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Well folks, we have a text-based Chatroom now! A place to talk about whatever you desire! And yes, not just things like MMRPG! Literally anything that's on your thought process, disregarding taboo topics, can be talked about! Literature, games, life, other projects, humor, sports, anything!
As you might have noticed, a shiny and spiffy new chat has shown up, and boy does it have some things that you’re going to need to get used to. Granted, good changes, but still changes to get used to. Thankfully for you, reader, BossMan is going to take you through a trip of chat-goodness! So, sit back, relax, and find out the wonders of this new Chat, with your host.
Your Local Staff These guys uphold the Chat around here, and they’ll enforce the spirit of the law. Don’t worry though, they’re all nice guys, you just gotta be a nice guy yourself to see the nice side of these guys! Here's a list of all of our recorded Chat staff at the moment.
Hi there, and welcome to the MMRPG Discord Chatroom! We'd like to welcome you and hope you enjoy your stay, as long as you follow these few Chat rules. Naturally, if you fail to follow the guidelines we've set down, you will be eligible for warnings and/or complete removal from the Chat depending on the severity of the rule broken.
*Rule 1: Keep proper chat etiquette when conversing with fellow members. Improper chat etiquette would include actions that are Above all else, just don't be an ass and treat your fellow Chat members with respect.
*Rule 2: Don't spam. That one's pretty straight-forward. Don't spam a ton of images, don't spam little images, don't spam large images, don't spam a ton of messages, don't spam the @command, don't spam the same word, don't spam memes, don't spam anything. It's annoying.
*Rule 3: Controversial topics, such as political, religious, discriminatory, drug, or sexual topics are restricted from Chat and not to be put into discussion. If you require clarification, please contact a moderator on the server.
*Rule 4: No links that lead to otherwise inappropriate content, or illegal emulation practices like ROMs. When linking, consider if the content you're linking is appropriate for younger viewers. If you require clarification, please contact a moderator in the server.
*Rule 5: Stay on-topic to the channel you're in. If a topic you're expressing is viable but is not represented by the channels, please discuss with a Moderator for the need to consider creating a new channel.
*Rule 6: Do not spread the invite link around without the permission of a moderator. This chat is specifically and expressly for MMRPG users, and if a user does not have a proper account in MMRPG itself they will be eligible for complete removal.
*Rule 7: Cursing is allowed--to an extent. If you're directly attacking another member, if you're spamming curses, or determined to be just overdoing, proper disciplinary action will be taken. Also, and this is very important, but do not use any form of racial, sexist, or otherwise derogatory terms. Those are absolutely forbidden.
============================================================================================================ [These new rules are subject to change at any time, and even more new rules will be added as time goes on.]
Okay? What do I do next? Click the invite link that's on the top of this page! Once you've done so, you'll notice that a page will pop up declaring that you've been invited; go ahead and proceed forward to join the MMRPG server!
And after that? Get to chatting! Granted, keep in mind you should've read the rules by now so you don't make a bad first impression!
What if I've done all you said and I'm not able to join the Chatroom? Please contact me in a personal message or in this thread to resolve the issue and hopefully fix whatever's causing you to not be able to join.
So, there’s all you need to know for chatting in this wondrous new chat! Enjoy it, and don't break any of the aforementioned rules! Go through the world with your new skills, learn even more, and of course, just chat with surronding users! That was the point of this entire thing! You realized that by now, right? Yeah, I'm sure you have, if you've gotten through all this you've at least proven yourself to be a smart cookie. I don't wish to keep you any longer, so feel free to join and converse!
Official Chat Help and Guidelines (New Chatroom Link Here!) Posted by MegaBossMan on April 12th, 2015 at 6:38pm Viewed 2761 Times
You forgot to mention that new rules are subject to be added at any time, and that it's our responsibility to keep up with them [you'll also need to bump whenever a new rule is posted, too].
...Once again, I have problems staying in the chat while at yeah, if I'm online on here during the day, but not in the chatroom, it means I'm at school. I would instead be hanging out in the legacy chat, but I think we've already retired it at this point.
Hmmm i see so chat needs an login account quite improving do i have use my prototype username and passwrod or i need to make an account so if any moderator could expalin this to me now i will be painted an wait so please explain to me with the new chat thingy
Well i tried but dosent work and idk why did the chat changed it was xat but i gived my try and it said invalid username i tried my currect name same thing it was directing me to bkueprint site idk what it ist but so much new thing are happening on the prototype site
@ShadowGengar : On your profile, the URL (Link at the top) Says your username. (Above your MMRPG Name it should be, Below the tabs but above The Bookmarks bar)
Posted on August 6th, 2017 at 6:32pmEdited on 2017/08/10 at 1:12pm
Posted 2017/08/06 at 6:32pmEdited 2017/08/10 at 1:12pm
Hey there, everyone! It's been a while since I've really made any posts like this, but in order to keep up with the advent of new forms of chat servers, MMRPG now has an official Discord channel!
I assume most of us are aware of Discord at this point, but for those who aren't, Discord is an external Chat service that's streamlined for functionality and is an alternative to programs such as Skype. There are a multitude of channels to easily switch between for centered discussion, as well as a variety of different features to make communication seamless. I should emphasize that as of this post, the AJAX chat is still functional and working, but if the Discord serves to be effective enough it'll be considered for the Discord server to replace the AJAX chat.
There are a couple of notes to make beforehand, though: 1. Your MMRPG account will NOT work for logging into Discord. Since it's an external website, you'll need an external account to log into the MMRPG channel.
2. While most of the Chat rules on AJAX do apply to the Discord Chat, there are naturally a few differences and more lax positions taken on certain rules between the two. If you're interested in joining the Discord chat, it's highly imperative that you read through the rules listed there.
3. The following invite for the Discord channel is NOT to be shared outside this website! Accounts joining the MMRPG Discord must be MMRPG users; if an external user joins, they will unfortunately be turned away and banned. Users who share the invite link outside this specific website will also receive disciplinary action. In short, please don't share the invite link and ruin it for everyone else. Otherwise, invites will need to be requested with the moderation staff instead.
With that in mind though, happy chatting! As long as you follow the rules that have been set up, you're free to chat with fellow MMRPG users with complete ease through the Discord application! Thank you for reading, and get to it!