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Mega Man RPG Prototype General Discussion

Achievement System

February 17th, 2014 at 8:40pm
Retro Pikachu
Retro Pikachu
3,561,826,418 BP
30 TP | 621 PP
Every good game has one. Achievement systems create goals for the player to complete. While another thread has people talking about personal goals, this one will talk about ones that probably will apply for all people in general. Here are some ideas:

Overall Achievements:
Blue Bomber: Beat the Prototype in Light's story
Grey Destroyer: Beat the Prototype in Wily's story
Red Renegade: Beat the Prototype in Cossack's story
For Everlasting Peace!: Beat the Prototype as All Players
Extra Spoils: Beat Bonus Fields I-II
Completed Army: Unlock all 38 robots
Start for the Battle Again: Beat the Intro Field right after beating Final Destination III
Double Bogey: Beat every single mission (minus Fusion Fields) twice
Triple Bogey: Beat every single mission (Minus Fusion Fields) thrice
Super Fighting Robot: Beat every single mission (minus fusion fields) 10 Times
All Evil must be Purged: Beat every single mission (minus fusion fields) 100 Times
The Fight for World Justice Continues!: Complete the same mission 100 Times
Glorious Champion: Get all 4 marks on your profile

Collecting Achievements:
[Insert Type Here]* Collector: Obtain all [Insert Type Same Here] Type Star Force
1024 club member: Collect all the Star Force (Created By TailsMK4)
Back from the Dead: Collect an Extra Life
Full Health: Collect an E-Tank
Full Energy: Collect an W-Tank
Remember me?!: Collect a Yasichi
Get Equipped with...: Collect 30 Abilities
Upgraded Arsenal: Collect 60 Abilities
Where did you find that weapon?: Collect 90 Abilities
The Classic Trio: Get Megaman, Protoman, and Bass
Burning Passion: Get all Flame Core Robots
Tsunami of Robots!: Get all Water Core Robots
Everything has Stopped: Get all Time Core Robots
Sliced in Half: Get all Cutter Core Robots
Boom goes the Dynamite!: Get all Explode Core Robots
Bad for the Environment: Get all Earth Core Robots
Kaze yo Tsutaete: Get all Wind Core Robots
Bling!: Get all Crystal Core Robots
Darkness Within: Get all Shadow Core Robots
Neutral is NOT Normal: Get all Neutral Core Robots
Power Surge: Get all Electric Core Robots
Ice Age Returns: Get all Freeze Core Robots
Impact Site: Get all Impact Core Robots
IMMA FIRIN' MA LAZERRRR!!!!!: Get all Laser Core Robots
Target in Sight: Get all Missile Core Robots
Nature's Wrath: Get all Nature Core Robots
Defensive Stance: Get all Shield Core Robots
Deep in Outer Space...: Get all Space Core Robots
I Can Run, and you Can't Hide!: Get all Swift Core Robots
To Stop War, You Need to Fight Me!: Get all of Dr. Light's Robots
Now No One Can Stop Me!: Get all of Dr. Wily's Robots
For Mother Russia!: Get all of Dr. Cossack's Robots
Doctor-Know-It-All: Have a doctor have all learnable abilities
Convention of Docs: Have all the doctors have all learnable abilities
3rd Time's the Charm!: Get all Gen. 3 robots
Maximum Power: Get 1 Robot to level 100
Maximum Power 2: Get 10 Robots to Level 100
Maximum Power 3: Get 20 Robots to Level 100
Maximum Power 4: Get 30 Robots to Level 100
Serious Firepower: Get 1 Robot to 9999 Attack
Serious Firepower 2: Get 10 Robots to 9999 Attack
Serious Firepower 3: Get 20 Robots to 9999 Attack
Serious Firepower 4: Get 30 Robots to 9999 Attack
Indestructible Wall: Get 1 Robot to 9999 Defense
Indestructible Wall 2: Get 10 Robots to 9999 Defense
Indestructible Wall 3: Get 20 Robots to 9999 Defense
Indestructible Wall 4: Get 30 Robots to 9999 Defense
Blue Blur**: Get 1 Robot to 9999 Speed
Blue Blur 2: Get 10 Robots to 9999 Speed
Blue Blur 3: Get 20 Robots to 9999 Speed
Blue Blur 4: Get 30 Robots to 9999 Speed
Deja Vu: Complete the Same Mission 10 Times
Mecha Leader: have all Mechas at lv. 100
Millionaire: Get 1 Million BP
Multi-Millionaire: Get 10 Million BP
Mega-Millionaire: Get 100 Million BP
Billionaire: Get 1 Billion BP
Multi-Billionaire: Get 5 Billion BP
MEGA-Billionaire: Get 10 Billion BP

Leaderboard Achievements:
Leading the Board: Make 50th place on the Leaderboard once
Leading the Board 2: Make 25th place on the Leaderboard once
Leading the Board 3: Make 10th place on the Leaderboard once
Leading the Board 4: Make 1st place on the Leaderboard once
Resume: Create a description on your Profile
Avatar: Change your avatar

Community Achievements:
Helpful Helper is Helpful: Become a staff member
Admin Accepted: Have Adrian Comment on one of your Threads
Weaving Threads: Create 50 Threads (Spamming doesn't count)
The Great Commentor: Post 100 Comments
Chatty Pants: Post 200 Comments
Fast Talker: Post 300 Comments
Gossip goes around: Post 400 Comments

Negative Achievements:
Wimp: Win a Battle using 8 Robots against 1
Coward: Flee 5 Battles
Loser: Lose 30 Battles
Addicted: Use 10 Items in 1 Battle
Zero Ecologist: Waste 15 Items in 1 Battle
Unqualified: Lose a battle without damaging the opposing team (Created by TailsMK4)
Suicide: Lose 1 vs 8 Match
Complete Failure: Lose 8 vs 1 Match
My Scheme for World Domination has Falid!: Lose the Same Mission 10 Times
What went wrong?!: Fail the same mission 100 Times
Roboenza is spreading...: Fail every single mission (minus Fusion Fields) 10 times
Maybe you should find a new hobby: Fail every single mission (minus fusion fields) 100 Times

Battle Achievements (Created by TailsMK4):
First KO: Defeat a Met[taur]
One-man Mission: Win a Battle using 1 Robot against 8
Copy Robot Destroyer: Destroy an opponent that's the same core type as you (Neutral and Copy don't count)
Spy Leader: Win a match against each of the top ten leaders on the leaderboard
I'm Invincible! (Name changed for Joke's Sake): Win a match without letting your robots take damage
Double Whammy: Defeat a Fusion Field Featuring 2 Robots of the same Core Type.
I'm not Dead Yet!: Win a Battle with all Robots under 50 energy
Last Hope: In a battle with 2 or more Robots on your team, Win the battle with your last robot.
Need Back Up!: Summon all the Mechas
Rock of Ages: Get Mega Man to lv. 100
Breaking the Limit: Get Proto Man to lv. 100
The Strongest Robot of All: Get Bass to lv. 100
Musical Harmony: Win a battle with only Copy Core robots and Neutral Core robots
OHKO!: Win a battle in a single turn
Marathon: In any location (besides Cossack Citadel), win a match in 28 turns or more.
Contender: Win a PvP battle against a player with 1 million BP or more
Worthy Opponent: Win a PvP battle against a player with 10 million BP or more
Giant Slayer: Win a PvP battle against a player with 100 million BP or more
Master of Disaster: Win a PvP battle against a player with 1 billion BP or more
True Legend: Win a PvP battle against a player with 10 billion BP or more
Diversity: Win a battle with 8 of the 20 types represented on your team
Moderate THIS: Win a PvP battle against a moderator
Develop THIS: Win a PvP battle against a developer
Create THIS: Win a PvP battle against Adrian Marceau
Globetrotter: Fight at least one battle in every available location (including Fusion Fields)
Ow: Without exploiting it's elemental weakness[es], perform an attack that does at least 100 damage to any Robot Master
Hey! That hurt!: Without exploiting it's elemental weakness[es], perform an attack that does at least 300 damage to any Robot Master
UNCLE! UNCLE!: Without exploiting it's elemental weakness[es], perform an attack that does at least 500 damage to any Robot Master
Mano a Mano: Win a 1-on-1 battle against any Robot Master
Girl Power!: Win a 3-on-8 battle with only Roll, Disco and Rhythm on your team
Absolute Zero: Bring a Robot Master's Attack, Defense or Speed down to 0 before defeating it
REVENGE: Lose 3 times to a player then Win 3 times to the same player
Super Effective: Destroy 10 Robots using a Super Effective Attack
Super Effective 2: Destroy 25 Robots using a Super Effective Attack
Super Effective 3: Destroy 50 Robots using a Super Effective Attack
Not Very Effective: Land 25 Not Very Effective Attacks
Not Very Effective 2: Land 50 Not Very Effective Attacks
Not Very Effective 3: Land 75 Not Very Effective Attacks
Shield-Breaker KO: Defeat a Robot Master that's sporting a Barrier or Shield status
Mercy KO: Defeat a Robot Master that's inflicted by a negative status (i.e. Oiled, Bubble Sprayed, etc.)
Close KO: Defeat a Robot Master with a team member whose HP is in the red
Flawless KO: Defeat a Robot Master with a team member that has 100% HP
Multi-Hitter KO: Defeat a Robot Master with an attack that can multi-hit
Double KO: Simultaneously defeat any 2 enemies with the same attack
Triple KO: Simultaneously defeat any 3 enemies with the same attack
Quadruple KO: Simultaneously defeat any 4 enemies with the same attack
Quintuple KO: Simultaneously defeat any 5 enemies with the same attack
Sextuple KO: Simultaneously defeat any 6 enemies with the same attack
Septuple KO: Simultaneously defeat any 7 enemies with the same attack
KO Spree: Simultaneously defeat 8 enemies with the same attack
Killer Confrontation: Beat Final Destination I (any player)
Cast into Darkness: Fail Final Destination II (any player)
Final Battle: Beat Final Destination II (any player)
ZYXWVUTSRQ...: Beat the Bonus Field II
You call this Teamwork?!: Beat Final Destination III (any player) with one of the robots represented (ex. Cut Man in MM1 Battle)

Weapon Achievements (Created by MegaBossMan):
Light Makes Right!: Use Light Buster 100 Times
The World is Mine!: Use Wily Buster 100 Times
Opa!: Use Cossack Buster 100 Times
Now you've got my Power!: Use Copy Shot 1 Time
Nooo! My Power!: Use Copy Shot 10 Times
Now I've got your powers!: Use Copy Shot 100 Times
Call for Back Up: Use Mecha Support 100 Times
Redecorater: Use Field Support 100 Times
Snip Snip: Use Rolling Cutter/Rising Cutter 100 Times
That Took Guts: Use Super Throw/Super Arm 100 Times
Shocking, Right?: Use Thunder Strike/Thunder Beam 100 Times
The Flames of Justice: User Fire Storm 100 Times
Really Cold: Use Ice Breath/Ice Slasher 100 Times
BOOM!: Use Hyper Bomb/Danger Bomb 100 Times
Too Slow!: Use Time Arrow/Time Slow 100 Times
Need a Refill?: Use Oil Shooter/Oil Slider 100 Times
Slice! Hehehe!: Use Metal Blade 100 Times
Bubbles!: Use Bubble Spray: Bubble Lead 100 Times
Kinda Hot in here...: Use Atomic Fire 100 Times
The Power of Nature: Use Leaf Shield 100 Times
I'll Blow you Away!: Use Air Shooter 100 Times
EXPLODE!: Use Crash Bomber 100 Times
Stop It!: Use Flash Stopper 100 Times
Don't Blink or You'll Miss Me!: Use Quick Boomerang 100 Times!
Getting the Point: Use Needle Cannon 100 Times (MM3 Weapon Achievements by Spinstrike
Master of Magnetism: Use Magnet Missile 100 Times
Seeing Double: Use Gemini Laser 100 Times
Hard Nut to Crack: Use Hard Knuckle 100 Times
Spin it to Win it: Use Top Spin 100 Times
Why did it have to be snakes?: Use Search Snake 100 Times
Sparks will Fly: Use Spark Shot 100 Times
Lurking in the Shadows: Use Shadow Blade 100 Times
Blinded Yet?: Use Bright Burst 100 Times
Rainy Day: Use Rain Flush 100 Times
Return of the Pharaoh: Use Pharaoh Shot 100 Times
Accuracy Missile: Use Dive Missile 100 Times
Your Execution Was My Pleasure!: Use Skull Barrier 100 Times
Ringing Them Up: Use Ring Boomerang 100 Times
Moving on with the Drill: Use Drill Blitz 100 Times
Sucks, doesn't it: Use Dust Crusher 100 Times
Get Equipped: Change a Robot's Abilities

Other Achievements:
Spread the Word!: Share the Game using Facebook or Google+
Reanimator: Use 100 1-ups
Drinking Problems: Use 100 E-Tanks
Reloading: Use 100 W-Tanks
Full Recovery: Use 100 Yasichis
Encyclopedia Bot: Complete the Database (For Games 1-5)
Wiley ran off with Gamma: Trade a Robot to another player
Underachiever: Complete any 5 other achievements
Believe, And You Shall Achieve: Complete any 15 other achievements [Underachiever counts]
Achiever: Complete any 30 other achievements
Achievement Seeker: Complete any 50 other achievements
Achievement Hunter: Complete any 75 other achievements
Overachiever: Complete any 105 other achievements
Achievementally Crazy: Complete any 140 other achievements
Achievementally Insane: Complete any 180 other achievements

Don't Be Afraid to send in some ideas!
Please only post achievements if it involves something that can be done.

* [Insert Type Here] Means Insert Flame, Water, Etc.
** Oh Yes I Did!
Achievement System
Posted by Retro Pikachu on February 17th, 2014 at 8:40pm
Viewed 2107 Times
2,413,905,683 BP
20 TP | 467 PP
Posted on February 17th, 2014 at 11:13pm
Posted 2014/02/17 at 11:13pm
In an attempt to get some discussions going for this, I'll mark which of these I have done myself:

Overall Achievements:

Blue Bomber: Done
Grey Destroyer: Done
Red Renegade: Done
Extra Spoils: Done
Completed Army: Done

Collecting Achievements:

[Insert Type Here] Collector: Done
Back from the Dead: Done
Full Health: Done
Full Energy: Done
Remember me?!: Done

Leaderboard Achievements:

Leading the Board: Done
Leading the Board 2: Done
Leading the Board 3: Done
Leading the Board 4: Incomplete
Resume: Done
Avatar: Done

Community Achievements:

Helpful Helper is Helpful: Incomplete
Admin Accepted: Incomplete

Grinding Achievements:

Maximum Power: Done
Maximum Power 2: Done
Maximum Power 3: Done
Maximum Power 4: Done
Serious Firepower: Done
Serious Firepower 2: Incomplete (I have 9 robots with 9999 and one robot at almost 9000)
Serious Firepower 3: Incomplete
Serious Firepower 4: Incomplete
Indestructible Wall: Done
Indestructible Wall 2: Done
Indestructible Wall 3: Incomplete
Indestructible Wall 4: Incomplete
Blue Blur (oh yes I did!): Done
Blue Blur 2: Incomplete
Blue Blur 3: Incomplete
Blue Blur 4: Incomplete

Negative Achievements:

Wimp: Incomplete (I cannot remember...I think I've used 8 against an RM and minions, but that was because I was trying to level everyone up at the same time)
Coward: Done
Loser: Done (Incomplete if the amount doesn't include Player Battles)
Addicted: Done (Back when the never-ending loading bug was still around)
Zero Ecologist: Done (Same as above)

Other Achievements:

Spread the Word!: Incomplete
Super Effective: Done
Super Effective 2: Done
Super Effective 3: Done
Not Very Effective: Done
Not Very Effective 2: Done
Not Very Effective 3: Done
One-man Mission: Done (I've won against the hardest teams using one robot)

New Achievements:

Collecting Achievements:

Starforce User: Collect all of the Field/Fusion Stars: Done

Negative Achievements:

Unqualified: Lose a match without the other team taking any damage: Done

New Category: Battle Achievements:

Copy Robot Destroyer: Destroy a robot of the same element as your current robot [Neutral and Copy elements banned]: Done (Time Man versus Bright Man)

Spy Leader: Win a match against each of the top 10 leaders on the leaderboard: Done

Invincible: Win a match without letting your robots take any damage: Done
^ Top
Retro Pikachu
3,561,826,418 BP
30 TP | 621 PP
Posted on February 18th, 2014 at 12:17am Edited on 2014/02/20 at 3:35pm
Posted 2014/02/18 at 12:17am Edited 2014/02/20 at 3:35pm
Guess I made a few things unclear:

1. [Insert Type Here] Means Flame, Water, Etc. Might want to make it clear which ones you completed
2. In the Achievement "Blue Blur" "Oh Yes I Did" is just my little note, not part of the name.

I'll be sure to change those, thanks for joining the topic!

EDIT: I May as well post my completions as well

Blue Bomber
Grey Destroyer
Red Renegade
Extra Spoils
Completed Army
Back from the Dead
Full Health
Full Energy
Leading The Board
Leading The Board 2
Leading The Board 3
Admin Accepted
Maximum Power
Maximum Power 2
Maximum Power 3
Maximum Power 4
Spread the Word!
Super Effective
Super Effective 2
Not Very Effective
One Man Mission
Copy Robot Destroyer
I'm Invincible!
^ Top
4,484,807,684 BP
46 TP | 1624 PP
Posted on February 18th, 2014 at 4:00pm
Posted 2014/02/18 at 4:00pm
How about some buster achievements?

"Light makes Right"-use the light buster 100 times
"The world is mine!"-use the Wily buster 100 times
"Opa!"-Use the Cossack buster 100 times
^ Top
- deleted -
116,512,060 BP
6 TP | 262 PP
Posted on February 19th, 2014 at 9:20pm
Posted 2014/02/19 at 9:20pm
For the Mega Man 3 abilities:

Getting The Point: Use Needle Cannon 100 times.
Master of Magnetism: Use Magnet Missile 100 times.
Seeing Double: Use Gemini Laser 100 times.
Hard Nut To Crack: Use Hard Knuckle 100 times.
Spin It To Win It: Use Top Spin 100 times.
Why Did It Have To Be Snakes?: Use Search Snake 100 times.
Sparks Will Fly: Use Spark Shock 100 times.
Lurking In The Shadows: Use Shadow Blade 100 times.
^ Top
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- deleted -
2,413,905,683 BP
20 TP | 467 PP
Posted on February 20th, 2014 at 2:55pm Edited on 2014/02/20 at 2:58pm
Posted 2014/02/20 at 2:55pm Edited 2014/02/20 at 2:58pm
Couple more for Negatives:

Suicide: Lose a 1 vs 8 robot match.

Complete Failure: Lose a 8 vs 1 robot match.
^ Top
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- deleted -
116,512,060 BP
6 TP | 262 PP
Posted on February 20th, 2014 at 5:08pm Edited on 2014/02/20 at 5:30pm
Posted 2014/02/20 at 5:08pm Edited 2014/02/20 at 5:30pm
More random ideas:

Double Whammy: Complete a fusion field featuring two robots of the same core type.

Underdog: Win a 1 vs. 8 match.

I'm Not Dead Yet!: Finish a battle with all robots under 50 energy.

For Everlasting Peace!: Complete the Prototype with every player character.

Calling For Backup: Use Mecha Support 100 times.

Redecorator: Use Field Support 100 times.

Reanimator: Use 100 1-Ups.

Drinking Problem: Use 100 E-Tanks.

Reloading: Use 100 W-Tanks.

Full Recovery: Use 100 Yasichis.

Get Equipped: Change a Robot's abilities.

Encyclopedia Bot: Complete the Database.

Deja Vu: Complete the same mission 10 times.
^ Top
4,484,807,684 BP
46 TP | 1624 PP
Posted on February 20th, 2014 at 7:42pm
Posted 2014/02/20 at 7:42pm
Chatty pants-post 200 comments.
Fast talker-post 300 comments.
Gossip goes around-post 400 comments.
^ Top
116,512,060 BP
6 TP | 262 PP
Posted on February 21st, 2014 at 9:35am Edited on 2014/02/21 at 9:43am
Posted 2014/02/21 at 9:35am Edited 2014/02/21 at 9:43am
My Scheme For World Domination has Falid!: Lose the same mission 10 times. (The misspelling is intentional, see Mega Man 6

Wiley Ran Off With Gamma!: Trade a robot to another player's team. (Another intentional misspelling, see Mega Man 3)

Start For The Battle Again!: Play the intro mission with any player after completing their story at least once. (See Mega Man 4)
^ Top
2,413,905,683 BP
20 TP | 467 PP
Posted on February 21st, 2014 at 11:28am
Posted 2014/02/21 at 11:28am
The Fight for World Justice Continues!: Complete the same mission 100 times.

Super Fighting Robot: Complete all missions (minus the Fusion Fields) 10 times.

All Evil Must be Purged: Complete all missions (minus the Fusion Fields) 100 times.

What Went Wrong?!: Fail the same mission 100 times.

Roboenza is spreading...: Fail all missions (minus the Fusion Fields) 10 times.

Maybe You Should Find a New Hobby: Fail all missions (minus the Fusion Fields 100 times.

Saving Private Megaman: Defeat one of the Mega Man Killers with Megaman in your team.

You were no match for their power...: Lose a battle against the Mega Man Killers.

Cast into the shadows...: Lose a battle against the Shadow copies of the three Copy Core robots.

Shadow Copy Destroyer: Win a battle against the Shadow copies of the three Copy Core robots.

You Call This Teamwork?!: Win one of the Final Destination III matches using a robot represented in that match (like using Cut Man in Dr. Light's story against the 8 MM1 robots).

You are our Last Hope: In a battle with more than 1 Robot Master on your team, win a battle with the last remaining robot on your team.

You Get Equipped With...: Obtain 30 abilities.

Upgrading Your Arsenal: Obtain 60 abilities.

Where Did You Find That Weapon?: Obtain 90 abilities.

The Ultimate Support: Obtain Roll, Disco, and Rhythm.
^ Top
8,576,636 BP
3 TP | 38 PP
Posted on February 22nd, 2014 at 9:49am
Posted 2014/02/22 at 9:49am
Now you've got my weapon!: Use the Copy Shot 1 time.
Nooo! My power!: Use the Copy Shot 10 times.
Now I've got your powers!: Use the Copy Shot 100 times.

I doubt you can even steal 100 abilities, but did I ever say you had to use it successfully?
^ Top
4,484,807,684 BP
46 TP | 1624 PP
Posted on February 26th, 2014 at 7:07pm
Posted 2014/02/26 at 7:07pm
The classic trio: Get Mega Man, Proto Man, and Bass.
To stop war, you need to fight!: Get all of Light's robots.
Now no one can stop me!- Get all of Wily's robots
For mother Russia!-Get all of Cossack's robots
Burning passion- Get Heat Man, Fire Man, and Pharaoh Man.
^ Top
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961,059,635 BP
2 TP | 60 PP
Posted on July 31st, 2014 at 10:15pm Edited on 2014/09/09 at 1:10pm
Posted 2014/07/31 at 10:15pm Edited 2014/09/09 at 1:10pm
May I add some? You can change the names if you like. If I somewhat misunderstood a certain achievement, and I have put something who is already existing, just tell me.

Need Back Up!: Summon all Mechas
Mecha Leader: have all Mechas reach Lv.100
Doctor-Know-it-all: Have a doctor know all learnable abilities
Genius Masterminds: Have two doctors know all learnable abilities
A Convention of Docs: have all doctors know all learnable abilities
Glorious Master: Have all 5 marks in your profile (Finished all 3 stories using all docs and became 1st place)
^ Top

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