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Mega Man RPG Prototype General Discussion

Holiday Weapons

January 19th, 2014 at 12:10am
658,104,324 BP
6 TP | 426 PP
So, I came up with an idea for a shop system for the game, and someone came up with suggestions for weapons, skins, other Mega Man characters to be bought, and MegabossMan came up with ideas of certain weapons appearing in the shop during certain holidays, such as Dark Hold for Halloween, Color Ball for Easter, and Shotgun Ice for Christmas. This is just a thread for more suggestions in-case the shop idea becomes real.
Holiday Weapons
Posted by 2018StudiosN on January 19th, 2014 at 12:10am
Viewed 1830 Times
4,484,807,684 BP
46 TP | 1624 PP
Posted on January 24th, 2014 at 11:57pm
Posted 2014/01/24 at 11:57pm
Here, I finally have one! Serbian Christmas can be Mega Water S's technique.
^ Top
658,104,324 BP
6 TP | 426 PP
Posted on June 15th, 2014 at 2:04pm
Posted 2014/06/15 at 2:04pm
It's been a few months, but I came up with another Holiday, and a weapon to go with it. Talk Like A Pirate Day would use the Remote Mine for it's weapon.
^ Top
4,484,807,684 BP
46 TP | 1624 PP
Posted on June 15th, 2014 at 2:15pm
Posted 2014/06/15 at 2:15pm
Yeah, I wish I could post, but I'm fresh out of holidays......

^ Top
231,209 BP
16 TP | 47 PP
Posted on June 21st, 2014 at 4:58pm
Posted 2014/06/21 at 4:58pm
@MegaBossMan : Didn't holidays/summer start?
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29,581,279 BP
6 TP | 33 PP
Posted on June 21st, 2014 at 9:29pm
Posted 2014/06/21 at 9:29pm
and the summer olympics could have rebound striker!
^ Top
4,484,807,684 BP
46 TP | 1624 PP
Posted on June 21st, 2014 at 10:03pm
Posted 2014/06/21 at 10:03pm
Yes, but this thread has been here for a long time, which you can see from the dates of the last two pages.

And the Winter Olympics could be Blizzard Man's weapon.
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
113,913,695 BP
204 TP | 518 PP
Posted on June 23rd, 2014 at 1:27pm
Posted 2014/06/23 at 1:27pm
This was, and is a good idea, but I feel like it's more appropriate for it to be placed in the official game suggestions thread. And once it is, there's not need to suggest individual weapons until the feature is actually implemented. Because it is not yet in the game, I'm closing this thread. Sorry.
^ Top

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