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Adrian Marceau
Adrian Marceau
113,913,695 BP
204 TP | 518 PP
As some of you may have noticed by now, several new Flame Type abilities have been added to the database and one existing one has been revised to make it more consistent with the other new ones. These new abilities function as elemental Boost / Break moves for Flame Core robots and while they may be slightly less powerful than their Neutral Type counterparts, they have much more potential in battle.

The first of these abilities are the "boost" types - Attack Blaze, Defense Blaze, and Speed Blaze. These abilities allow a robot to boost it's own Attack, Defense, or Speed by 10%. Because these moves are Flame Type they get to benefit from Core Boosts and Field Multipliers, meaning a robot like Fire Man would get a 15% boost instead of 10% by default and - if used on the right field - that boost could be doubled to 30%!

Attack Blaze
Attack Blaze

Defense Blaze
Defense Blaze

Speed Blaze
Speed Blaze

The second set of abilities are the "break" types and function as you might expect - the user breaks down the target's systems lowering Attack, Defense, or Speed by 10%. The ability names are Attack Burn, Defense Burn, and Speed Burn. Like the boost moves above these benefit from Core Boosts and Field Multipliers, but because they're being used against the opponent they also benefit from Weaknesses, Resistances, etc. This means under the right circumstances (Fire Man versus Wood Man on the Preserved Forest Base field, for example), an ability like Attack Burn can deal up to 60% damage! Needless to say these abilities can be incredibly useful.

Attack Burn
Attack Burn

Defense Burn
Defense Burn

Speed Burn
Speed Burn

Three of the existing robots masters have had their Level Up abilities altered to include these new abilities - Fire Man, Heat Man, and Pharaoh Man. Fire Man learns two of the attack moves, Heat Man learns two of the defense moves, and Pharaoh Man learns two of the speed moves. Because Fire Man and Heat Man are available through normal play, obtaining their moves should be pretty easy, but because Pharaoh is currently not unlockable the only way to get his moves are with the Copy Shot.

I'm really excited to have finally added these abilities, and look forward to many more like them for the other 18 types! Let me know what you all think, and thanks again for playing! :D
New Abilities : Attack Burn, Attack Blaze, Defense Burn, Defense Blaze, Speed Burn, Speed Blaze
Posted by Adrian Marceau on July 4th, 2013 at 12:45pm
Viewed 1174 Times


1,763,051,433 BP
3 TP | 24 PP
Posted on July 5th, 2013 at 3:56am
Posted 2013/07/05 at 3:56am
Great!!! I love the idea!!!
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
113,913,695 BP
204 TP | 518 PP
Posted on July 5th, 2013 at 6:35pm
Posted 2013/07/05 at 6:35pm
Haha, I know you love the idea - you suggested it! :P But really, I'd always planned to add more of these types of abilities, it's just that they take a long time and I was focusing on other things. >_> But I'm glad you pushed me to get 'em done faster and I'm glad I added a few more to the prototype. Really fun to play with, and definitely a "game changer" as far as battle strategy. Can't wait to add more! :D
^ Top
The Keep Man
834,574 BP
11 TP | 81 PP
Posted on July 6th, 2013 at 6:29pm
Posted 2013/07/06 at 6:29pm
Its awesome... Now i have new "copy shot" objetives ^^
And is a great idea!
^ Top

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This game is fan-made by Adrian Marceau, not affiliated or endorsed by Capcom at all, and is in no way official. Any and all feedback is appreciated. :)