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Mega Man RPG Prototype General Discussion

21,642,085 BP
7 TP | 121 PP
I notice there isn't one of these. So I thought I'd make one. New members of the community, come over here to introduce yourself.

Anyway, hello! My name is CHAOS_FANTAZY, and I've been a fan of Mega Man for a few years now. I heard about this game over at CutStuff, and, after many months of telling myself "I'll just wait 'til its full release," I finally caved and decided to come over here. Unfortunately, I did that when the servers were crashed. D: Nonetheless, I'd be happy to lurk about in here; I always love helping development!

About me: I have a variety of interests, Mega Man obviously being one of them. I enjoy games in general, specifically, ones that are challenging, and probably old. I am an avid Role-Player and would like to consider myself an expert in character design, having accumulated over 100 characters over at least four years of designing. About 30 or so of those characters are Mega Man characters, too, so that should give us plenty to talk about. I aspire to become a game designer myself someday. I've never done voice-acting before, mostly due to lack of a good mic, but I think given the chance I could do well enough. And...well, um, I suppose that's enough information for just meeting me. Hi!

EDIT: I only now noticed the thread that's actually for introductions. So I guess I'll be using this for small talk? I don't know.
Greetings and Salutations! (Fangame/Fan RM Discussion Topic)
Posted by CHAOS_FANTAZY on January 12th, 2014 at 1:40pm
Viewed 1003 Times


4,484,807,684 BP
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Posted on January 12th, 2014 at 2:03pm
Posted 2014/01/12 at 2:03pm
Hi! Just so you know, there actually is a thread for this.
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462,326,365 BP
3 TP | 18 PP
Posted on January 12th, 2014 at 2:04pm
Posted 2014/01/12 at 2:04pm
You know, there's the 'Official Player Introductions Thread' for that...

P.S. Nice to meet you!
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4,484,807,684 BP
46 TP | 1624 PP
Posted on January 12th, 2014 at 2:09pm
Posted 2014/01/12 at 2:09pm
Also, I would love to see those fan characters, I made a few like Mind Man, Beauty Woman, and Daredevil Man.
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21,642,085 BP
7 TP | 121 PP
Posted on January 12th, 2014 at 4:41pm Edited on 2014/01/12 at 5:03pm
Posted 2014/01/12 at 4:41pm Edited 2014/01/12 at 5:03pm
Oh, you want to talk about my fan characters? Now you've opened the floodgates.

I have... *Tallies rapidly* ...34 Mega Man FCs, counting one in disuse (Matador-Man), two still in development (Dimension-Man & Blood-Man), and four I gave away to someone else's project (Asphalt-Man), but not counting the different incarnations of Roll I've drummed up to accompany some of them, or any Robot Masters I never developed beyond their moveset (Conduct-Man, Blackjack-Man, Hook-Woman, Adrenal-Man, Shield-Man (Yeah, I had a Shield-Man too!)). Mega Man Malversation is the source of some of my best, boasting 18 Robot Masters, a Bass-like character, and an original scientist, Dr. Coda ( ). Less developed as characters but hopefully equally interesting in their weaponry is the Wily Vortex Squad, which consists of Sleet-Man, Blast-Man, Boxing-Man, and Stalagmite-Man. I have a Mega Man Killer, Chiptune, who I basically invented just to try my hand at designing a Mega Man Killer, and I have a super Robot named Fugue who uses his cunning to start a rebellion of his very own (Still in development). Unsorted ideas include Query-Man ( ) (Who was my first Robot Master) and Force-Man ( ) (Who I submitted to a contest, but lost).

When designing a new Robot, I try to keep things as fresh as possible. "What's a kind of Robot Master people have never fought before?" I'll ask myself, and I'll answer: "A Robot who can heal himself if he hits you." or "A Robot who uses poison to chip away at your health bar." or "A Robot based on gambles and games of luck." And I'll think for a while on how to incorporate this stuff into a functional Robot Master. My first priority isn't always "Will this guy be fun to fight?", but most of the time, I think I get there anyway. I'd like to think that if my Robots ever got into a Mega Man game, that they'd be some of the best Robot Masters ever. Making Mega Man Malversation a reality is one of the things I want to do in my lifetime, too, so maybe it's not so far out of reach...?

But I digress. Would you like to tell me about yours?
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21,642,085 BP
7 TP | 121 PP
Posted on January 12th, 2014 at 10:14pm
Posted 2014/01/12 at 10:14pm
Well, that's fine. Fangame design and Robot design are two completely different animals, as far as I'm concerned. Having good Robots doesn't mean you'll have a good game, and not every good game contains good Robots.
As for your, um..."plot synopsis"...where's the substance? You've basically really only told me the bosses, none of the actual plot. Who is Giga? Who is Dr. Lee? Who is PROTO-1? What did they do before now, and why did they do what they did? Why should I care about any of them? How did Dr. Lee get roped into working for Wily? Why did Dr. Lee release a virus? Who built the Robot Masters? Where's the substance; where's the actual plot? The only moment of exposition that you've told me is when you told me Wily was controlling Lee through the bracelet.

If you wanted a plot, though, let me tell you that of the first Mega Man Malversation game...

After the events of Mega Man 10, there is an unusually long period of peace. Indebted to Roll for having saved his life—perhaps the world—by giving him her prototype Roboenza cure, Rock finds himself spending more time with his sister. Over time, he finds a new side of her, kept hidden away until now—a desire to be a warrior, be strong, to save the world and help people like he does. Willing to humor the idea of Roll as a hero, he agrees to let her try on his combat armor. When she does, however, she is momentarily overloaded and shut down.
When she comes to, she suddenly turns violent and strikes out at her brother, fleeing Dr. Light's Laboratory. Rock gives chase, though he is too slow, and turns a corner just in time to see Roll warp away with eight new shadowy Robots. Hours later, as Rock searches for his sister, these Robots hack into the televisors all over town, announcing themselves to be the most superior brand of Robots, and that they are now violently taking over Monsteropolis. Distraught, Rock returns home to report the bad news. He's down one sister and one suit of combat armor; what chance does he stand against what appears to be the most dangerous rebellion yet?
He returns home, however, to a hastily constructed "scrap-metal" armor put together from pieces donated by the Dr. Light Family's Robot Masters. Even Proto Man was present, though not to lend parts; he would much rather fight side-by-side with Mega Man. Grateful for his siblings' generosity and Light's quick thinking, Mega Man suits up anew, and the two set out to destroy the new set of Robots.
As the Robots are brought in, Dr. Light browses through their memory files, and eventually the shadows of the Robots are broken away to reveal the face of a new foe: enter Dr. Coda. A Robotics scientist known for his vast intellect and his hacking skills, he had been something of a small-time criminal, hacking and stealing from minor companies. When he had entered the field, his objective was to craft the finest, most intelligent Robots the world has ever seen; yet, somehow, he found himself capable of thinking domination of the world was within his reach with his superiority. Further research uncovered the fact that Dr. Coda himself had previously infiltrated Dr. Light's Laboratory by himself and planted devices in Mega Man's armor—presumably, the cause of Roll's berserk behavior.
The night after the defeat of the final Robot Master, Light Laboratory receives a transmission from none other than Dr. Coda himself, calling to tell Mega Man of his true plan. The devices he had placed on the armor were intended for him, hoping that the next time the peace was broken, Mega Man would put on his armor, fall under Dr. Coda's control, and become one of his finest playing pieces. However, when his plan went awry and he received Roll instead, he was not deterred. Roll even briefly appeared in the transmission, demonstrating a complete change in appearance and mental state—wearing Mega Man's armor as a dark, punk-like outfit, a skull-shaped hairclip in her hair, she praises Dr. Coda's genius and tells Mega Man that he has no chance against them. Always brave in the face of danger, Mega Man sets off alone to Dr. Coda's Terminal on the outskirts of town.

(Continued in the next post; accursed small character limits!)
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21,642,085 BP
7 TP | 121 PP
Posted on January 12th, 2014 at 10:29pm Edited on 2014/01/12 at 10:30pm
Posted 2014/01/12 at 10:29pm Edited 2014/01/12 at 10:30pm
(Continued from last post:)

After a long trek through the Terminal and multiple fights, including the Robot Master gauntlet, Mega Man encounters Roll towards the end of the Terminal. Armed with her brother's buster and a sword of unknown make—presumably, a "gift" from Dr. Coda—she engages him in a long, brutal battle, in which both of them are terribly injured. Eventually, the armor sustains so much damage that the hacking devices break, freeing Roll from their control. After a brief dialogue with his sister, Roll heads home, and Mega Man proceeds to the end of the Terminal, where Dr. Coda awaits, and engages him in combat. Though Coda's personal war craft is a fine creation loaded with experimental weaponry, Mega Man is too skilled to be defeated, and Coda is eventually defeated.
Dr. Coda is quickly arrested and imprisoned in a high-security prison quite like the one where Dr. Wily is held. The world breathes easy for now, but it seems inevitable that it has not heard the last of him. His Robots, on the other hand, come to Light Laboratory after their defeat, claiming that doing Dr. Coda's work was foolish and immoral of them. Happy to convert wayward Robots, Light took them in and helped them find purposes in society.
Roll made a full recovery from her injuries, though engineers still say it is a marvel she was still functional in her state at all. She had no recollection of her time being hacked, and thus was unaware of the heinous, brutal criminal acts Dr. Coda had commanded her to do. Despite her siblings' pleading, she held onto the blade from Dr. Coda. She perceived it as a fine weapon—and she thought soon, she might be able to use it to help get herself out into the field alongside her brother.
And thus, peace was restored...for the time, anyway. Not wanting to waste the day, Rock and Roll went outside to appreciate the beautiful day together.
- END -
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Retro Pikachu
3,561,826,418 BP
30 TP | 621 PP
Posted on January 12th, 2014 at 10:44pm
Posted 2014/01/12 at 10:44pm

Maybe one of us should create a new post talking about fan made robot masters. Do I have permission to create a post like that (considering that it's pretty much your idea).
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4,484,807,684 BP
46 TP | 1624 PP
Posted on January 14th, 2014 at 5:58pm
Posted 2014/01/14 at 5:58pm
You know, funny how this topic became a fan game topic so fast!
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21,642,085 BP
7 TP | 121 PP
Posted on January 14th, 2014 at 7:01pm
Posted 2014/01/14 at 7:01pm
Towards Pikachu2, I would be totally fine with a topic like that, but I think this one has already filled that niche! I guess everyone can come down here to discuss fangames and Robot Masters and such.

Towards Megabossman...Why should we, as fangame developers, limit ourselves to the exact same constraints of the developers before us? If no one ever broke the mold, we'd never get anywhere. Why should I choose to purposefully write a bad story, just because CapCom didn't put maximum effort into their stories (And, need I add, in an era where stories weren't even prevalent in games)? Making a fangame isn't just about doing the same thing as the original with your own flavor twist. The best fangames, instead of using flaws in the canon games as guidelines and excuses, will turn those flaws into their strong suits.

With a little more elaboration, I will give Giga a bit more credit (Also, it only now dawned on me that his being named "Giga" is to be "larger than Mega," which, even though that's not a Mega Man naming convention, was still something clever). Before, he seemed like a flat, uninteresting character who was really only there for no reason; but he'll probably still seem that way in-game unless you can incorporate his backstory in.
To be bluntly honest, I don't really like X story elements in Classic games—I prefer for the bridge to not exist, and even if it should, it's not in the fan's place to make it. I don't mind a subtle hint, something that seems like it's advancing in that direction while still being its own thing would be fine. But things as blatant as Mega Man Unlimited's plot, or flatly saying "PROTO-1 looks kind of like Vile," is far, far too much.
Of course, this is still a work in progress, and if you would like help, consider me a valid resource. I love writing a good story!
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Posted on January 25th, 2014 at 5:45pm
Posted 2014/01/25 at 5:45pm
I'm closing this thread for obvious reasons. I do like the idea of a thread specifically dedicated to other fangames and their robot masters though, so if somebody wants to create a new, dedicated thread I'd be more than happy about it. ^_^
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