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Hello everyone. Today I'll be explaining the changes that were made to the Mega Man 2 robots, about 2 months ago. I know it's really unnecessary at this point, but I want to clear up a couple of things. So here goes.

Nothing major was done in the stats section, since they were already well balanced. I just adjusted them one point here and there to make them look irregular. But weaknesses/resistances were adjusted a bit more. Probably the biggest question, and the whole point why I even wrote this post, is Crash Man's weakness to Shield Type. Crash Man's only real weakness in Mega Man 2 is in fact, Air Shooter. His weakness is Rolling Cutter in Mega Man: The Power Battle, but staying true to the main series, Cutter Type couldn't be his weakness, because he takes no damage from Metal Blade. Originally being weak to Flame Type and Wind Type, Crash Man had only one real weakness. That was until I found out that Crash Man was defeated with the help of LeafShield in Mega Man Archie Comics.

Other changes that I can actually remember are Air Man gaining resistance against Water Type, and Metal Man gaining resistance to either Wind or Nature.

Those were the main changes done to Mega Man 2 in the "rebalancing project". Next time I'll try to remember something about Mega Man 3.
Stat & Weakness Updates : Mega Man 2 Robots
Posted by Brorman on July 24th, 2013 at 4:40am
Viewed 1126 Times


11,963,518 BP
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Posted on July 24th, 2013 at 10:41am
Posted 2013/07/24 at 10:41am
Pretty interesting there. The Leaf Shield in Archie, huh...
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Adrian Marceau
113,913,695 BP
204 TP | 518 PP
Posted on July 24th, 2013 at 7:41pm
Posted 2013/07/24 at 7:41pm
Thank you for posting this article - I really want people to be able to see what goes on behind the scenes and maybe get a better understanding of why things are the way they are. You've done a great job with the weaknesses, and I enjoy reading your journeys and thought-processes as you balanced the robots.

I had no idea the Archie comic was the reason behind Crash Man's Shield weakness! I thought you were just trying to give the type more exposure, but this is even better. :D I think that this game can and should incorporate not just the official canon, but also fan and/or extended universe canon where it makes sense - given the nature of the project it feels appropriate to treat it as a tribute to the entirety of the Mega Man fandom and not limit it to official games.

I should also mention that I really enjoyed your use of type-colouring in this article! I hope more people become comfortable with using the style/formatting options in the future - they add a lot of visual flare to an otherwise neutral/dark website design!

Let me just end this by saying "thank you" again for all you've done. Your research and choices have really helped to enrich the game's universe, and I want you to know how much I appreciate your hard work and professionalism. :)
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3,476,634 BP
17 TP | 91 PP
Posted on July 28th, 2013 at 1:40am
Posted 2013/07/28 at 1:40am
So, another user who reads the comics. Are you a casual reader of the series or a collector?
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30,135,830 BP
15 TP | 139 PP
Posted on July 28th, 2013 at 9:33am
Posted 2013/07/28 at 9:33am
I actually found the fact on MMKB. I really wish I could read the Archie comic, it looks great. So yeah, I've never read the actual comic itself.
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3,476,634 BP
17 TP | 91 PP
Posted on July 28th, 2013 at 1:15pm Edited on 2013/07/28 at 1:22pm
Posted 2013/07/28 at 1:15pm Edited 2013/07/28 at 1:22pm
@ Brorman
There's always that very popular video site that has the word 'tube' in it somewhere. That is if you can't read the comics regularly like if from another country or something.
The MM series was the first comic I ever tried to seriously collect as it's the first one I ever started from #1. Though convention variants easily killed my collection unfortunately.
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