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Mega Man RPG Prototype General Discussion

4,279,483,687 BP
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Alright now, a while back y'all may rember How Mike did the Quiz thing and Tails did the Jeopardy thing. Those were pretty great, it put more people in the chat, people were all around just having a great time. Now, this brings me to my great idea that totally won't go wrong at all trust me,
How this will work!
For those that don't know already, Jackbox is a party game. There is three Jackbox games, each with a few different selections of games. For a example, in Jackbox 3, there is a game where you have to draw the best shirt and a caption for said shirt, all while anime-esque visuals play. For each game, usually up to 8 players can join, and the remaining players can be a audience member. I'll be livestreaming the game at 7 PM CST (Central Standard Time) every Saturday night till this dies off. To join the game, before the game starts a code will appear. Put in that code, along with your name, and you be able to join the game at . If you are late or the game is full, you will be a audience member. I'll play three different games each time.
The rules!
Rule #1 Please, all answers have to follow MMRPG rules.
Rule #2 Just have fun. Other than following basic MMRPG rules, just have fun, and don't spoil the fun for others.

Next game: Friday the 3rd, 7 PM CST, 8 PM EST
The Super Horribad Semi-Weekly Night Jackbox Party!
Posted by ThatOneEnder on December 26th, 2016 at 1:01pm
Viewed 722 Times


3,608,619,115 BP
15 TP | 657 PP
Posted on December 26th, 2016 at 1:58pm
Posted 2016/12/26 at 1:58pm
Oh, cool! This sounds like a great idea; I'll make it if I can.
^ Top
4,279,483,687 BP
10 TP | 592 PP
Posted on December 26th, 2016 at 7:05pm Edited on 2016/12/27 at 3:00pm
Posted 2016/12/26 at 7:05pm Edited 2016/12/27 at 3:00pm
Hey everyone. Quick update: I'll be doing the first stream early! When? The same time as normal-But tonight instead of this Saturday! The next game's date won't be affected, so don't worry. Think of this as a test to see if people will actually like this or not.

Here is a quick poll before I start:
And here is the link to the stream when it starts: (Youtube Gaming) (Normal Youtube)

Edit: Stream's over. That was a lot of fun! Here is the link to the archieves! (Warning: Some of the drawings by NiceIce are a little on the NSFW/MMRPG Rule breaking side.)
^ Top
4,279,483,687 BP
10 TP | 592 PP
Posted on December 31st, 2016 at 4:09pm Edited on 2016/12/31 at 9:19pm
Posted 2016/12/31 at 4:09pm Edited 2016/12/31 at 9:19pm
Quick reminder that the first official-non test-Jackbox party will be tonight, so get ready!
I (and a few great suggestions by people in the chat) also made a MMRPG-Pack for Quiplash 2, so far those that have Jackbox 3, they will be able to play it using the code LGG-QSLF.

Link to the stream when it starts:
(I'm using Twitch this time because setting it up for Youtube was harder than Twitch, and Twitch is actually made for streaming better than Youtube is, I will be uploading the archives on Youtube though.)

Stream is over! The next Jackbox will be on January the 7th. Happy New Years, same time, by the way!
^ Top
4,279,483,687 BP
10 TP | 592 PP
Posted on January 20th, 2017 at 4:59pm Edited on 2017/01/22 at 11:40am
Posted 2017/01/20 at 4:59pm Edited 2017/01/22 at 11:40am
Sorry for being really really really really late! I'll be making up for it my doing a extra long game tonight, and another tomorrow night! Same times as always, and the twitch link is here:

Edit, tonight's extra long stream is done. Tomorrow's will be at the same time. I meant today, t-totally.
^ Top
4,279,483,687 BP
10 TP | 592 PP
Posted on January 28th, 2017 at 8:01pm
Posted 2017/01/28 at 8:01pm
Alright, tonight's stream is starting in 10ish minutes and yes I know that I should have made the thread updated but shhhHHhhhhhh

a-and i meant tonight...t-t-t-totally
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