contains Slur . Alex was chosen by Adrian, along with NetWoman (Kayla), Terri (MegaBossMan), Kyle (Meta) and Julian (Rhythm). Alex may seem weaker than most others, but he is able to obverse the enemy and find their weaknesses based on their attacks and previous events regarding them. Alex also contains a wide array of weapons, including: A silver-plated violin, a used gavel, explosives disguised as bread pudding, and a pistol-type weapon.
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2,193,837,754 BP
11 TP | 730 PP
Posted on May 22nd, 2016 at 10:29pm Edited on 2016/05/22 at 11:30pm
Posted 2016/05/22 at 10:29pm Edited 2016/05/22 at 11:30pm
Do not worry, I didn't forget the rest of these bios, next up...

Name: Kayla
First Appearance: Megabound Chapter 1
In Universe: Megabound
Designation: CC-002 (Chosen Child)
Weaknesses: Impact
Resistances: Electric
Immunities: Space
Current Status: Getting ice cream with Adrian
Forms: 1, she's a child, no Absolute God of Hyperdeath for her

Form: Child Form
Type: Neutral
Stats Total: 200
Energy: 30
Attack: 100
Defense: 20
Speed: 50
Theme: Spider Dance

Good Point: Confident
Bad Point: Forgetful
Likes: Drawing
Dislikes: Old Maid, pickles
Other: (Since Alex's "Other" covered the gist of things, this will go into more personal detail now) Kayla is a girl around the age of 13 who goes as the name "NetWoman" on MMRPG. She enjoyed going on adventures with the others, but she didn't enjoy talking about herself much. Kayla is allergic to peppermint and shellfish. Her fear is sticking her arm out of the window of a moving vehicle, in fear of a car chopping her arm off. Kayla also enjoys writing, and hates tennis

Name: Terri
First Appearance: Megabound Chapter 4
In Universe: Megabound
Designation: CC-004
Weaknesses: Cutter
Resistances: Water
Immunities: Wind
Current Status: Getting ice cream with Adrian
Forms: 2, kinda

Form: Unarmed
Type: Neutral
Stats Total: 200
Energy: 40
Attack: 40
Defense: 70
Speed: 50
Theme: Death By Glamour

Form: Armed with Gavel
Type: Impact
Stats total: 300
Energy: 40
Attack: 140
Defense: 100
Speed: 20
Theme: Death By Glamour

Good Point: Optimist
Bad Point: Vain
Likes: Lew Enforcement
Dislikes: Chess
Other: Terri is a 20 year old adult who works as a judge in Multnomah county and is still going through law school. Bawss specializes in weaponry such as gavels. Terri dislikes birds due to a severe allergy to their feathers. Terri goes by the username "MegaBossMan" on MMRPG. His favorite color is maroon and truly doesn't understand why Alex likes magenta and not maroon.

Name: Kyle
First Appearance: Megabound Chapter 1
In Universe: Megabound
Designation: CC-003
Weaknesses: Freeze
Resistances: Flame
Immunities: Electric
Current Status: Getting ice cream with Adrian
Forms: 1

Form: Child Form
Type: [Neutral}
Stats total: 200
Energy: 53
Attack: 49
Defense: 49
Speed: 49
Theme: None

Good Point: Intelligent
Bad Point: Pessimist
Likes: Spicy foods
Dislikes: Monopoly
^ Top
2,413,905,683 BP
20 TP | 467 PP
Posted on May 22nd, 2016 at 11:07pm Edited on 2016/05/22 at 11:40pm
Posted 2016/05/22 at 11:07pm Edited 2016/05/22 at 11:40pm
Guess I'll post a bio (might be useful for certain people in the future)

Name: TailsMK4
First Appearance: Dungeons and Robot Masters! Page 3 (though not absorbed into the storyline until later)
In Universe: Universal (as in, no particular work would have the character portrayed differently)
Designation: PRB-000 (Prototype Robot, I forgot what I originally did, but I don't think it'll matter in the end...)
Weaknesses: Earth, Impact, Nature
Resistances: None
Immunities: Electric, Laser, Space
Current Status: Soon to be in a few different works.
Forms: 2, although the second form isn't much different from the original except for one reason...

Form: Base Form
Type: Space/Electric
Stats: [Stats in this thread are inconsistent...] (Assuming stat base of 400)
Energy: 110
Attack: 120
Defense: 80
Speed: 90
Theme: MM10 Wily Stage 2

Form: Starforce Form (Using Starforce)
Type: Space/Electric
Stats: (Assuming stat base of 500)
Energy: 140
Attack: 150
Defense: 100
Speed: 110
Theme: MM6 Final Boss

Good Point: Friendly
Bad Point: Stubborn
Likes: Training
Dislikes: Waiting
Other: It's unknown how TailsMK4 came into existence, as he was encountered while at Final Destination, and there were signs he had been there for some time (the robots in the area do not attack him, but do attack others, and some small crater-like dips in the ground). While he mostly ignored passersby or offered some advice (mainly, "Turn around, this area is too dangerous for you."), he was only interested in robots he felt were strong. After he suffered a defeat by one of the visitors, he started exploring the area outside Final Destination and has since made a regular visit to various "chat rooms" in the Prototype. He calls Final Destination "home", though, and is commonly seen continuing to train there, although he is much friendlier than before. While not much is known about him, he does indulge in the power of Starforce, and in some ways his own energy is that of Starforce, and is obsessed with collecting as much Starforce as he can. Because of the power of Starforce, he is rumored to be able to wield any kind of ability, though he has only be seen using Laser-type abilities. It's rumored that he has recently started suppressing his Starforce in order to train his actual body, which is quite fragile. He hates physical attacks, though, and trains his body to overcome this weakness, though it will be some time before that happens.
^ Top
1,738,620 BP
7 TP | 30 PP
Posted on May 23rd, 2016 at 5:40pm
Posted 2016/05/23 at 5:40pm
I think my 4 protagonists will be content in this.

Name: Kaitō
First appearance: ELEMENTS manga
In universe: Elements ( classic series )
Designation: MLN-001 ( mystery light number )
Weaknesses: Nature, Electric
Resistances: Water, Freeze
Immunities: Impact
Current status: in space, heavily damaged
Forms: Human, Armored, Primal, God

Form: God
Type: Water/Copy
Stats: Unknown
Theme: Magma/Aqua Leader theme

Good point: intelligent
Bad point: Cold
Likes: Science
Dislikes: Saitō
Other: Kaitō was one of the destroyer units created by Terra, until Lia managed to reprogram them at light's lab. Even though he likes Lia, he has a cold heart and does not feel family love.
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Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on May 27th, 2016 at 12:39pm
Posted 2016/05/27 at 12:39pm
Well, since the main 3 are completed, let's move on to my secondary list of robots, starting with Crash Shadow.

Name: Crash Shadow
First Appearance: Bt Man's Tournament (I think), Page 2
In Universe: Main Universe
Designation: CEN-000 (Crash Extermination Number) (Once known as ERN-013 (Evil Robot Number))
Weaknesses: Wind and Shield
Resistances: Cutter and Missile
Immunities: Shadow and Explode (Explode = Affinity)
Current Status: Waiting for battle.
Forms: 2

Form: 1 (Original Form)
Type: Explode and Shadow
Energy: 115
Attack: 159
Defense: 77
Speed: 114
Theme: A Remix (Better Version) of Clash/Crash Man's theme from MMII for GB (Hey look, he actually has a theme for once.)

Form: 2 (Rage Form)
Type: Explode and Shadow
Energy: 115
Attack: 239
Defense: 167
Speed: 199
Theme: Crash Man Metal Cover

Good Point: Strong fighter
Bad Point: Easily angered
Dislikes: Losing (especially to Crash Man)
Other: Created by Evil Man to help him to take over the world and defeat the heroes, Crash Shadow, once called Evil Crash Man, was the 13th robot in Evil Man's line of robots, created based off of Crash Man. However, Evil Man disappeared suddenly (possibly scrapped by Zero or Beta Man), and all the evil robots had a change of "heart" (core?) and name, and then started to contribute to society... all except a few, including Crash Shadow. While some tried to find Evil Man's schematics in hopes to rebuild him, Crash Shadow focuses more on something he thinks is more important: Defeating Crash Man in battle. He has a special variation of the Weapon Copy System called the Shadow-Explode Copy System, which copies explode-core weapons of other robots after beating them and turns them into an Explode- and Shadow-Core attack, replacing the other core if the attack is dual-core (For instance, if he copies Bubble Bomb, it will become Shadow Bubble Bomb, becoming Explode and Shadow core instead of Explode and Water). However, he can only copy ONE weapon from each Robot Master he defeats. This means that if he defeats an explode core, he will only copy that robot's main weapon instead of all their explode-core weapons. He also has a slight dislike of Crash Man's friends, like Beta Man and MegaBoy, but he mainly dislikes Team Crash the most, going so far as to create his OWN team called the Crash Exterminators. With his strength, anger, hatred of Crash Man, and love of explosions, he truly is Crash Man's rival.
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